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FY 14 Force Management Program (RIF, VSP, TERA)


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Nice work AFPC, very solid

- 2000 11M, late to rate with UPT ADSC until mid 2015. Denied Palace Chase for 2 years of ADSC first time and 18 mos the second time.

- VSP app submitted with concurrence from Sq and Wg/CC's and still in limbo awaiting processing since early Feb


then on Friday before starting a weeks worth of leave the email comes down informing my CC that I'm on the 365 day TDY vulnerability list and to be prepared for selection.....


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There are like 3 or 4 from my base that are 365 selects....all put in for VSP....I know its just a coincidence but.....makes you wonder

So if the RIF portion comes and I have to fill out my retention form and I put something like eat a dick AFPC....what do you think my chances are? I'm thinking I might get promoted and denied.....I feel like Peter from office space....I don't give a rats ass anymore and they just won't fire me...ask yourself is this good for the company......lol

Edited by aerobat95
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2004 Year group/ 11S....

Just got this email today.

"This is to inform you that HQ AFPC has disapproved the voluntary separation application submitted by ________. See comments below.

Your request to separate under FY14 Officer Voluntary Separation Pay Program is disapproved due to being ineligible. Your commander has advised that your deployment return date is not till ### and in accordance with the program guidance (PSDM 14-08) "Eligibility Criteria" para "d" your can only pursue VSP if your projected return date is at least 30 days prior to the established or mandatory separation date (NLT 29 Sept 14).

NOTE: Please DO NOT REPLY to this email. if you require assistance or do not understand the available options, please Contact Us at https://gum.......

I have... no plan. Going TDY this weekend and all week; gonna talk to AFPC when I get back, and seriously base legal or whoever else to appeal.

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I know you were joking about the migration. What I was referring to was do you think all they are waiting on is ADSC waiver? If I was a betting man I'd say they're not going to release the RIF numbers, they probably weren't suppose to release those in the first place. It seems to transparent for AFPC.

I think that the ADSC waiver is one thing that they are waiting on. In my opinion, the primary reasons they aren't approving VSP applications yet is because they are swamped processing the enlisted applications or they are waiting on final approval of the overage numbers. I think the TERA approval numbers are related to a specific percentage (2% of the eligibles is what I seem to remember reading somewhere), whereas VSP should be up to, but not exceed, the RIF overages. Perhaps after releasing the RIF matrix, the MAJCOMs pushed back on the numbers. Also, the Congressional budget agreement might have caused some adjustments as well. I think both of these could change the number that the Air Force is looking to cut.

Your second question is the tricky one. If adjustments needed to be made, why not just update the matrix? Instead, they pulled it and have been mum about it since. I think they intended to be transparent when they released it the first time. Whether they take that approach now is anyone's guess. Back in December and January, I was hopeful that the process would be transparent. As April approaches, I'm less optimistic that anything will be different this time...

2004 Year group/ 11S....

Just got this email today.

"This is to inform you that HQ AFPC has disapproved the voluntary separation application submitted by ________. See comments below.

Your request to separate under FY14 Officer Voluntary Separation Pay Program is disapproved due to being ineligible. Your commander has advised that your deployment return date is not till ### and in accordance with the program guidance (PSDM 14-08) "Eligibility Criteria" para "d" your can only pursue VSP if your projected return date is at least 30 days prior to the established or mandatory separation date (NLT 29 Sept 14).

NOTE: Please DO NOT REPLY to this email. if you require assistance or do not understand the available options, please Contact Us at https://gum.......

I have... no plan. Going TDY this weekend and all week; gonna talk to AFPC when I get back, and seriously base legal or whoever else to appeal.

Sorry Fozzy....

Perhaps AFPC is now in the "try to disapprove as many VSP applications as possible due to narrowly worded eligibility guidance" phase

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Nice work AFPC, very solid

- 2000 11M, late to rate with UPT ADSC until mid 2015. Denied Palace Chase for 2 years of ADSC first time and 18 mos the second time.

- VSP app submitted with concurrence from Sq and Wg/CC's and still in limbo awaiting processing since early Feb


then on Friday before starting a weeks worth of leave the email comes down informing my CC that I'm on the 365 day TDY vulnerability list and to be prepared for selection.....


Word on the street is if you want to get approved or even considered for palace chase outside of a year you need to have a letter of intent from a unit. Did you have that?

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Cue the circus music...

A friend of mine that's on Air Staff tells me that she was on a telecon with the guy that A1 has tapped to run this debacle. It's none other than the AF SAPR official accused of sexual battery last year: Lt Col Jeff Krusinki. No joke. I have to keep laughing, or I'd start crying.

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Word on the street is if you want to get approved or even considered for palace chase outside of a year you need to have a letter of intent from a unit. Did you have that?

the ISR at my base won't submit a PC app unless you have a position number at a gaining unit.

