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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2014 in Posts

  1. I remember this. Most of the guys who were competing for something were all within the margin of error for "Flight Commander's Ranking" or whatever it's officially called. This is where the "don't be a douchebag" technique pays off. It also pays off if you're at the bottom of your T-1 class like I was. I and one other student vied for the lowest ranking with ever escalating checkride buffoonery. I'm not sure which of us was last, but I'm sure we were the last two. I was always on time, stuck with customs and courtesies and took my extensive debriefings without quibbling. The other person ... not so much. You get one guess which one of us was smiling on assignment night.
    1 point
  2. What goes around comes around? http://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20140623/CAREERS03/306230034/Loose-travel-dollars-Ayyar-Cornum-Wyman-Moore
    1 point
  3. Was just reading this thread and came across the discussion about clubs. Here at Cannon, it's a mixed-rank club. Nobody hangs there unless it's for a function of some sort. I've had fun there but it's always for a function. I've never really gotten to experience the fun that used to happen at an AF O Club. But, I did get to experience it at NAS Pensacola! That O Club was awesome. It typically closed whenever the last folks left or when the barteder kicked us out because she wanted to go out and get drunk too! Lots of students...Navy pilots & NFOs and AF CSOs. Some of our instructors would go there too (not as frequent as the students but they would make their appearances). Also, every so often, the AF would have a pint night there just because we like to drink. $10 gets you a glass and 2 beers. When I was there, the AF folks would typically close out the bar and we would take over the pool table to play games of crud. The Navy dudes would have their flight suit Friday most Fridays (and lots of AF people drank on their tab lol), we had our drop nights there (mine was in one of our hangars because the O Club was booked!) and in general many folks just went to go and drink and have a good time with friends. I highly doubt this particular club is having financial issues. Somehow, it works. Also, the bar area just looks like somewhere I would like to go drink. It's not super fancy and there's various squadron stickers all over the mirrors on the bar back. There's spots where people can hang their custom mugs and they can leave these mugs there (until they PCS I guess). Along one of the walls there's a strip of velcro with all of the patches from all the flights who have graduated, for both branches. The food is also decent. Not the best ever but certain things were pretty good. I miss that place. Yeah, definitely is not what is wrong with the AF...we need more places like this ;)
    1 point
  4. Almost all my Sq/CCs so far have been good to great leaders/people. It gets hard once you leave the local level to understand why leadership acts the way it does but I don't think it's fair to assume they're just a bunch of clowns. There is a certain amount of "company man" that comes with flag leadership, understandably, but ultimately, like politics, all leadership is local for me.
    1 point
  5. Chim, There have been many recent leadership failures (AFPC, AFGSC, Lackland, etc) but there are plenty of examples of good leadership and great leaders. It is too bad you haven't been around any. Maj Gen Greg Lengyl, Commandant of Cadets. MH-53 pilot brought common sense, warfighter focus and empowered leadership to AFA Gen Robin Rand AETC. One of the finest, most selfless, professional, tactically savvy leaders in our AF. Led the 332 AEW in Iraq 2006-2007. Gen Hostage, ACC. Incredible combat leader, one of the best COMACCs. Maj Gen (sel) Pete Gersten. Transformed RPA lethality at Creech and on ACC staff at Langley Gen Paul Selva, TRANSCOM. Selfless, honest, intelligent MAF leader. Brig Gen (sel) Rick Rupp, McConnell Wing Commander. Led by putting Airmen first, awarded O'Malley Award in '13 Maj Gen Jeff Harrigian, CENTCOM DJ3, aggressive, creative Airman leading in a very Army centric command. Lt Gen John Hesterman, AFCENT/CFACC. Ready and willing to use airpower to bring any nation to their knees. A great leader doing a tremendous job in CC. CMSgt Colon-Lopez, AFCENT/CCC, combat hardened PJ, no-nonsense enlisted leader. Would make a great CMSAF.
    1 point
  6. I believe they're called Undocumented Democrats
    1 point
  7. This is nothing more than a way for 0bama and the libs to redistribute migrants to red states, to believe there's any human interest story here is laughable.
    1 point
  8. I would advocate for a pivot towards America, the United States of... What's really funny to me is the towns in California that are staging protests over illegals showing up. My guess is they still haven't connected the dots between their vote and their new illegal neighbors. How's that damn change working out for you now that Jose took your job and his 13 kids gave your 1 TB? I should probably stop there... Laws?! Oh those laws?! Yea, those don't apply. Look, I signed a piece of paper.
    1 point
  9. You mean Democrat voting surge?
    1 point
  10. One might state the obvious with a "you first." But one is retired and thus a "quitter" because the giveash1t meter pegged simultaneously with the OLC to the tilting at windmills award.
    1 point
  11. Pretty bold statement. I've worked with many reservists who are stuck in a 3-1 that is a decade old and couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. I've also worked with reservists who only fly the minimum BMC rates and can still crush the new patch straight from WIC. Making a blanket statement about either side of the force is absurd.
    1 point
  12. I separate in 88 days. Though I'm deployed right now, I'm trying to accomplish online preseparation counseling so I can focus on moving my family when I get back. Low and behold, the preseparation counseling I am REQUIRED to accomplish is on the Army Knowlege Online site. I have to accomplish this counseling, which by the way, doesn't work on AFCENT computers because of Comm restrictions. So, now I have to call a commercial number from a deployed location to talk to a civilian to work into their schedule to complete their requirements that don't help me one dam^ bit. THIS is why I'm getting out. I can't even separate withough completing some bull$hit requirement that has every road block in place imaginable that does nothing but waste my time.
    1 point
  13. VTSAX. I like to keep it simple. That plus some G fund in TSP are my main investments other than real estate. Good thread, like the idea.
    1 point
  14. Well he is a fighter pilot...
    1 point
  15. What the fuck were you doing looking at another man's junk?
    1 point
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