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Everything posted by HerkFE

  1. DAMN, how 'bout a NSFW warning next time.
  2. Gotta disagree with you a little. I know an O-4 who got one (Tactics desk at Manas) and he kicked no ass. Kissed, yes.....Kicked, no. Wrote his own citation once and it got shot down. Re-wrote it and it got approved. SMDH
  3. I think we could break off and start a new thread and just use that gif as the original post. I predict 69 pages in the first week. ETA: Damn, I still laugh my ass off at that. At Maxwell Billeting that is the standard greeting look. "Hello, how are you today? Am I in the right place to get a room?"
  4. AAAAAmen....THE #1 reason I got the Fvck out absolutely as soon as possible. The Air Force has recently adopted the "one shit his pants, everyone wears diapers" mentality....the Navy invented it. I was on a six year enlistment and was able to work a six month early release. It took the entire five previous years of planning but my plan worked. I say again, the most miserable time of my life..... and I had a pretty decent job (backshop Avionics) so I wasn't doing the really shitty work like some poor bastards. The Navy also had too much division among the ranks. I understand the whole O/E, non-fraternizing blah, blah, blah thing but the Navy takes it to another level. When you have seperate everything for nearly every f'ing paygrade it gets ridiculous. We, no shit, had a seperate dining area in the chow hall at tech school for E-4's. On the boat, E-6's got "head of the line" in the scumbag E-6 and below chow hall. E-7-E-9 had their own chow hall and O's had their own chow hall. At the place I worked at when not at sea (NAS Oceana) we had a restroom for E-7 and up. Working mids once and a dude I was working with had the shits, took off running down the hall (this was at 2am) and realized he wasn't going to make it to the E-6 and below shitter so he diverted to the E-7 shitter. Just so happened the only E-7 in the building that night happened to walk in while this dude was having a blow out. The E-7 stood outside and waited for him to come out and chewed his ass for using his shitter.
  5. Had to call "knock it off" at the :07 mark
  6. You DEFINITELY need to stay away from the Air Force. You don't have what it takes to be a leader in today's Air Force. You would never be promoted above Lt asking silly questions like this.
  7. That's some funny shit right there. I don't care who you are.
  8. HerkFE


    Everyone check your sarcasm detector. We think there may be a bad lot coming from depot.
  9. HerkFE


    Just in case you have to divert to a $100 hamburger location, the local chicks dig it.
  10. HerkFE


    Yes, I had flown that morning in the Herk and had a last minute call from my instructor (working on my instrument rating at the time). He had some last minute availability that day and was canceling an appointment later in the week. I could have walked from the squadron to the aero club. My house (and short pants) was about 25 miles away. This is at Maxwell. For all you who have been there, our squadron is at the base of the tower and you probably know where the aero club is from there. This was July 7 (I believe) at Maxwell....trust me, I wasn't hanging out in my bag to be cool. Fortunately, I was wearing my helmet when we hit that hole in the pasture which protected my nugget when my head hit the roof The oxygen mask and Ray Bans I kept on strictly to impress the locals who showed up when they saw us land.
  11. HerkFE


    I put an aero club 172 in a field once when the engine gave up the ghost. Didn't put a scratch on it. I must have been on some type of order that day since I was still wearing my bag. Maybe I should submit for one.
  12. I'll give you some serious advise even though I was just a low life, enlisted, sweaty. Spent 5 1/2 years in the Navy (2 cruises on a carrier and all the associated work ups for said cruises). Got out and was in the Air Guard 15 days after separating from the Navy.. spent about nine years there then went AF Reserve for 8 1/2 years. The Navy sucks, that is all. I had people try to tell me that before I went in but I was a know it all (not implying that you are) and didn't listen. Most miserable 5.5 years of my life. I did find a few people who had been in the Navy and said they loved it. I listened to them (you know, pick and choose who you listen to...just looking for the answer that I wanted to hear at the time). Hindsight being what it is...they were losers and it probably was the best thing that ever happened to them. Edit to add: I give everyone who asks my opinion on what branch to join this: During my 23 years I know of three people who went from the AF to another branch. All three of those were guys who got flying slots in the Army. I ran out of fingers and toes and friend's fingers and toes counting the number of people that I know in the AF who came from another branch. Several hundred.
  13. I wonder who invited Rainman to the party?
  14. Good. I began to think that maybe a renegade band of shoeclerks from that other forum had captured him and he hadn't been able to E&E yet. "Truncated icosahedrons" ... smaller words please for us sweaties. According to Wikipedia: In geometry, the truncated icosahedron is an Archimedean solid, one of thirteen convex isogonal nonprismatic solids whose faces are two or more types of regular polygons. It has 12 regular pentagonal faces, 20 regular hexagonal faces, 60 vertices and 90 edges. Fvck me....I must really be stupid. I'm more confused now. Time to start drinking. Edit to add wikipedia stuff
  15. Damn...I'm speechless. This makes the dude filming the AWAC "spraying chemicals" sound like Einstein.
  16. Those silly Wackers. Now THIS is how to lay down a muhfvckin' chemtrail....
  17. That's awesome. I see nothing wrong with it.
  18. I hope these idiots don't catch on to the invisible chemicals that the Herk puts out. We do a better job at dispersing them since we fly at lower altitudes and have those big diffusers in front of the wings to spread them out over a wider area.
  19. My bad. What was I thinking? Nothing to see here. Move along.
  20. From the Fvcktard files. I swear this has to have been posted on here somewhere but I couldn't find it. HOLY crap. F'in AWACs are being used against us.....
  21. Holy S! I may come out of retirement if this is true. If the reflective belt factory blew up, it would be a done deal.
  22. The latest: An attorney for the owner of a plane in Jasper said Friday he never gave approval for a late-night flight that crashed and killed three teenagers. Herbie Brewer, attorney for Jasper businessman Ray Whitworth, said the fatal flight Tuesday night was an unauthorized joy ride and that the 17-year-old student pilot was not trained to fly the twin-engine plane. “This is the first time that young man had ever gotten in the plane, and he did it without Mr. Whitworth’s permission,” Brewer said in a phone interview. The Piper PA 30 took off about 10:30 p.m. Tuesday from the Walker County Airport with skies overcast and clouds low. It crashed about a mile south of the airport, killing student pilot Jordan Smith of Jasper and two of his friends, Jordan Montgomery, 17, and Brandon Ary, 19, both of Arley. Smith’s mother, Sherrie Smith, said Wednesday her son had flown the plane before and had the owner’s permission to be in it, but Brewer said that was incorrect. He said Whitworth took Smith for a flight about two years ago in another plane when the young man expressed interest in flying, but Smith had never used the twin-engine plane. “He entered the airport and took the plane without permission,” the lawyer said. Smith had been taking flying lessons at the airport, but Whitworth is not a flight instructor and had not given any lessons, Brewer said. The plane was owned by HiFlight Aviation, which is a limited liability corporation Whitworth formed in 2010. The Federal Aviation Administration said its records show HiFlight Aviation bought the Piper PA 30 in May 2010. The company applied to the FAA for registration, but the application was returned to HiFlight in June 2010 for correction. The FAA said it received no response and canceled the registration that summer. Brewer said Whitworth had brought the plane up to federal flight standards and planned to get it registered with the FAA. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the cause of the crash. Brewer said Whitworth is cooperating and has supplied plane records to the board. http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/viewart/20130105/NEWS02/301050019/Fatal-flight-Plane-s-owner-didn-t-OK-trip-Teen-pilot-s-joy-ride-claimed-3-young-lives-Tuesday
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