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Nice work AFPC, very solid

- 2000 11M, late to rate with UPT ADSC until mid 2015. Denied Palace Chase for 2 years of ADSC first time and 18 mos the second time.

- VSP app submitted with concurrence from Sq and Wg/CC's and still in limbo awaiting processing since early Feb


then on Friday before starting a weeks worth of leave the email comes down informing my CC that I'm on the 365 day TDY vulnerability list and to be prepared for selection.....


WOW!! they are willing to rake your dead corpse over the coals just to get one more deployment out of you, and not a little 2 or 4 month vacation, but for 12 fricking months just in time for a couple months prior to 1 yr from your ADSC. Bravo indeed AFPC, dont show people where the door is, pull the fire alarm and force them to run for it.

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For all the talk about ADSC waiver authority, you'd think there would be a lot of approvals for folks without an ADSC. On the TERA side, I haven't seen any approvals for O's in the 15-18 year group. What the H is holding this up? You've been called, show your cards or fold already.

And 365's for folks that applied for VSP is just petty...

Edited by FlyFastLiveSlow
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Fellow BaseOpers

Over the past few months, we have been forced to navigate through some of the roughest waters most of us have ever experienced professionally. We've seen the reputation of our beloved AFPC and America's Air, Space, and Cyberspace missions tarnished because of the extraordinarily selfish actions of officers entrusted with the most powerful personnel center ever devised by man. As you are now learning, the ramifications are dire. Many lives will be permanently changed as a result.

But this costly lesson must not be in vain.

The lesson? Had just one solitary airman spoken up for integrity, our leadership team would have been able to take action immediately.

Tragically, peer pressure and the fear of being an outcast prevailed. As a result, the misconduct had yet to be inadvertently discovered by OSI agents.

Think of how different the narrative would be had the silent Airman just come forward. That airman would now be lionized as a hero for casting aside his or her own fear of being made an outcast by a few inadequate peers.

That airman would have single-handedly preserved the honor and dignity of AFPC and all the wonderful people who make up this incredible organization.

But it didn't happen. Wrong won out over right ... the voice of integrity was silenced ... and the good guy lost at the end of the movie.

This is a wake-up call for everyone who has lost their sense of right and wrong, for those who have become cynical and for those indoctrinated by modern society to acquiesce when faced with bad behavior.

"All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing." I highlighted this old axiom as the main point of my change of command speech a little over a year ago. I implored our formations of airmen that it never be said of AFPC that "we did nothing" in the face of evil. I can't imagine a more vivid reinforcement of that lesson than what we're going through now.

Edited: Just in case you guys/gals haven't read this letter...


Edited by PanchBarnes
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Most of the people applying for VSP are probably dudes without a stellar career that have 1-2 years of ADSC remaining and are trying to jump ship before they get a 365 like their peers. 365s are still rolling out at a normal pace, so I don't think it's conscious malice by AFPC...it's just a big dumb animal.

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...because they are swamped processing the enlisted applications...

Look guys, the answer is "in the computer". All we need to do is figure out how to get it out!

Cue the circus music...

A friend of mine that's on Air Staff tells me that she was on a telecon with the guy that A1 has tapped to run this debacle. It's none other than the AF SAPR official accused of sexual battery last year: Lt Col Jeff Krusinki. No joke. I have to keep laughing, or I'd start crying.

Makes perfect sense.

Just some fun facts:

In June 2011, 2 months after pinning on a star, BG Grosso moves over to be the Director of Manpower, Organization and Resources, later in August 2012 slides into the Director, Force Management Policy. After 1 year and 4 months in that position, the Air Force rolls out FY14 Force Shaping programs in Dec 13. Less than 2 months into the effort, BG Grosso is promoted to MG and moved to be the Director of the Air Force SAPR Office. (http://www.af.mil/AboutUs/Biographies/Display/tabid/225/Article/108666/brigadier-general-gina-m-grosso.aspx)

Months before BG Grosso's arrival, in February 2011, SES John W. "Bill" Snodgrass becomes the Deputy Director of Manpower, Organization and Resources. As of October 2013, 2 month before the Air Force begins FY14 Force shaping, John W. "Bill" Snodgrass is selected for reassignment as Executive Director for the entire Air Force Personnel Center. Job Announcement Number 9L-DPS-1024702-123456-PLB (Deputy Director of Manpower, Organization and Resources) was open from January 06 through January 27, 2014, immediately following the initiation of FY14 force Shaping programs. (http://www.af.mil/AboutUs/Biographies/Display/tabid/225/Article/108722/john-w-bill-snodgrass.aspx) (http://jobs.govloop.com/86596/deputy-director-air-force-manpower-organization-and-resources/) John W. "Bill" Snodgrass was expected to start his new position in Mar 2014. (http://www.afpc.af.mil/library/biographies/index.asp)

MG Margaret Poore has been (and still is) the commander of AFPC since August 2013, a few months before FY14 Force shaping began. She is a Distinguished graduate of both SOS and ACSC, holds 3 master's degrees, and has been awarded 4 Legions of Merit (http://www.af.mil/AboutUs/Biographies/Display/tabid/225/Article/108712/major-general-margaret-b-poore.aspx) She seems to have taken over for MG A.J. Stewart, still listed as Commander, Air Force Personnel Center, Randolph AFB, Texas on his official bio ("updated" May 2013), despite his passing away on 9 March, 2014. (http://www.af.mil/AboutUs/Biographies/Display/tabid/225/Article/107982/major-general-alfred-j-stewart.aspx) The AFPC commander previous to MG A.J. Stewart, MG K. C. McClain whom retired out of the position, is also listed as January 2008 - present as the commander, AFPC, so that appears the normal protocol for Air Force biographies.


