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Posts posted by glockenspiel

  1. 43 minutes ago, DosXX said:

    They can still get COVID again given sufficient time, but even if that wasn't true there is no way of knowing who has natural immunity and who doesn't in a practical enough matter to prevent the deaths public health policies are trying to prevent. In other words, even if you as an individual have natural immunity, that fact is irrelevant when considering public health policies (like mandatory vaccination). Hope that is clear enough.

    Also, here's a study showing a third of COVID cases don't produce protective antibodies, so even if we had something like antibody cards you could still pose a health risk to others.


    1/3 of 72 people is pretty limited data….

    so if I understand correctly, a PCR is good enough to count as a “case” but not natural immunity…? Why is a test result any more difficult to provide than a vax card?

  2. 9 minutes ago, pawnman said:

    One more time with the Kentucky study that shows you're more than twice as likely to get reinfected without the vaccine as you are with it...your "natural immunity" is not as good as the vaccine.


    Why did they not include any patient outcomes? We want to avoid hospitalization and death- that is the important thing, not total “cases”. I thought the purpose of the vaccine now was to reduce symptoms? 

    PCR is not to be used as a stand alone diagnostic tool, yet it was: 
    “* Case-patients were eligible for inclusion if initial infection occurred during March–December 2020, and a subsequent positive nucleic acid amplification or antigen test result was received during May–June 2021 (using date of specimen collection). Cases for analyses were restricted to persons aged ≥18 years at time of reinfection.” 
    Placed have been forcing testing upon unvaccinated people much more than those vaccinated, so the total pool of positive PCR tests is likely much larger for the Unvaccinated group than the Vaccinated group. Maybe almost “2.58” times more, I don’t know, they forgot to put that in the study. 

    Why is the CDC revoking approval of PCR in December? Notice that it did not mention the cycle threshold of the PCRs used in the study.

    also isn’t the vaccine aiming to achieve what survived natural infection would do, but with less risk? 

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  3. 1 hour ago, DosXX said:

    False equivalence, none of the things you listed can affect the health of anyone but yourself.

    Fair point, fair point DosXX! Though a lot of arguments for the vaccine have not been strictly health related (think “ I am doing my part to make sure the hospitals aren’t overrun”, “I want life to be back to normal, so I got the jab”), we will stick to only health related arguments for now. if someone has natural immunity for CV19 how does that person affect the health of others? If you don’t take your medicine mine won’t work? I genuinely don’t understand not trying to do a “got ya”. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, BrightNeptune said:

    Here, here.

    I move that we dishonorably discharge every fatbody in the military with a BMI over 30. They have disobeyed a direct order to maintain in fighting shape. You want a force that won't get hurt by this cold bug? Get rid of the fatties that are LARPing in the military.

    sad thing is the force isn’t really hurt by the Kung flu with a IFR of %0.01 and that assuming you get it…. Assuming 1.3million troops total, your chances of death over the past 18 months from covid are approximately %0.00038.

    next year: mandatory bubble wrap during PT. Yehaw! 


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  5. 14 minutes ago, Pooter said:

    My favorite part about the no mask crowd I see at the grocery store is that the majority are obese, walking, talking sacks of comorbidities filling their carts with Cheetos and hamburger helper. 

    Likewise, many of the anti vax Air Force people I know think of themselves as elite physical specimens except for the part where they can't run a mile and a half in under 14 minutes without a borderline medical emergency. 

    It seems like the elderly have the sense to mask up and get vaccinated, but a lot of young unhealthy people fail to realize how severely obesity affects their odds. 

    The same could be said in reverse. There are a lot of fat folks in the US. Also maybe you just “see” what you want to see in the world?

    Bottom line is fat people shouldn’t rely 100% on a leaky vaccine, nor a cloth mask to save them when the rona hits.

    Can we agree on that? Cloth masks may help, they might not. I have a difficult time believing the actually work since the holes are so large in a cloth mask including the gaping holes around your nose — Non-one way N95’s are a different story.

