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Everything posted by matmacwc

  1. Keys visited Shaw as the ACC/CC when I was there, briefing for him was given in our mass brief room. I printed out 10 copies of his letter and was going to post them in the bathroom, I got told to shut up and color.
  2. So they are trying to prevent future leadership embarrassment by vetting the public life of its people? OK, if that’s what we’re doing.
  3. And there is your “good” thing about this extreme off topic. Please keep it on point and carry on in the finance thread, or ClearedHots, “My Little Pony” thread. @ClearedHot
  4. Or to upload a YouTube video, or like certain things on Facebook, or giving a conservative talk on a college campus. Identity politics are a dangerous game festering on one side of the aisle, and it backfired. I think SS is right, the (D)s short term political gain is coming home to roost.
  5. Liberal morality. That’s funny.
  6. I think VP Pence is announcing the new space force right now
  7. Come on now! I’m only a couple years older than you!
  8. Meh, for the most part if they keep wearing vagina hats and drooling over socialists, I don't think the American electorate is going to shift much. I also think they are trying the same hype train of polls and their own arrogance to try and foreshadow the midterms. The debt sucks, I wish it was addressed but I know there is only politicians with (R)'s behind their name that would possibly address it (the few) and most of the (D)'s were complaining about a debt ceiling a few years ago. Nice try.
  9. A night...... Bringing up old shit, somebody tell that asshole to check in.
  10. That would probably keep in 75%, they might have a winner.
  11. ^This, plus. saying Obama is a centrist is a physiological trick and a subtle but powerful lie. People that want the USA to lurch left Will claim this to show anything right of him is extreme. They pulled this in most Latin American countries and has worked.
  12. Said no one that read his history, ever. Centrist don’t hang out with weather underground or reshape the economy putting 20% under government control. I don’t think there is any worry history will remember him as a centrist, or a good president for that matter. Love or hate Trump, I think his election is a direct response to Obama. They couldn’t be more different if they tried.
  13. So, as a former T-38 instructor I can get the centerline thing removed with just a little paperwork?
  14. You worked on getting people to work at their home job while deployed, you sir, are the devil.
  15. Opt out, move along. Seriously folks, at some point in the last 2 decades I heard there might be a reg that says nothing can take you past your initial commitment, not even a training ADSC. I’d also look up indentured servitude, might be something there for you serious folks. I’d do it but I gots my DD-214
  16. Well, a fighter pilot song isn't really the same.
  17. You're going have a bunch of angry B-course IP's and a disappointed CAF, but the experiment is supposed to end at Kelly I believe, and hope.
  18. Or the T-6 EM diagram? I can't imagine fighting P-factor during BFM, or make believe BFM as it was. Or the qual syllabus the T-6's IPs did to become T-6 IFF special ops fighter pilots.
  19. With who? The T-6 IFF squadron at Burpelson AFB? They didn’t do IFF.
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