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Everything posted by FLEA

  1. Well don't personalize your deductions here because as I've pointed out, I've taken the vaccine already, 3 times, and thanks to Europe's new laws, about to be on my fourth. I know it's difficult for you pro authoritarianism types to understand but there are people that legit believe in rule of law and individual liberty. So yes, as an officer, if someone is going to order my peers to be vaccinated against their will, I'm going to demand it be a legal/lawful order, and that it be an absolute last resort.
  2. Believe whatever you want man, but I know you would not land on a controlled field unless you heard "cleared to land." So you can mental gymnastics this however you like but you're just diminishing your credibility relevant to the discussion by doing so. Good day to you 🙂
  3. Since I hasn't been mentioned I think its worth mentioning that we are also in the heart of winter in Europe and Putin controls most of Europe's energy. A strong NATO response could be very traumatic for Europe and I question their readiness for that. My experience working with NATO, and my talks with NATO colleagues, is the appetite is very low for intervention right now. Putin chose his timing very well.
  4. Was refferring more to the point that you go a lot of places and still hear weird shit like "position and hold" or "XX tower confirmed cleared to land" replied with "confirmed." There are certain words we are keyed in onto and as much as you guys are argueing this I know you're all full of shit because Ive been flying a good chunk of time as well and I've never seen a pilot (not just myself, but anyone ive flown with) accept a clearance he wasn't absolutely certain on. So joke all you want but my point still stands.
  5. FFS.... I guess we know the point was cleared low approach over your head mate.
  6. This doesn't make it political though. You've listed symptoms not causes and you seem to be jumping to a conclusion based on an internal bias. You're not even understanding the facts you stated correctly. The Cominarty argument is not new. I posted about it back in September. There is an existing class action law suit against Austin on it. The fact that you just woke up to the realization that this has been ongoing does not mean people migrated, it means YOU weren't paying attention. As said before, the fact that the majority of people against the jab are conservative is a correlation but its not causation. Most republican voters are generally more cautious of authority. Additionally, conservative Protestants are usually Republican voters. So that comes as no surprise either. This goes deeper than politics but if you are going to hang up on that than just admit you don't care and move on with your life.
  7. Can you explain how this is political? People keep parroting that without demonstrating what political victory comes out of this? I realize there is a divide in political affiliation between people who got the vaccine and didn't, but correlation does not mean causation. I think you are just searching for a rational reason to justify this without following that thought all the way through.
  8. This all makes you wonder why we even have a guard? Why not just roll it all into the AFR if they are technically federal employees first anyway.
  9. Is this a joke? There are entire safety investigations on tower clearances and words. There is a reason we say "line up and wait" now and not "position and hold." Did they stop teaching comm discipline at some point in UPT? I feel like I'm at the local FBO lounge.
  10. On second thought I guess your answer is: well an uncontrolled field is non-FDA approved so it's my decision whether i want to take the active or not. 😂
  11. Rights, it's like how I'll fight back a tower controller that says ANYTHING but "cleared to land" or "cleared to lineup and wait", etc.... I don't care if their intent is essentially the same. It has to be perfect.
  12. Sort of agree with you. My biggest agitation with masking though is communication and relationships. I PCS'd just as COVID started and Ive been unable to make very few friends in my new community. Masking really does effect our ability to process empathy and connection. Of course other social distancing measures are doing the same but masking is the one that is driving me nuts. Similarly I'm worried what effect that's going to have long term on children since 90% of your emotional development is complete by age 10. Would not be surprised if we have an incredibly high number of adults with anti social personality order in 10 years because their brains wired them to believe people were objects and had no agency. It's bizarre and with kids mainly, I think we need to pay more attention to it.
  13. Its a lot though. I mean we are already 10% short on pilots. Assuming an equal cut across each AFSC that is going to REALLY hurt.
  14. Ive known several people refuse orders in the military and litigate it. Sometimes it cost them, many times they were successful. Regardless of whether it is a stall tactic or not, the government still has an obligation to prove the order is lawful. Just because you are in the military does not mean you forfeit your personal interest. If the government is going to violate you interest it must demonstrate it is doing so lawfully. This is a basic tenant of rule of law. We should all respect this. And for the record I'm not against the vaccine. On dose 3 myself. I just have enough empathy that I can see where people who are afraid of it are coming from. Ive gone through my own crises of mortality that I don't care to discuss any further. Just recognize these are good people but they legitimately no longer believe their commanders, government or the American people have their interest at heart. That is a problem. That said, full circle, the DoD does have an obligation now to recompense any health problems that emerge from the vaccine now or forever. I do think that substantially weakens most of their cases.