    Outcomes with all sickness including covid are not random- despite what the MSM would have you believe. Everyone can help themselves. Everyone can reduce their risks. CV19 and the last 2 years of media coverage (overblown imo, but if it bleeds it leads) should be wake up call to everyone of all ages to eat real food, mix in some weight lifting and/or aerobic exercise, supplement if needed and go outside. Then you happen to covid instead of the other way around.

    That I am against mandating that anyone to reduce their risk. Although it would help you be healthier, Would you be in favor of the government forcing you to eat real food? Forcing you to take particular supplements? (insert “Floride” argument- I got a well so go f yourself), Forced exercise? All of which could arguably reduce your risk of death from covid greater than a vaccine could.  I wouldn’t want to live in that world. The arm of the federal government is going captain insano-  and captain insano shows no mercy. 

    • Upvote 4
  6. 26 minutes ago, Prozac said:

    Except they do.  There have been vaccine mandates for schoolchildren for decades.  There have been vaccine mandates for the military for just as long.  Employers in various industries including airlines have required certain vaccines for years.  So, sorry, but you're clearly wrong here.  Public health requirements have existed without major issues in free and open societies for a very long time.  They are not mutually exclusive concepts.  

    I’d like to see where a 10 month old vaccine was mandated by the federal government, or one that had almost no effect in children, or one that is not a sterilizing vaccine (sterilizing from the disease)….

    I have plenty of friends who weren’t vaccinated and were able to attend public school.

    National vaccine mandates are the idea I am against and a free society would not have them. It’s all too heavy handed and denies natural immunity. If the vaccine is so great why wouldn’t people voluntarily take? Why would the government even have to force it on people? Or are they all too dumb and can’t interpret the data like the experts can?

    • Upvote 3
  7. 2 hours ago, pawnman said:

    I'm not for mandates nationwide, where government agents go door to door with dart guns vaccinating every American. 

    I do support vaccine mandates in fields where it makes sense - military, health care, airline travel, school teachers...probably a couple I'm missing. 


    2 hours ago, Pooter said:

    Was he ever arguing in favor of mandates for the general public? Has anyone done that on this thread?

    Arguing that vaccines are safe and effective ≠ advocating for a mandate

    Vaccine mandate for active duty military ≠ mandate for the entire general public

    I forgot that teachers, healthcare workers, airline travelers and the “couple” million of people you are missing are not “general population”. So you are for a sort-of mandate, which is totally different than a full mandate. What’s the difference between a nation wide mandate and requiring vaccination to travel? To go to school? To go to work? Less people will travel on airlines I guess? More  vaccine fraud? More people will homeschool their kids? People will leave their jobs?

    The fact that you admittedly are “missing a couple” groups where the vaccine mandate “makes sense” is proof that your threshold is gray and if implemented will likely be determined by some person in an office building that doesn’t care about the individuals health nearly as much as that individual cares about theirs (or at least the individual ought to care). Bottom line is free countries don’t entertain this types of ideas.

    for the record, also against blow darts- though the blow dart scene from get smart comes to mind. 

    • Upvote 2
  8. 2 hours ago, pawnman said:

    He didn't leave from the US.

    Boy, have you swallowed the big government lines.  Again...I'm way more mad that a government that claims to represent its citizens has seized so much power over such a small amount of risk than I am that someone exposed that government's actions.

    I am not at all convinced that this system makes us safer. At all.  Didn't catch the Las Vegas shooter. Didn't stop the Boston Marathon bombing. Near as I can tell, it's a bunch of security theater.  And to inch us back to the topic...you don't think the government will turn those same tools on people who oppose vaccine mandates (for example)?  It baffles me that you support the idea of an all-seeing eye for government while railing against things like militias and Trump supporters getting labeled as terrorists. Where do you think the government is going to turn those tools next?

    Pawn, you are a proving to be a beacon of hope this morning…..you are at the five yard line— now just use the same logic with COVID vaccines mandates.

