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Everything posted by HerkFE

  1. Revival: The links to the .ppt do not work anymore. Does someone out there have the file and can post again?
  2. Any recent word on how the loadmasters are doing?
  3. I would need those instructions in a Powerpoint.
  4. Check your PM. I attached a file but it doesn't look like the attachment went. Let me know and I'll resend if you didn't get it.
  5. I've got a bud who is an ALO now. He said he was interviewing an Academy applicant who was the ideal candidate. He said this kid had everything...a shoe-in, couldn't have asked for a better applicant. He asked him if he had ever smoked pot. The kid said he tried it once and never touched it again. My bud wanted to do exactly what the Tsg did for you but he said there was someone else in the room who heard it. Apparently he was able to talk to the kid a few minutes later and kind of explained to him what that answer did for him. The kid said he was just being honest. Kudos to him for having integrity I guess.
  6. You can also just say "FUBIJAR" or "You see that in the Guard" and press.
  7. Was just out in Seattle and went to the Boeing Museum. I asked if they gave a Military Discount, "Yes". I asked how much..."100%". Normal price of admission is $17. Military = FREE
  8. Just got word that it was a CLT plane and CLT crew.
  9. I would have to rank her second to the mom of the kid that Debra LaFave was doing. I would never forgive my mom for messing that up.
  10. Hey, people remark all the time about how accurate his instruments are . I mean, come on, that's fairly common banter around the FBO......."Dude, I flew 56S the other day. Most MF'ing tight instruments EVER. I crossed CYN dead fuckin center"
  11. DAMN! You had to go there
  12. If you can hook up with the right people and agree to fly a gutted out Cessna 310, I hear you can actually make some money going down there. But seriously....If you know someone who works for the airlines ask for a buddy pass. It will cost you a little and you will be flying standby but generally flying international isn't too bad on a buddy pass. It is actually easier to fly international than domestic on a buddy pass from what I have seen. A round trip from Atlanta to Munich is a little less than $500. I haven't looked at prices for South American destinations but I would imagine they are roughly the same. I think the price is roughly based on the flying time and Santiago Chile is about the same flying time as Munich from Atlanta.
  13. 2...and follow up with a visit to the Haufbrahaus.
  14. If it's not too late for you, I would suggest finding a girl who works for the airlines...that's what I did. Makes your possibilities nearly endless. Space A on a 767 with lay flat seats and unlimited free drinks is much better than anything the military has to offer as well. Since that's probably not an option for you in the near term, I would pick Germany unless you've already been. Edit to add: I just say Germany because you can probably actually get there Space A then hop the trains to get to other cool places in Europe.
  15. Definitely practice the "hidden picture" method that catbox brought up. I read about it on this board in another thread and never had trouble passing it after using that method.
  16. Paul Revere and She's Crafty, my favs
  17. True. Everything that I have in life I would still have even if I had no medals. Well, okay, I'm lying. I picked up my wife when I showed her my Air Medal Citations. I still get them out from time to time if I need to "get her in the mood".
  18. I know that Benadryl and OTC sleep aids have the same active ingredient and Benadryl is cheaper....had a pharmacist point this out to me once. Of course this was before I knew anything about Ambien or Restoril....which would also work great but you would need a prescription for that. You wouldn't want to find someone who just happened to have a spare or two because that wouldn't be right. Anyway, back to the Benadryl. I think the active ingredient added to the Tylenol PM to make it "PM" is also the same as Benadryl. I know you didn't say anything about having a sleeping problem but I've never been nervous while I was asleep.
  19. I may have my years confused. Thinking back now, it was summer of 2005 that this happened. My AC explained what happened to the DO and let him know that we wouldn't be doing that again. He let him know that we would RTB the next time if our only option was an ILS. The attitude of ATC there had been going downhill for a while and that was brought up as well. After the DO had the meeting the next day, ATC had a very different attitude for the rest of the time we were there. They actually seemed happy to be there and to be of service to us. These were the enroute/approach dudes and they were military if I remember correctly. I think only the towers were contract/civilian at that time.
  20. Not sure how many times this happened but I was there in '04 and it happened to us. My AC (LTC, 7,000 hr Herk dude) went ape shit when we asked for the tactical arrival and was told he was only getting the ILS. We had planned an ERO at Baghdad but we shut down so that he could go inside to "speak" to the ATC Chief on the phone. I was told that the DO was on a Herk the very next morning to have a face to face with ATC after the incident. We never had to do another ILS after that. Just wondering if you may be speaking of our incident ???
  21. Do you know where to go to get more info on this? My wife hits 20 next month and is ready to go but she has mentioned that she wouldn't be opposed to doing some IRR stuff for points. We are going to join CAP anyway (Went to our first meeting last week......I know, flame away) so that would be good if she could get some points too.
  22. So three of the Air Force Reserve Bands are getting cut. We are going from 13 bands down to 10. Such a sad day...... http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.macon.com%2F2012%2F03%2F10%2F1939743%2Fdisbanding.html%3Fstorylink%3Daddthis%23.T11QvH6wsal.facebook&h=EAQFyodceAQFhnqNMLU3VJ4DofPCRa93-76qhkl1DkV72aw “We knew we were going to play in it somehow,” he said. “You can’t ask folks to stand down fighter wings and not stand down a band. It’s just sad, and it’s unfortunate it happened here.”..............You shouldn't shut down a single unit that contributes to the fight before shutting down ALL bands. THIRTEEN Bands in AFRC. UFB! How many on AD? How many Tops in Blow bands are there? I know, we've beat this dead horse enough. Eng out.
  23. Anyone see Newt's recent comments on Afghanstan? I'm too busy right now to find a link but he shacked it. He basically said that you can't help someone who has been miserable for thousands of years and sometimes you just have to let them be miserable. Edit to add: "It's not possible to fix Afghanistan."
  24. Get our people out of there, turn two keys and press a button. Make that $hithole a sheet of glass.
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