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Everything posted by Biff_T

  1. This Is this what you (Woke USAF Clowns) want from our Airmen? Good job. Because we're there. You have a White American Airman who lit himself on fire (in uniform and on camera) for Palestine. Sounds Woke. Good job .
  2. 😆 Break, break The Navy gets Top Gun, the USAF gets a slightly overweight Human Torch.
  3. Biff_T


    Use this to wash the John Mayer out of your mouth.
  4. That's his battle cry for the afterlife? "Free Palestine!" What a loser. It's better to set other things on fire, like a pile of wood at a campsite or a group of terrorists in a school bus. The Avengers still want him to know he's kicked out.
  5. It would have been easier to hold up a sign. He'll probably get some sort of medal. Tell him the Avengers called and that they kicked him out for being gay.
  6. A little AFGSC love! Nasty Huey love...
  7. All I could think while watching this video was "power lines".
  8. She went to Miami? What a vacation.....not
  9. Biff_T


    Danzig and John Mayer don't belong on the same page. John Mayer plays bitch music. 😆 Like a Thai whore.
  10. If you defect from Mother Russia, go to Argentina, there are still Nazi's down there.
  11. I can't stand looking at Hunter Biden's face and I want Papa Biden to die already. How can this garbage be considered for another run? Also, quit picking Trump for the Republicans. There's gotta be someone else in the United States who can do a better job than both of these clowns, while not dancing with death (from old age) everyday. WTF is wrong with our political parties?
  12. Biff_T


    https://www.youtube.com/live/ni_K0jzljSo?si=hGf0mqjm9CEs1tHR Osees live
  13. I've only attended USAF but I spent 9 months at Rucker. The Army guys looked to be just as beat up as us AF dudes. Neither are going to be easier just different. Army pilots dont have air conditioning in their tents downrange though. They also did formation PT early in the mornings during pilot training.
  14. BIFF and Linda. I met Ms. Blair this past weekend. She said "Fucker" and it is the only thing I'm scared of on this planet. Edit: Linda Blair is someone who helps animals and veterans. She's the real deal! Not like most other people in the "entertainment" industry. She told me her father was a test pilot in the navy. She really cares about veterans. Edit 2: I didn't know I'd be meeting Linda until the morning of. My friend didn't let me know his dog was at the actual Linda Blair's house. I thought it was someone else with the same name.
  15. A mattress washed up in the beach after the last rainfall. Trash flows directly into the ocean in CA. Newsom cares about the environment. For real. So do all the environmentalists is CA. Yet they've done absolutely nothing to stop this. Needles, left shoes, body parts, trash, human/animal waste and etcetera dumped into the ocean. That's how we take care of the environment. All fucking talk.
  16. They'll need us to clock, map to ground it when the GPS goes out. And do a fix to fix. Shut up Nav! All it takes is a few hueys, a P-38 (or B-26) and whatever other aircraft the Flying Silverbacks will need. Oh and don't forget to toss in all the beer those mx dudes can drink. Come on Big Blue, It’s only budget dust....budget ..........dust (my favorite non flying duty, guess what that was?).
  17. Biff_T


    A few classics. Song that my Dad doesn't listen to.
  18. Some people think Earth is flat or it's only 6,000 years old and stupid shit like that. Our audience is half retarded. I guess our ancestors were floating around in space for few years because we started acting like modern humans around 250,000 years ago. People are stupid. My guess is we use this "national security threat", that just so happens to allign perfectly with our Presidential election, to escalate the war in Russia. Put some regular forces Americans over there to help with the war machine.
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