    • Upvote 2
  9. 1 hour ago, dream big said:


    2020 has given me a PhD in tyrannyspeak, I will translate:

    “the CV19 vaccine is like a seatbelt, but for your immune system. There ARE NO SAFTEY CONCERNS! Every case in VAERS is a lie. isn’t that great news? Do YoU uNeRstanD my nuanced analogy?

    plus, Our lord and savior, Boe Jiden, even said ”this is not about liberty”. The job of our government is to protect the citizens, not protect its citizens rights. In order for my shot to work— everyone needs to get one. Just give up your rights to bodily autonomy- I promise we won’t take any more of your rights away. Praise be to Fauci, praise be to Pfizer, help us clean the unvaxxed with our immune system seatbelts!”

    …or at least that’s what I’d imagine it would sound like… 

    • Upvote 3
  10. 37 minutes ago, torqued said:

    To address the arguments related to COVID hospitalizations and statistics:

    If I were to argue that the numbers have been manipulated to serve a desired end, instead of an appropriate end, would you immediately call it conspiracy theory?

    You'd be half correct. Here is video evidence of hospital staff conspiring, but it's not a theory. Is this the process by which other hospitals generate their COVID numbers? I don't have the answer, but the probability is not zero.

    Despicable. These are the numbers people rely on to generate an appropriate response, and they're being f'd with.

    The video:

    An article that provides some context and an insufficient explanation by the hospital:


    Jesus help us— I mean Fauci help us. There is only one truth— the CV19 Vaccine. It is for EVERYONE. There are only two groups in this world, the vaccinated (pure) and the unaxxed (unclean). There is only one way to save lives! 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 9 hours ago, Negatory said:

    2) This virus spreads quickly and in a shitty way that is not easy to control. It has an R0 value of 5-9. Yes, I wanted to say 6-9, but I feel that would have been nit picked. That means that if you send your healthy, not at risk, kids to school sick, they’re gonna end up getting a looooot of other people sick through secondary infections.



    where you getting your nearly 6-9 R0? I seeing 2-4 from the site above, but that might be old info. 

  12. On 8/2/2021 at 8:11 PM, busdriver said:

    This is the fundamental disconnect.  Some agree with you.  Some think the primary purpose of government is protect its citizens rights.

    Lest we forget the summary of all 105 pages in one paragraph. @busdriver

    Here is to another 105🍻 lol

  13. 2 hours ago, Pooter said:

    One of the most important tenets of liberal thought is:

    you should be able to do what you want unless it impacts someone else

    A lot of anti vax people think their choice to not get the shot is solely a personal one with little to no ramifications on others. After all, if you're vaccinated why would you worry about getting covid from an unvaxxed person. 

    Except there's a catch.

    Healthcare is a finite resource and non vaccinated people are taking up almost all of the bandwidth. Across all age groups, the unvaccinated are far more likely to contract severe illness and require hospitalization. When your trash decision puts you in the hospital and you take an ICU bed from someone needing urgent care for something that wasn't preventable, your decision just hurt someone else.  I'll say the same for obese people and smokers. Your trash lifestyle and decision making has upped your risk factors and you are negatively impacting others. 

    Are there only two groups in the discussion? Unvaxed vs vaxed? How about children? How about previously infected people? How about people sub 40 who are healthy?Isn’t it weird how every issue boils down to one group vs the other— almost like the media is fueling division… The infection fatality ratio for children under 12 is 3500X less than those 65 plus according to CDCs best estimates https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html

    it just seems a little simplistic to boil it down to two group.

    Also we know the long term risk of smoking, do we know the long term risk of covid or the vaccine? No.

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  14. 45 minutes ago, Lord Ratner said:

    Vaccines historically do not have effects that manifest more than 12 months after getting the shot. Mostly it's a matter of weeks.


    However identifying the pattern takes much longer, and constructing and executing the proper studies to validate the potential effects takes even longer. Years in fact.