  15. There isnt a political aspect to it. It's a cultural aspect; in regards to the culture war between democrats and republicans. Culturally, Republicans are generally more skeptical of authoritarianism, government, institutions and subversion of individual rights. If Trump were President, there could have been a minor effect but that would have been more due to a hard line republican generally trusting another republican slightly more than a democrat. Otherwise I think the data would be very close. As it is Trump has publicly endorsed the vaccine on several occasions but had little effect. So I think your understanding to what is happening in regards to hesitance is mistaken. A general every day person/republican has nothing to gain by bucking Biden's mandate. The vast majority of the country is already vaccinated. In regards to your later questions, there is no data on an mRNA vaccine causing long term effects because there's never been a study on the long term effects of an mRNA vaccine. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
  16. I mean fuck, even Trevor Noah is starting to recognize that all of these pharma CEOs keep recommending more products that cost more money. Weird right?
  17. Unfortunately I just understand this better than you sorry. Orders must be lawful, period. If someone doubts the lawfulness it's their right to litigate it, case example US Navy SEALS vs Lloyd Austin and The State of Oklahoma vs Lloyd Austin. You can hate that as much as you want but you still have an ethical responsibility to do the right thing when you're in uniform, regardless of what you were ordered.
  18. Haha that's my case example. The official statement from the DoD is the Roosevelt was never at a state of reduced readiness and could continue to execute it's important mission in the Pacific at all times. Then they fired the guy that said there was an issue. What are we supposed to make of that?
  19. You can't issue an order (for anything in the military) unless there is a military neccesity for that order. A lot of people would disagree that there is a military neccesity for the CV19 vaccine seeing as how it doesn't impact readiness and doesn't provide an intrinsic health benefit to the force. Regardless, really no reason to call anyone a snow flake over a philosophical difference of opinion. Especially when you don't understand the nuance of another person's perspective.
  20. Shouldn't take any time at all. None of the data is classified and there is a significant public interest in it. Their argument doesn't make sense because they are basically saying they need 55 years to review the data to be released but supposedly this data was all reviewed in a year to approve the vaccines.
  21. Ah shit the hyperlink failed. Let me see if I can find it... https://justthenews.com/government/federal-agencies/air-force-revoke-bronze-star-recipients-retirement-benefits-hot-tub?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter This is a similar article but the info is a bit different. In short, Undersecretary Ortiz sounds like the one who is really pushing to open this can of worms again. The facts are super confusing and the dude sounds like an overall douche so I have little sympathy for him. But it does sound like there is significant concern is rights are being penalized if he already met the obligations of his court martial and was allowed to continue service.
  22. Well low and behold she was in the news today. This story probably belongs in this thread but honestly after reading all of it, Im not sure who is right/wrong. It sounds like the AF fucked up by not kicking this guy out when they had the chance. However, it also sounds like they did try but didnt meet the standards of evidence neccessary to do it. The fact is though, for several years now, they have trampled his rights, which no matter how gross his crimes, is never justified.
  23. The point is her credentials were good enough because there was an invisible hand holding her up. As mentioned, she's been darling'd by the DNC. Her work at DIA is relevant but I'm curious how she was so quickly pulled into the WH division, largely during the Obama presidency mind you. The question you need to ask now though is who does she really work for? The DAF? The USG? I would argue she actually works for the Democratic Party. They are the ones that will continue to ensure she is gainfully employed. I predict she finishes out two years than moves to an undersecretary position within SECDEF or a position within the office of the DNI. When Biden is out of office they will rerun her for Congress or find her more work in a prestigious firm that justifies Democratic policy. This isn't a stab at Democrats, it's happening everywhere. There is clearly a vector to power that is available to some but not many.
  24. Interesting because most Americans, especially males, are D3 deficient. Btw, if you didn't know, D3 has positive correlations on your testosterone levels.
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