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Everything posted by mp5g

  1. Don't worry, you'll have about 6-9 hours a day to study once you start on Monday morning.
  2. mp5g

    Gun Talk

    I bought an LC9 about 4 months ago and love that gun. Now, putting it up against a Kahr, I'd take the Kahr because it feels a little more put together than the LC9, but that isn't to say the LC9 is a bad gun. I was looking for a sturdy, cheaper concealed carry weapon, and I definitely got that in the LC9. I've worn it multiple times with an IWB holster, in shorts and a t-shirt, with absolutely no problems. Agreed with what HeloDude stated about the safety. However, it's right there next to your thumb if you want to have it on. To me, it doesn't make that much of a difference. I've practiced drawing and flipping safety off so many times that if I actually had to, I don't think I'd forget to turn off the safety but YMMV.
  3. Every time I read about Jill, I get pissed off. She should take the sage advice from 7:25.
  4. mp5g

    Gun Talk

    Noted. Thanks for the info. Guess I'll just have to get both sometime this year.
  5. mp5g

    Gun Talk

    StoleIt, I'm trying to decide if I want to get an AR or a SCAR next. It looks like you own both. Can I have your thoughts on which way you would go and why?
  6. Love the comments section. Tim sounds like a real winner. Maybe it's our friend from Commutair. Tim (unregistered) April 06, 2012, 21:26 What, they couldnt direct the plane to the forest or something? Or they were scared for their lives and just pressed the eject button. Dont know, maybe or maybe not, but probably someone is dead on the ground (hope not) and they alive and well. That's not right, especially for army men who supposed to protect civilians, not drop planes on them. EDIT: fixed a format error
  7. Like Brabus stated, you'd have a better shot at an FTU/UPT/IFF. In my prior life as an ARMS guy at the 149th in San Antonio, I processed a ton of AFA cadets for Fam flights when they were on breaks throughout the year (Spring Break, X-mas, Summer, etc.) Don't know what they have going to get that set up, but just know that it is possible.
  8. Nice J.D. I'm sure that's exactly the answer he's looking for. When you headed down to Laughlin by the way?
  9. I agree with the studying quizzes as much as possible during the first week, but I think it's a huge mistake not to chairfly before your dollar ride. Now, let me preference this with the fact that I had about 100 hours of prior time, so I was a little more used to procedures than some of the guys with no time. That being said, there will be a lot going on the first time you go up. In my opinion, it would be to your advantage to be as familiar as possible with the procedures so that while you are enjoying your ride, you are already getting into the routine of how things are done. This will put you that much more ahead of the "power curve" when you get into your later 200 block and 300 block flights. IMO, the biggest thing they are looking for to advance someone through IFS is being able to apply the procedures correctly while being safe.
  10. mp5g

    Booze Talk

    I tried the 21 year at a bar once. Best scotch I've ever had. Balvenie knows their shit.
  11. Getting there a day early really won't make that much of a difference. In-processing usually only takes an hour at most, if there is a line at medical. Only if you want to get there a day early would I suggest doing that. As for the patches, you will only be wearing a nametag and an AETC patch on your flightsuit. If you don't have an AETC patch, then one can be provided to you by the cadre at IFS. Your shoulder patches will be your Flight patch and your 1 FTS Squadron patch that you receive once you solo.
  12. Bring a Shammie (the leather cloth you wipe your car down with after washing it) and a shower wiper. You can get all of the water off the walls and door using the wiper, and then soak up the remaining water on the floor using your Shammie. Leave your door open at night to maximize drying ability.
  13. To save the mods the effort of saying UTFSF:
  14. Check the Air Force Waiver Guide here: http://airforcemedicine.afms.mil/idc/groups/public/documents/afms/ctb_071808.pdf This is from Dec 2011, so I think it is the most recent. Specifically pages 793-797. "... Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is disqualifying for all flying and special operational duties. Symptomatic Sickle Cell Trait (SCT) is disqualifying only for FC I/IA, FC II, and FC III duties. All initial flying class physicals require documented Sickledex™ results and if positive hemoglobin electrophoresis is required. Asymptomatic sickle cell trait (Hb AS) confirmed on hemoglobin electrophoresis does not require a waiver and Hb AS, with Hb S up to 45 % is acceptable for flying duties. Symptomatic sickle cell trait and sickle cell diseases (Hb SS and other heterozygous sickling disorders other than trait) are disqualifying. Anemia is not associated with sickle cell trait and therefore should not be attributed to the sickle cell trait..."
  15. Nope, had PRK, but yes it is waiverable as far as I know.
  16. Slowhand, I'm not expert, but I do believe that Wright-Patt will be able to furnish you with a temp pair to get you through the eye exam, but there are others on this forum who know more than I do. As to the Contact program, I'm in the same boat, although my eyes diverged a little more than yours. As I understand it, you have to have worn contacts 6 months prior to UPT in order to qualify for the program when you show up to UPT. I've had mine for the past 6 months and start UPT in May, so I'm hoping that I won't have a problem in wearing contacts once I get there. Cheers.
  17. If you're talking about the 28 Feb class, I'll be there.
  18. mp5g

    Latest Movies

    Saw "The Grey" last night. As long as you don't think it's going to be Liam Nesson fighting wolves the entire time, you should enjoy it for a decent survival movie. Oh, and be sure to stay past the credits for a "resolution" scene, if you can call it that.
  19. If you have Lasik or PRK before the Initial FC1, then you have to wait up to a year. If you are already rated, then I believe you only go DNIF for 3-6 months, as stated above.
  20. Bitch Slap. Getting the popcorn.
  21. Regardless if she can use it or not, she's only guaranteed 60 working days per year (July-June). Methinks she will probably not be going to UPT with you if she wants to keep her job.
  22. tlr, Sorry to hear that. Real class act from your company. I'd say it sounds like you definitely have grounds for a lawsuit if you choose to go that route. If they want you to come in sign paperwork, I'd make sure you state your case to HR that you feel like you are being discriminated against due to your employment with the Guard, and you plan to seek legal recourse against the company. (Just be sure if you go that route, what you said above - "never received any verbal or written warnings, and like I said, I have been told several times recently that I am doing a great job" is actually the truth and not something you are telling yourself since this hit you out of "left field".) That being said, I had some issues I felt with my company due to my Guard employment. I felt that I was being unfairly passed over for promotion because they knew I was going to be leaving for UPT and training for an extended time period. I took my case to my manager and HR and let them know that I felt I was being discrimnated against due to my employment with the Guard. I eventually got promoted after that, but I made sure that when I called the company out on something, I had data to back up my claims that I wasn't a shit-bag employee. I hope this works out for you man. At the end of the day, it's a bad situation, but you still get to leave and fly planes for the USAF whatever the outcome of this is. Good luck man.
  23. Just finished this read while on vacation with the family. It's definitely worth the read if you liked "Black Hawk Down." It gives the SEAL perspective of how things operated in Somalia.
  24. OTS dates should be here: http://www.au.af.mil/au/holmcenter/OTS/Classdates.asp
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