    10 years also ensures the bulk of the elected officials, appointees, and bureaucrats involved "at ground zero" are cycled out, allowing for a more dispassionate analysis of the necessity for a mandate. 

    Why isn’t your standard 8 months with a technology that has not been tested in humans? With reported events like this? 


  15. 3 minutes ago, LumberjackAxe said:

    Is there a good way to tell if you’ve had COVID and thus have a greater immunity? Aren’t the antibody tests notoriously unreliable, or am I thinking of the regular COVID test?

    @lumberjacka look at the T-detect test to detect Tcell immunity. 

    17 minutes ago, FLEA said:

    Nope. I want protected from polio. Polio sucks and if I got it, it would probably kill me. It's necessary for my survival to inoculate against it, especially since it's still widespread in many countries the US operates in. 

    If I am a recovered COVID patient, you can't make the same argument for necessity. I am likely already possessing immunity equal to one greater than what the vaccine alone can provide. The vaccine isn't necessary to save my life or protect me in anyway. 

    @FLEA just pipe down and hop on the mandate train. Covid vaccines are just as black and white as polio vaccines and seat belts!!

  16. 1 hour ago, hockeydork said:

    Looks like you figured it out. Most people don't ever need their seat belt or a helmet....until their brains are on the highway. Most people wear seat belts and helmets because the large consensus is that the trade off/inconvenience is worth the gain if something goes wrong, knowing full well it likely won't. It isn't my job to feel bad if someone chooses to disregard that. 

    Maybe most people don't need the shot....until their the one getting packed into a box because their lungs imploded. 


    Not my job to feel sorry for the guy with his brains on the highway...or the Idaho Joe in the ICU who coughs himself to death. 



    Seat belt ≠ covid vaccine. See openvaers.

    this is a thread about covid not seat belts. 

  17. 24 minutes ago, hockeydork said:

    Agree with brabus age chart and /or underlying conditions would give more context. I don't think it will matter tho, there is just a portion of the population that does not what the shot and wants to roll the dice. Some people want to roll the dice and not wear a helmet on a bike or a seatbelt. You gotta let them do them at some point. If their brains end up all over the highway, you can't feel bad about it, that's what they chose.


    Torqued, while I disagree with a lot of what he says, does bring a valid concern that even with an effective shot...drug companies are maybe going to try and milk it? Me thinks the FAA and the insurance companies are going to be all over that like a hawk tho. Insurance companies don't like paying for stuff unless it's actually effective/needed. 

    Person against a particular vaccine mandate ≈ person against seatbelts = brains on highway! Brilliant! 

  18. 21 minutes ago, torqued said:

    Absolutely no one here has said of the things you're attributing to my position or anyone else who thinks our response to COVID is going way to far.

    We can't have a civil discussion on the singular issue at hand without one side of the argument chiming in with "Whataboutisms", hyperbole, and hysterics (, motherers, goddamnit, etc.) Can you not defend your position on COVID without relying on unrelated and irrelevant arguments?

    We've just established 83.3% of our population has COVID antibodies as of 4 months ago, pharmaceutical companies are applying pressure for endless boosters and now pills, and COVID passports are already in the United States.

    The only difference between us is where we drawn the line of "common sense". It is vastly apparent to me that we've crossed the definition of it, but you're unwilling to specify where you draw the line. I believe it is more important to you to defend the side you've chosen than to admit that people will take from you until say "That's enough."

    Everyone knows that because you are against this particular government vaccine mandate therefore you are against all government mandates therefore you are against stop signs and therefore are against wearing your uniform and therefore you are against PT tests. Also you are for drunk driving— how do you sleep at night? (Like how I connected the dots there?) 

    So sit down, shut up and hand over your freedom to choose what you put in your body like a good boy. Happy Friday Mothaa

  19. 2 hours ago, torqued said:

    Pfizer CEO doubling down:

    Vaccinations and Boosters aren't good enough.

