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Posts posted by GrndPndr

  1. http://stopmasturbationnow.org/celebrity/sign-our-petition-to-get-american-actor-hugh-jackman-to-change-his-offensive-name/

    (StopMasturbationNOW)—This is a reminder that we need more signatures to force American actor Hugh Jackman to change his offensive name. As of noon 6/12/2015 we have had 753,252 signatures which is over 75% of the needed one million required to force a name change.

    Our children are bombarded with anti family values messages everyday and the last thing we parents need to worry about is the name of an actor appearing subliminally in movie credits.

    Holy crap girl! I was worried when you said you were an angry panda...

  2. You should proceed immediately to a physician. Do not pass go, nor try to collect the rest of your career.

    Do you have any history of cardiac issues in your family? If yes, consider this another reason to seek help.

    Maybe it's nothing, unfortunately you may have to find out the hard way (sts) if you wait.

  3. This guy is interesting...

    Those streams typically do not cross.

    I have a relative who was a Navy nuke officer in the early-mid '80s; he told me long ago that he (and the majority of his peers) really didn't give a shit about what went on with the Air Wing, as long as they didn't drop the mail bags during VERTREP or let the Russians blow the boat up. I can't imagine that attitude changing so drastically that nuke officers would find themselves balls-deep in the Air Wing's TTPs, to the point where one in the twilight of his career would turn away from the light at the end of the tunnel and desert over what he had seen...


    It always amazes me when I'm aboard any CVN, that many O's and most E's who have functions below the flight deck rarely if ever are permitted to get on the flight deck (or hanger deck for that matter). By the same token, everyone always seems pretty focused on their own stuff. When I start talking about something going on up there, they usually respond with something like, "I might get up there on our next dependent's day cruise." So how much do they stick their collective noses in other's business?

  4. Yet liberals everywhere call Chris Kyle a psychopath because he called radical Muslims "savages."

    If immolating a man inside a cage on film does not make the cut for savage status, I don't know what would.

    Indeed, what a shame we cannot operate (or think) with the same vitality the Jordanians do:


    Of course, they are playing by Sharia rules.

    Jordan's rhetoric was a bit stronger, counterposing the quote from our guy in command (see above):

    "Jordan vowed a 'strong, earth-shaking and decisive' response to Islamic State killing's of a Jordanian pilot..."

    Reuters via Yahoo

    Eh, same old story, sorry to bring light to it.

  5. Well, POTUS is certainly coming out with a very aggressive tone -

    '...redouble the vigilance and determination on the part of our global coalition to make sure they are degraded and ultimately defeated.'

    I'll go ahead and call that response one of the weakest possible ways to respond to something like this, that I can imagine. He would have been better off not saying anything at all, but was trapped (and therefore had to respond) because of the presence of that visiting head of state. See story (linked-to) earlier.

    Oh, and I feel like he's got our back, and he'll really let us go kick some *ss. I hope some of you young dudes you get the opportunity to degrade and ultimately defeat them (somehow).

    Seriously, for those downrange - I pray for your safety.


    edit: Didn't know this would start a new page, changed reference to "earlier" article, rather than "above."

    • Upvote 2
  6. Hasn't this (not Santa) been cnx'd over budget issues. Come on, White House tours, Demo teams and trackin' Santa. Hell, all that stuff is about how much pain we want to remind everybody about in the budget. Those mean ole Republicans. That mean ole Pres... Wait! Cancelling this is only an executive order away!


    Still proudly celebrating Christmas...

  7. https://medium.com/w...ng/ff4662469f95

    Ambiguous strategic effect? I'm going to go out on a limb and say the bombing of Honshu (Japan's main island) and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had a very large strategic effect...as in ending WWII.


    Yep, and...

    Linebacker I and II had a direct correlation with positive (from our standpoint) NV diplomatic activity in Paris with Kissinger.


  8. We've talked about Gen. Yeager's attitude (and the reasons behind it) before, and I hesitate further denigrating the man. However, I think the real culprit may well be his present wife, of whom I feel little respect for. Hell, he should be out hunting and fishing until the bitter end, anyway.

    Perhaps a focus on her (assuming she is photogenic) would be in order?


    • Upvote 1
  9. Thread revival!

    Looks like Chuck and his new wife is trying to squeeze ever last red cent out of his legacy:


    Here you can get a personalized autograph from the man himself for the low, low price of $100!

    Jeeeze... My kid has his autograph. I will get it from him and sell it to anyone here for $10. That's 90% off!


    PS: My kid is 30 y. o. Marine and doesn't care...

  10. It happens every day, so why worry about it?

    Three days of recent activity...

    2013.05.23 (Agadez, Niger) - Suicide bombers detonate in a local army barracks, killing about twenty others.

    2013.05.22 (Moqur, Afghanistan) - A suicide bomber detonates at a busy market, wiping out four bystanders.

    2013.05.22 (London, UK) - An off-duty soldier is hacked to death in the name of Allah by two Muslims.

    2013.05.21 (Kirkuk, Iraq) - Holy warriors send razor-sharp shrapnel into patrons of a cattle market, taking out at least five.

    2013.05.21 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Six people bleed to death when Mujahideen set off a bomb outside a cafe.

    2013.05.21 (Abu Ghraib, Iraq) - Eleven people at a mosque bleed out following a bombing by Religion of Peace rivals.



    (edit: add source and make it look more readable) (copy?)

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