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Man, it's the dregs of the AF over on that Facebook retirements page. It's a goddamn circus over there. Insane people completely obsessed with every detail of every persons scenario hopping to sniff the taint of their own approval some day. 18yr Staffs. All kinds of spouses posting for status on their husbands applications. Officers making asses out of themselves with their real names no less begging and spazzing over not being approved yet. Dudes posting every few minutes asking who got approved. No one reading any of the existing threads, instead starting their own thread to ask yet again if some random afsc has been approved. The af is probably better off without most of these dudes and chicks over there to be honest with you. They've clearly all laid down. Sad and desperate.

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Fellow BaseOpers

Over the past few months, we have been forced to navigate through some of the roughest waters most of us have ever experienced professionally. We've seen the reputation of our beloved AFPC and America's Air, Space, and Cyberspace missions tarnished because of the extraordinarily selfish actions of officers entrusted with the most powerful personnel center ever devised by man. As you are now learning, the ramifications are dire. Many lives will be permanently changed as a result.

But this costly lesson must not be in vain.

The lesson? Had just one solitary airman spoken up for integrity, our leadership team would have been able to take action immediately.

Tragically, peer pressure and the fear of being an outcast prevailed. As a result, the misconduct had yet to be inadvertently discovered by OSI agents.

Think of how different the narrative would be had the silent Airman just come forward. That airman would now be lionized as a hero for casting aside his or her own fear of being made an outcast by a few inadequate peers.

That airman would have single-handedly preserved the honor and dignity of AFPC and all the wonderful people who make up this incredible organization.

But it didn't happen. Wrong won out over right ... the voice of integrity was silenced ... and the good guy lost at the end of the movie.

This is a wake-up call for everyone who has lost their sense of right and wrong, for those who have become cynical and for those indoctrinated by modern society to acquiesce when faced with bad behavior.

"All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing." I highlighted this old axiom as the main point of my change of command speech a little over a year ago. I implored our formations of airmen that it never be said of AFPC that "we did nothing" in the face of evil. I can't imagine a more vivid reinforcement of that lesson than what we're going through now.

Edited: Just in case you guys/gals haven't read this letter...


Note: At no point does he take personal responsibility for failure. I guess it was just bad luck all those dishonest junior officers ended up at his otherwise awesome wing. /sarcasm

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Any other TERA types get an assignment notification? Mine came at 1800L yesterday AFPC time. Assignment selection date was 18 mar, TERA has not been disapproved yet. So who knows what it means....

Yep, dropped an assignment with a TERA application still pending (FM-Validation Complete, with a 1405 date on my CDB). And strangely, AFPC and MPF do not seem to understand that I refuse to sign any training/relocation RIPs until AFTER I find out about TERA.

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...365s are still rolling out at a normal pace...

Can anyone explain why this is still happening? Weren't 365's just supposed to be temporary measures to get us through the surge periods several years ago? I can think of no good reason a 365 isn't split into 3 120s other than continuity but that's not a good enough reason to keep crushing people.

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Can anyone explain why this is still happening? Weren't 365's just supposed to be temporary measures to get us through the surge periods several years ago? I can think of no good reason a 365 isn't split into 3 120s other than continuity but that's not a good enough reason to keep crushing people.

//sarcasm// You must be new. //sarcasm off// Once a process like this has the flood gates open, leadership will fight tooth and nail to keep it open. How else will people get combat desk experience if they turn off the 365s? The same thing happened with deployments out of Mildenhall back around 06-08. We started deploying to help out the super tanker wings cuz AFPC couldn't manage the new copilots coming out of UPT. It was only supposed to last for a year or two because we were flying 9+ lines per day with 12 jets. We weren't manned for deployments on top of that but we did it. Can't confirm but I'm assuming they're still deploying. Too many good opr bullets from deploying....

Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!

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How else will people get combat desk experience if they turn off the 365s?


I'm not going to say I agree with the people freaking out on the AFPC FB page, but I can understand. It can be tough to get out, even if you're ready. Big change and all. Nothing worse than making that decisions.. and then being told to wait, trying to line up jobs and all that. Got a buddy going through it right now. He can't make any decisions and he's terrified they'll approve it last second after a few job offer windows have closed.

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