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Everything posted by cragspider

  1. I will say this about life at etar. Our ops is busy with the continuing turmoil that is going on it Africa. I would expect to fly about twice a week on average with AMD lines as well. Plus the alerts that we are sitting even with the stateside help. But overall life is good here in Germany. PM me if you want some more info. Edit for spelling, me no spell good once I've been drinking all that good German Bier.
  2. cragspider

    Gun Talk

    I agree that Gander Mountain's prices are high, but they will price match other places (if they have it in stock). I was able get them to price match Academy when I bought my XDs due to trading in an old handgun that helped make the price worth it. Sad to see all that good stuff being dumped into the Gulf.
  3. I came across this little gem while doing some research for one of my masters papers on the Air Force crimes website. http://blogs.militar...to-white-house/ . Some of the comments are interesting to read.
  4. Wow that should buff right out. I would call that one more than a hard landing.
  5. Yes if you drive one and your wife drives the other will will get pcs mileage for both of them. Every time I have pcs'd we have either driven both cars while towing a third or had the third shipped. The part that sucks is the pcs mileage is half of what you would get if you went tdy. Which with gas prices it could barely cover gas some times.
  6. I know when I was at SOS in 13B the commandant was pushing hard for correspondence to be only open once you have passed your eligibility window had passed that way they don't have to have so many people on staff to cover both in res and correspondence folks. Sounded like the AU commander was backing it as well. Lets just hope that it really happens soon though.
  7. I saw that and it is sure is a WTF moment. Plus I wouldn't call a couple of old farts hipsters. But who would want to live in CLU's for a house if you didn't really have to?
  8. The sad thing about that is nobody will call you out personally. They just see the violations and command by email to the respective schools to have them try and fix the infractions. Come on people just man up and call the person out directly not by email.
  9. I wi try to answer your ?'s as I just got here a month ago. Granted I haven't flown yet, due to semiannuals are a premium right now with our ops tempo. Deployments are different over here as to what the rest of AMC does but they are deployments. They were hoping to join the guys in the desert some but that's not going to happen any time soon. For the TDY's just look at a map of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East and you can bet at some point the BTF's have been there or goin there. Day to day for a new co standard like every where else you do your ground job when your not flying. Lifestyle for the family is overall great. As long as your wife just doesn't sit and home and bitch. You live in Germany so get out and travel.
  10. It's 69" diagonally so it should be big enough. So why don't you go buy one and let us know if it works out?
  11. Yes his sq did partially f him, but the 130 schoolhouse is well over 20 weeks. The J school house is long enough to make it a full up PCS, and the legacy is over 4 months as well depending on what course your going through. But talking to the guys in the 714th who had to write all those prf's for these Lt's said its hard when all you have is training reports and pt scores to use and only a couple had actuall opr's. I think these boards are a joke.
  12. cragspider

    Gun Talk

    I got one back in July and I love it. It replaced my bersa 380 for my summer gun and would probably be my winter gun as well if I didn't already have my xd45. I carry it in a MTAC holster and don't even know its there most of the time. I did run a mag of corbon 185 +p and it wasn't bad but would agree that a steady diet of those at the range wouldn't be to fun on the hand. Had no problem shooting out the center of the target or head shots at 3.5-5 yards. Maybe after my PCS to Germany I will add the 7 rounders to my xds and a new mag carrier.
  13. That would be great to hear most of them speak. Also recommend Bury Us Upside Down: The Misty Pilots and the Secret Battle for the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Great read on the whole Misty FAC mission.
  14. By far the best quote in this thread. That right there is proof that it is now safe for all aircrew to use on a daily basis.
  15. So one question? Can we take our families with us to Korea if we get sent there? Or are those still just a 365? So why don't we just make those PCS locals as well since there is no danger what so ever I Korea but we have known threats in that aor. There is just so many reasons why this is a bad idea. I wonder how many divorces this will create because of this locale. Hell I think Cannon just got upgraded from one of the worst locale's to not so bad anymore.
  16. A Big old 2 on that. I'm going through it now and it's not that hard at all. so far the worst I have had to do is 3 total papers for one of the classes, 2 900 word essay's and the 1800 word final. Plus if your a WIC capt you only have to do 7 classes and your done. How quickly can I get this done? - If you don't take any time off between classes its about 1.5 years. It's 11 8 week classes and the last 2 classes are for your final research paper anyway. So your only looking at 9 real classes plus the 2 for the final research paper. How difficult/time consuming is the work? It depends on the amount of reading you have to do for each lesson. But it only takes about 10-12 hours a week tops. I plan to start the lesson on Mon and be finished with all the reading and have my discussion topic posted by Thurs night. With my two reply's by mid sat to sun if I am waiting on more post for that week. Do they give credit for SOS, instructor school, etc.? I wish but no. It's only 9 real classes so it's not that bad. Plus you have to have some form of SOS complete anyway to be even able to apply and be in the 6th year of the AF anyway. Hope that helps.
  17. cragspider

    Gun Talk

    M2 that awesome that you actually found one let alone take it home with you. Looking forward to the range report on this one.
  18. Looks like the Joe isn't safe for the Wings anymore. It's about time the Preds figured out how to score on the power play finally. On another note did anybody happen to catch the boxing match in Philly today? I was hoping to see a hockey game but saw a great fight instead. Looks like Philly is going to finish Pittsburgh in 4.
  19. It should be Rooting for the Red Wings in Smashville is unsat. I just hope the rest if the series is better than tonights game. Way to many penalties by the Preds. But hey they have to help the old guys out some how. Looking forward to being at game 2 on Fri. God bless being on casual some times. I say it's going to be the Preds in 6. I caught part of the Pens vs. Flyers game and that was a good game. That's going to be another good series as well.
  20. I read his Biography and it was very interesting to see what he did after his time of service. Here's to Buck you will be missed. Thanks for all you did for this country.
  21. What fod check? I think he's talking about the chase car just flying onto the runway. Still cool though.
  22. So does this only apply to people PCS'ing to and from the Pacific region? I love my dog just like everybody else but thats just nuts charging that much to ship your pet. Guess that United is just trying to make as much money as they can on the customer. Let's just see how this turns out for everybody out there. On another not did anybody have any major issues shipping their pets over to Germany recently ?
  23. Anybody get the new update yet with pleasant acres? A fun little urban neighborhood setting, to bad you can't level the houses with the bigger guns. Over all I would say it's a nice edition to the game.
  24. Is that just for the legacy or the J school house or both? So they have to be good through your grad date? That's just great got to love it if you have to do them all over again.
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