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Everything posted by Fuzz

  1. Fuzz

    Gun Talk

    There is a way but nobody is gonna like it because it won't be pretty. I'm not advocating for it but if the LEOs and Federal agents choose to enforce it (which I think a vast majority will say no thanks) there might something that is impossible to reverse once started.
  2. You won't go to IFS till you get to your UPT base, doubtful your Det. can do anything since the RIPs and orders are handled by your student squadron at the base. Doesn't hurt to ask your cadre but don't be surprised if you get a "what???" look.
  3. Fuzz

    Gun Talk

    How about you be reasonable to me? My guns aren't doing anything to you so why should you care? Yet liberals want to stick their ugly mug into my business and the business of 40% of the adult population because 4 people (0.000000017% of the adult population) broke the laws. You cry there will be blood in the street yet with 80 million gun owners and 300 million weapons the country should look like the Cambodian killing fields by your logic but they don't; so who is being unreasonable here?
  4. Fuzz

    Gun Talk

    Again nsplyr your true colors come out, I respect and am thankful for the fact that there are people in the LEO community who value the constitution and the right to self-defense. (no I'm not a member) An excellent but lengthy article on the fallacy of gun control and also things such as arming teachers, gun confiscation ect. http://larrycorreia.wordpress.com/2012/12/20/an-opinion-on-gun-control/
  5. Fuzz

    Gun Talk

    Yes because no commander would EVER abuse that authority... This is not people who are actively seeking mental help only, if that was the case I would be alright with that. The act says "may ask those who they THINK are at risk", so does that mean the SF team that just got back from deployment, ect.? What about commanders making the case that they need to be knowledgeable about which people own firearms "so they can be better prepared"? Do you see where I'm going with this? The base commander at Ft. Sill, tried to force all members of his command to register and store their personal firearms in base armory even if they live off base.
  6. Well we have officially hit rock bottom... http://hotair.com/greenroom/archives/2013/01/08/bad-news-poll-finds-congress-less-popular-than-nickelback/ When asked if they have a higher opinion of either Congress or a series of unpleasant or disliked things, voters said they had a higher opinion of root canals (32 for Congress and 56 for the dental procedure), NFL replacement refs (29-56), head lice (19-67), the rock band Nickelback (32-39), colonoscopies (31-58), Washington DC political pundits (34- 37), carnies (31-39), traffic jams (34-56), cockroaches (43-45), Donald Trump (42-44), France (37-46), Genghis Khan (37-41), used-car salesmen (32-57), and Brussels sprouts (23-69) than Congress. Congress did manage to beat out telemarketers (45-35), John Edwards (45-29), the Kardashians (49-36), lobbyists (48-30), North Korea (61-26), the ebola virus (53-25), Lindsay Lohan (45-41), Fidel Castro (54-32), playground bullies (43-38), meth labs (60- 21), communism (57-23), and gonorrhea (53-28).
  7. So far from the truth, I know guys who tried hard than most of their classmates combined, studying, chairflying ect. but didn't make it through. It is so much harder to get eliminate from UPT, mainly because they are trying to train you not eliminate you.
  8. So a racist staffed her clinic with blacks instead of whites? I wonder if there was an ulterior motive to achieve an end goal or she wasn't actually a racist? Come on engage your brain, she spoke at KKK rallies and then went and championed birth control in black churches. Everything she published spoke eugenics and the "fit" and "unfit", if you read just a little bit of her work it isn't hard to figure out who falls into what category.
  9. If every white person of the day actively tried to exterminate the African American population, along with the mentally ill and others then yes she was just like them.
  10. Yes because continually kicking out the guys that are experts at their jobs because they aren't 4 star general material really improves our capabilities and expertise. FFS some of the most knowledgeable people in a squadron is the crusty TSgt. or the Major that's been around since the AAF. I'm not sure I'm getting what you are saying here, but last I checked we weren't in the business of peace (unless of course you mean maintaining peace after we kicked somebody's ass).
  11. "the president said to me, 'We don't have a spending problem.' " Get ready for more taxes and spending! http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323482504578225620234902106.html?mod=rss_opinion_main
  12. “There may be good and sufficient reasons for that, but the concern is you can’t treat these RPA operators as second-class citizens and expect that to be the core of the Air Force of the future”
  13. I love how democrats love planned parenthood, considering the founder was a huge racist. Morally I'm opposed to it but like Lloyd said they are out producing responsible people
  14. Damn beat me to it, if not there probably wherever the Gen. Schwartz and Welsh got their uniforms for their change of command.
  15. Sorry congressman, but because someone doesn't do their job doesn't mean you stop doing yours and start playing thier game; you are mandated to pass a budget not "continuing resolutions". You have fallen again for the taxes now, spending cuts later which we have seen over and over again never come (republicans have been trying this since Regan), you refuse to learn the democrats will never keep their side of the deal. However, if history is any indication, when this comes up again you will cave again because you are more concerned with your supposed public perception and popularity (especially with a media that hates you and always will) than you are with actually doing the job your constituents sent you to do. You might be my representative, since he (and my senators) voted for it and sadly to say there is a time to say enough to this buffoonery and elect people who will have the determination to do what needs to be done, not give weeping speeches and then vote the other way. ETA: punctuation is important
  16. He seemed like a great guy, idk if it was ultimately his decision (that was what I was told, but we also got a new wing king at the same time) but I was TDY off and on from the time he took over till I PCS'd so I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on. Yeah I remember hearing about the Friday patches, did T-6 guys loose all their patches? Care to elaborate on the shenanigans? +1 on the prior leadership, some great leaders and exemplary role models for the younger guys, I can't count how many times Col. Mack stopped me and other studs in the squadron hallways just to ask how we were doing.
  17. Because Reid follows the president, so once the president gives the blessing the dems will fall inline.
  18. Because at Vance any on flying status didn't have to wear blues, so basically once you started UPT till the time you PCS'd the only time your blues saw sunlight was if you screwed up or graduation day. New OG/CC took over and decided if you weren't scheduled to fly you were in blues about 2 months ago. Guess they have to make up for the years that they had it good.
  19. Fuzz

    Gun Talk

    This probably had something to do with it: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/18/gunmaker-investments-newtown_n_2325323.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003 They are one their way back up today after the President's Speech; 6% & 8% respectively.
  20. Fuzz

    Gun Talk

    http://www.theblaze....-firearm-sales/ Uh-oh someone screwed up: Been watching their facebook account, they are loosing 15-20 likes every minute.
  21. "The last half hour of the officer call involves bringing back Air Force Heritage. Senior Leader-ship taught all of the CGOs a few bar games that were played “back in the day.” Such games include a form of tug-o-war with a broom stick, feats-of-strength games, and of course Crud tournaments." WTF could they possible put on youtube that would be worth watching?
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