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Staying out of trouble in Europe.....

Guest PalmettoGuy

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Guest PalmettoGuy

Hey ya'll,

I am going to be studying in Vienna for a month this summer and then traveling for a week with some guys around Europe. We will be heading to Amsterdam for a couple days which brings me to the question, is there anything that I need to watch out for that could hurt my eligibility for UPT? Obviously I don't plan on smoking pot there, but is there anything else I need to look out for (is absinth a problem, I don't know much about it)? Also, any tips or must see things while I am there?

Thanks ya'll

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Guest HercengTN

Dont speed on the AutoBan, apparently there are some posted speed limits. It cost me 88euros to find out.

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You'll have a great time in Vienna, it's a wonderful place but expensive. Get to Figlmüller's (choose 'English' at the right) for some of the best schnitzel you will ever eat..


As for the rest of Europa, don't worry about it. As you'll be with buds, you'll be safe. Just keep your SA and don't go anywhere where it looks like you shouldn't be there. And you can speed on the autobahns, it is still mostly unrestricted (speed wise) but where it does have a speed limit be sure to stay within 10 KPH of it. As for "getting serious" with the local babes, how serious can you get in a month? Even if you meet the woman of your dreams, you can fill out paperwork and still get a clearance.

However, do be very careful when driving, some countries such as Belgium (where I am) have strange laws that could cause you problems. The one here that causes the most accidents is the 'yield to the right' law, where priority must be given to traffic coming from your right. Most countries have the same law, but usually mark the priority roads as having hte right-of-way. The problem here is that it applies everywhere, and some people will blindly pull a right turn at an intersection and if you are to their left and cause an accident, it's your fault.

As for absinth, you are better off just sticking with beer. One of the main herbs in legitimate Absinthe is wormwood and its derivative essence thujone. Thujone is classified as a convulsant poison, having a similar structure as THC, the active chemical in cannabis. Both thujone and THC. are terpenoids and have a similar molecular geometry and similar functional groups available for metabolism. Despite the fact that thujone is classified as a convulsant poison, many doctors and scientists consider thujone to be a powerful drug, and psychoactive in relatively low dosages. However, little is known about whether or not it causes cumulative damage to the nervous system.

Like I said, beer is a better option. It is great and it won't cause you to bust a piss test when you get home. Don't chance it.

If you have any other questions, fire away. I've been stationed in Europe for seven of the past ten years, and grew up here as a kid.

Cheers! M2

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Originally posted by MajorMadMax:

As for absinth, you are better off just sticking with beer. One of the main herbs in legitimate Absinthe is wormwood and its derivative essence thujone. Thujone is classified as a convulsant poison, having a similar structure as THC, the active chemical in cannabis. Both thujone and THC. are terpenoids and have a similar molecular geometry and similar functional groups available for metabolism. Despite the fact that thujone is classified as a convulsant poison, many doctors and scientists consider thujone to be a powerful drug, and psychoactive in relatively low dosages. However, little is known about whether or not it causes cumulative damage to the nervous system.

Where did you pull that from?! Please tell me you didn't just write that off the top of your head. :D
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Click on the link and look under FAQ.

Honestly, I get the same effect from a Figlmüller's schnitzel!

Just one note, Figlmüller's is a wine stübe, so they don't serve beer. However, there is no shortage of places to have a beer after you eat there...

Cheers! M2

[ 06. May 2005, 10:44: Message edited by: MajorMadMax ]

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Guest lovelacm


As a "North Kakalakian," I must watch out for my Southern Brethren... Enjoy yourself out there in Vienna.. Head over to Schonbrunn if you have the chance.. I haven't been since 1985 (oh wow.. that was 20 years ago!)... Amazing palace, gardens, and art collection.

Enjoy all the food and drink you can. Don't wear anything that's obviously American.. sports teams, etc. Your clothes will brand you as American from a distance, but don't make it easier... Jesus, I'm turning into an AFN commercial.

Have a great time... Get some Deutsch under your belt.. especially the local dialect... Learn all you can.. take pictures, and be safe. Hollar if you come over towards Western Germany. Several of us here who'll have a cold one waitin' on you.



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If you end up in France, God Forbid, avoid punching out a Frog that tries to place a piece of string on your finger and make you pay 4 euros for it in front a big white Cathedral (can't remember the name of the place). Not that it has ever happened to me. Avoid the absinth, it is bad for piss tests, buddy of mine busted one when applying for a job. Drink the beer, beats the Hell out of American stuff any day. Have fun.

[ 06. May 2005, 16:48: Message edited by: Vandal905 ]

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Guest hockeymv

The string con is common in Italy as well. I was so tempted to resolve things like Vandal did, but I became severely outnumbered in a matter of seconds, as the con had buddies working the area as well. Only cost me 5000 lira to get out of it, (like $2.50). And.. yea, that's pre Euro.

I would say go to Italy if you can, but I know that time is limited. And.. don't try to do everything while you're there (across the pond). Too many tourists just run around and check boxes, like seeing the famous stuff is on their checklist of things to do before they leave. Then they scurry on to the next one. Slow down, enjoy your time, and drink the beer.

Oh, one last thing, Linda was right. Don't be the stupid American who's wearing jeans, sneakers and a damn NASCAR t-shirt. That screams "I'm a moron tourist, come and mug me."

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When Europeans come to America they don't instantly start wearing deodorant and stop wearing fanny packs. They don't try and hide the fact that they aren't American, which would be hard to do. I don't see the need to change the way you dress to not be "branded" an American. If you go see touristy shit, it's obvious you are a tourist. So is everyone else there!

Americans wear jeans and sneakers. So do plenty Europeans and Japanese. If anyone there doesn't like it, f*ck 'em.

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The "don't look like an American" stuff is AFN brainwashing. I know, I have been subject to it for seven out of the past ten years. Most Americans stand out like sore thumbs in Europe, even when they try to blend it. Kinda hard to hide with USAREUR tags or even the ones we have in Belgium (which have blue lettering, and the locals have red). Plus, a Camero or F-150 pick-up isn't a common sight over here, and NASCAR fans are pretty much non-existent.

There really isn't a threat over here, so it isn't as necessary as the propaganda would lead you to believe. At most it makes you more likely to be targeted by petty criminals. Believe it or not, for the most part I have found the French to more friendly to me once they find out I am an American, which is odd considering that most Americans wouldn't extend the same to someone they found out was French! I am not saying I like the French, many are idiots and they are conceited as hell, but I have yet to have one become belligerent with when they find out I am an American.

Bottom line, don’t worry about it. Common sense will guide you through, just make sure you use it.

Cheers! M2

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