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C-17 Globemaster vs C-130 Hercules

Guest getusome

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Guest youngz

Alright guys, it's 1 week from 05-14's assignment night at CAFB and I've got a question. I'm looking at either C-17's to Charleston or C-130's to Little Rock as my number one choice but I can't get an up to date answer out of our IP's here. All of them have been out of the loop to long to really know what the current deployments are like. I've heard for the C-130's that you'll go four months to the sand and then four months home with the occasional 2-3 day trips while you're home but I've heard nothing about the C-17. Also how is the job market for spouses at both locations. Anything about either plane or location would be appreciated.

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Guest spar91

in the c17 you're going to be tdy about 200+ days a year, 2 weeks at a time.

this will be less if you land a "coveted" sq/exec position, or maybe a scheduler.

but those are rather rare for noobs.

you are more valuable as a line pilot than a paper pusher (no offense to sq/execs, but i think you know what i mean).

you'll make a butt load of money in tdy pay, if you care. want to get 12 months in a row (federal) tax free? no prob!

jobs for the wif? (yeah, i spelled it incorrectly on purpose, don't some people pronounce it that way?)

i can't imagine her having a hard time finding a job around the tacoma/seattle/puyallup/olympia area!

but i can't speak about the east coast, because i don't know.

want to fly the tip of the spear airlift platform, high above the iraq desert? pick c-17s.

want to sweat your balls off, get shot at all the time, flying at low altitudes above the iraq desert? pick c-130s.

:D :D

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Originally posted by spar91:

want to fly the tip of the spear airlift platform, high above the iraq desert?

:D :D

Why yes...yes I do.

Anyways, Charleston is large enough to have plenty of employment oppurtunity. I have a few friends in college in Charleston, and all of them easily found well paying jobs. It may not be the office space non-sense your wife might be looking for, but it sounds like you'll be rollin from the TDY's so it shouldn't matter. Personally, I would say go for the C-17.

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Just as I mentioned, not much has changed from the previous post. Most guys are getting between 600 and 900 hours in their first year. It'll probably start to average closer to the 600 rather than the 900 due to the changes in mission profiles that are being flown in the AOR.

[ 18. August 2005, 22:03: Message edited by: C17Driver ]

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Originally posted by gtyj98:

Of all the people I knew in C-21s, almost every C-130 (TAC) follow-on guy/girl wanted C-17s, whereas NO C-17 (STRAT) follow-on person wanted a C-130.

Wait, are these C-21 guys who were going to C-130s and 17s but hadn't actually been there yet? So we're taking advice from airline pilots? I don't think the guy that started the post was looking for info from a guy heard something from some other guys who heard some other guys opinion.

[ 19. August 2005, 09:18: Message edited by: herk28 ]

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The Herk does rock. Lets not get into what the C-130 can do better than the C-17. Because its just about everything. I think the C-17 has a better air conditioning system.

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Guest AirGuardian

God bless the 130 guys,

Always seeing them trying to bug out of dodge is impressive and I wish the best for them. Tough job and they still kick our @ss being on the ground. Something to do with less pallets I guess... :rolleyes:

C-17 wise we're a much bigger target, bu, there's nothing like having the ability to fly high and mighty away from issues that can ruin your day. Flying wise they're both quite challenging, but we have less time overall in the pucker factor sector due to performance... :cool:

Once again, you gotta give it up to the prop guys. Especially the Army Sherpa drivers. If you ever have the opportunity to watch them get out of town, you'll understand that they definitely take the crazy cake!!!

Lifters are doing it everyday, every month, every year in the hottest spots all over the world. You want to stick your neck out the most, fly the current sandbox lifters! We have no way out but concrete and sometimes sand it seems...

I will say this: THE HELO GUYS HAVE IT THE WORST/ most dangerous. Thanks to all of them who do their job - You know who you are and what I mean! Thanks from the lifter community!

[ 19. August 2005, 11:26: Message edited by: AirGuardian ]

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C17wannabe, what's with the 38 picture? Thought you wanted heavies man.

The job market is excellent in Charleston area where I'm from. It's really growing and the population is supposed to double in 10 years.

From what I've read, C-130's are deployed a lot but if you enjoy the MISSION, I say go for it.

They are both great choices. C-17 is the cutting edge airlifter while the C-130 has one of the rare tactical missions in heavies. Also there are so many models that if you ever want to transition into something more exciting there are many options available.

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-Driver or spar,

How many first tour guys/gals are going ops-ops? Is it something that's easy to do? Are a lot of people pushing for white jets to be home more after the first three years?

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Right now it's pretty easy to go from ops to ops. There are plenty of volunteers to go do the white jets. I'm not sure what the numbers are, but it seems like most are getting what they request (as far as ops to ops or ops to white jet).

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Guest spar91

blum, i haven't heard of anyone being non-vol'd to a white jet (as in a upt assignment), in a year. ops-ops is definitely easy, and will continue to get easier. hawaii is getting their jets soon, alaska's next, and travis will follow.

this week they sent out emails looking for some o-3s and o-4s to start gen'ing up the travis sq.

mcguire is about full up now.

so definitely don't worry *at all* about going ops-ops, if you want it! :>

scoobs - speak english. try again. honestly, i don't understand either of your questions. please rephrase.

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Guest AirGuardian

Other than being home at night.... (which is a valid reason), why go to Altus by the sea.... other than go golfing and get pecked in the head by a Mississippi Kite! Those who have been there, understand...

I wouldn't wish Altus on anyone...

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Airguardian, good point on the Sherpas...as others have said...they do some crazy stuff. Saw one of them flying over the lake to the west of Al Taqudium (sp?) at about 15ft. I thought we were low and then I saw them...

Also, I know you probably don't want to toot your own horn, but C-17 drivers hang there balls out there plenty. Looking at your signature on noggs while you guys takeoff is enough for me to have nothing but respect...

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Guest AirGuardian


I'm not sure what the other 17 guys think... but I feal like a blimp on final and flaming torch on departure.

We don't have the speed of heat like the fighter guys when they go vertical at departure end... so like the rest we do what we can!

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  • 6 months later...
Guest jcam753

Alright, so I'm a Toner at Vance AFB about to have my Nav Checkride. So...I didn't know what I wanted to fly out of here. It seemed like 17's are the newest, sexiest jet out there and that's what everyone wanted so I jumped on board. My hesitation is the deployments. What is the lifestyle really like? Are you really gone at least 300 days a year? Talked to some Herc guys that loved it and kinda got turned on to that. What's the story with the active duty J models? Are they coming...sts? Any 17 or 130 guys that could tell me the pros and cons before I make my decision in a month would be appreciated. Thanks. See ya!

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The 2AS at Pope will get J models first, but since Pope is being BRAC'd the 2nd will be at LR when it happens. I had actually heard that the 50th at LR will be the first AD unit to get them. Seems like it will still be a few years before anyone in the AD sees them though.

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That's funny cuz I heard that the 61st will be sending it's FE's and Nav's to the 50th and that the 61st will be a J squadron, that was from a couple of 61st loadmasters....doesn't make sense to turn the 50th into a J sq as they are a full up H3 sq. but weirder things have happened...guess only time will tell.

[ 17. March 2006, 12:13: Message edited by: Mambo ]

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Guest SpectrePilot

The Herc gods will probably strike me down, but: take the C17. You'll log more hours (yes, many are trans-atlantic magazine reading, but that's ok) and visit more places. Plus, no Nav to listen to/ babysit/ *****-slap.

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