    Non-hospitalized low risk adults also need Pfizer's new and improved oral medication.

    What more does it take for people to understand what is obviously happening? Snap out of it, FFS.

    The Press Release: https://t.co/su5VtfbWPX?amp=1

    The CEO:

    Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 8.18.06 AM.png

    Stop being so conspiratorial and anti-science, everyone knows big pharma has our best interest in mind…

    Hail Fauci, praise Pfizer, and help us @pawnman! Thank God they have come to rescue us from us.


    edit: added authoritarian representative @pawnman

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  20. On 8/25/2021 at 6:26 AM, pawnman said:

    When it gets anywhere near the number of Covid deaths.  For a group that keeps touting a 99% survival rate for the illness, y'all seem awfully skittish about a 99.999% survival rate for the vaccine.

    So until the solution is as bad as the problem, only then will you be open to looking into possible risks of the solution? How is that reasonable? People should know all the risks of CV19 and all the risks of the potential solution. I’m not suggesting taking VAERS completely at face value. To draw an analogy, sexual assault is largely self reported. Are victims always telling the truth? some guys at Duke would beg to differ. But every self reported sexual assault case should be given due diligence. Bottom line, VAERS data needs to be given due diligence and to my knowledge it hasn’t.

    I could be wrong though… (Pawnman isn’t that tough to say?)




    • Like 1
  21. 16 hours ago, pawnman said:

    Can't help with the VAERS data, other than that it's self-reported, which leads to some wild inconsistencies in the raw data.  CDC doesn't use it alone as a decision making tool...it's a canary in a coal mine to show when something may need further study.

    As for natural immunity - https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7032e1.htm


    At what point is the “canary” dead?




  22. What about an explanation of that VAERS data? An explanatory document written by the FDA of the data reported AE to date? I would gladly share this with people who are on the fence but to date the only response I’ve got/articles I’ve just say correlation≠ causation. End of story. No deeper dive…? 

    Also what about that natural immunity tho? Still on the search for evidence of benefit of vaccinating previously infected people. 

    also why is the PCR test EUA being revoked in December? (Please no news articles.) How reliable are the PCR tests compared to Sanger DNA sequencing? 

    Feels like the fence people are sitting on is legitimate no?

  23. 2 minutes ago, hockeydork said:

    Dude I'm all for holding corporations accountable, and the idea that they will "always act ethically" is for sure a stretch.

    But do you think all the thousands of employees at Pfizer are just monsters injecting a death sentence into their fellow community members? Think about how much it would take to pull that off...This shot came out during a global pandemic...under the scrutiny of literally everyone qualified (aka not me...and probably not you). 

    Also...logical flaw. You know what else hasn't been properly tested against humans and isn't FDA approved? The COVID virus itself. If you wanna roll your dice with an "untested" virus created by nature...go for it. But nature also created HIV, cancer, ALS, Polio, etc. You gunna roll your dice with those viruses too?

    I think you should have the right to not get the shot. But hospitals should also have the right to push you to the back of the line/not accept you ifyou show up wasted from Covid.

    ALSO. My sister has  masters in bio engineering, works across the street from Moderna. It's always ok to question, but every time you blast the "shot" as some conspiracy, your insulting the hard work of those people who worked in that field. Are you an AF pilot, fly any combat missions? What if I just came up to you and said Afghanistan was a hoax. We were never there, you never flew any actual missions. We just pretended to be there to defraud the American tax payer of money and all the governemnt elitists lined their pockets. All the scenes on TV were just filmed in Nevada by Paramount movie crews....

    Get the vibe? ...You'd probably wanna punch me in the face...





    What about those previously  infected with the Kung flu with TCell immunity confirmed with TDetect test? Where is the evidence of benefit from inoculation in previously infected patients? If there is evidence I’d love to see it! I want every pharmacological intervention to work but I am just am not convinced after reading all three EUA decision memorandums…


    this question needs answering and leaves millions of people on the fence….

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