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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2016 in Posts

  1. ACC's Twitter account just confirmed both pilots ejected safely and were awaiting recovery as of 30 minutes ago.
    5 points
  2. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
    2 points
  3. I was accepted and passed on med school to go to UPT...broke my mom's heart in doing so. Looking back after 26 years, if I had it to do over again, you SNAPs would be calling me Dr CH...actually you wouldn't be calling me as I would ignoring all of you and concentrating on the boob job I was going to do in the morning.
    2 points
  4. In the video in this article, there appear to be two good chutes and a U-2 in a spin. The "Sutter Buttes" are a group of peaks that rise out of the Sacramento Valley. http://www.kcra.com/news/harrowing-witness-video-shows-u2-spy-plane-crash-in-sutter-buttes/41748404
    1 point
  5. Great event, after being stationed in the Las Vegas area the last 6 years I finally made it! I'll be back next year for sure. Huggy I was in box 105, what a great party.
    1 point
  6. Isn't there some game that guard/reserve guys play to maximize their pay per UAV shift too?
    1 point
  7. The supersonic ride is after most of the solos in the program, definitely in contact.
    1 point
  8. Back when I was a 38 IP (ages ago) there was only one flight where supersonic flight was intentionally flown and that was more a "wow" event and "been there, done that". Very little training value in watching the mach indicator tick over 1.0.
    1 point
  9. What he said, it's just a number in the training environment. We need something durable, and a plane designed to land on carriers would probably count. I do think it needs and afterburner though, so studs can learn the value of left hand placement.
    1 point
  10. If you're redeploying then you'll be space-r vs space-a. Either way your orders should be fine.
    1 point
  11. I don't come to McDonalds and tell you your job is great. So don't do the same to me. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
    1 point
  12. Yes. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. Are there guys out there that are flying F16s a few days a week, and then commercial the other days of the week? If so, that seems like a very nice lifestyle. Or do ANG pilots work full-time?
    1 point
  14. I've only been flying for half my commitment thus far, but I have really enjoyed the actual flying. I'm still young enough that I've avoided most of the BS jobs/queep, but I know that won't last forever. Ask me again closer to my commitment and we'll see how much I'm still enjoying it. That said, my family has also made some big sacrifices with how much I've been gone. To all you aspiring USAF pilots out there: realize that while this pilot retention crisis we are having is a great "recruiting tool" in some sense - what really is happening in the bigger picture (especially in the fighter community) is a shortage of pilots to fill staff (non-flying) jobs, because lots of guys who are getting out at their commitments have reached the pinnacle of their prime flying years in their military careers and don't want to spend the rest of it rotting away at a desk. Spending 20 years and making it to retirement provides some truly great benefits. But, it says a lot about an organization/where it's going when I sit here and watch lots of dudes who I respect (some who could have "had it all" if they wanted, to include a few Weapons Officers) punch at the last minute and walk through the doors of Delta, Southwest, Alaska, etc. If I had to do it all over again, I would, up to this point anyways. The money you'll be making as a doctor will likely be much more than you'd ever make as a military pilot, including the retirement benefits. But the experiences you'll have as a military aviator (in my opinion) are second to none. Good luck!
    1 point
  15. ANG baby, the only way. Best flying I'll ever have, best people I'll ever meet, have seen things nobody else will. I can't wait to retire.
    1 point
  16. would love for a RPA unit to open up at CSprings
    1 point
  17. I just want to point out that a lot of the guys saying "worth it" to "absolutely worth it" are older dudes career wise. I can say having been in almost 10 years that this place has changed and not for the better. Flying is awesome. The Air Force sucks. Sucks to the point where it over shadows the mission. Bro, I know like 5 guys staying in past their initial commitment and they are not really the guys I want leading... But I am afraid everyone else is going to be gone. This has only 1% due to the airlines hiring and 100% to do with the complete lack of focus and the pussyfooting risk-adverse management that think they are too good to fix what's wrong with Big Blue. Glad I experienced it, but I have had enough. Wouldn't do it again. Stick with Med school, push for guard job. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
    1 point
  18. Join the ANG, be a Doc and a pilot, I've seen it several times.
    1 point
  19. Aero is crap, Foreflight with military EFB has everything you need and then some (okay it doesn't have jepps). Cost is pretty steep for the global kit but pays dividends in the off chance mobile iron has a glitch in its servers that automatically deletes aero from your efb and won't allow you to reinstall it and in a mad dash you reset your ipad to download but DISA won't allow you to get a new pin because they need approval from someone who takes Fridays off to issue a new pin because the new iOS drop is like a week out (which your efb is incompatible with)... Not saying anything like that would happen, just saying it could...
    1 point
  20. I have no regrets flying for 18 years continuously despite the queep and BS. Looking at your situation, as you desire to both fly and practice medicine, why not let the AF fund your education and serve as a flight surgeon, where you will have the opportunity to fly as well, and probably experience more different aircraft than most pilots? Such a path could also open a lot of doors for a medical career outside the USAF.
    1 point
  21. Actually, Air Force Secretary James deserves the kill for this one; she made the decision long before Fingers took office... https://www.airforcetimes.com/articles/tops-in-blue-permanently-shut-down Best comment? "They can tap dance their way to the flightline and help out there instead."
    1 point
  22. Time to boycott his business. Let him know about it too. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
    1 point
  23. Which explains the recent rise in creepy clown sightings...
    1 point
  24. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. Hal Hornburg flew with us back when he was ACC CC. He had zero knowledge of the BUFF so we messed with him a bit. The throttle cables run right above the Radar Nav and Nav's head downstairs. When he flew with us the pilots showed him the amazing technology that was the VATS. I think I've told this story before here on BO, but anyway he's up in the IP seat and the pilots are telling him about VATS and he's completely perplexed when the AC says throttle up on 4-8. Throttles move forward, speed increases, Hal is beside himself. The demo goes on in various ways for about 15-20 mins. It was a good flight.
    1 point
  26. Or you could accept the fact that not everyone hated it as much as you. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
    -2 points
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