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Everything posted by HoHum

  1. Is this a service Linda performs for engineering types?
  2. Take an external usb wifi antenna and a hellacious usb extension. 15' got mine out the window so I could use the pay wifi service near the dorms. None of us could get repeaters to work. Depending on where the hajis put their repeater towers, you may not need the antenna. Some people just went outdoors to get reception, but if you're worried about that ultra-fine sand getting in your machine, you won't. The new dorms are definitely a step up. Sharing a shower and shitter with only two other dudes is much better than walkin' across the street to the cadillac!
  3. Your IPs will thank you. They're never quite sure what the students think of them and their teaching style, and sometimes they appreciate some indirect feedback.
  4. And then THIS happens... -START EMAIL- Sorry...didn't attach the wing guidance. It will be followed by all ### members. Specifically...note the requirement to wear the ID card on the LEFT UPPER ARM or around your neck (see para 2, d. (2)). DO NOT be the next person found w/ out of uniform...please...thanks. ### //SIGNED// ### XX/CC -----Original Message----- From: ###, XX/CC Sent: ### To: All XX ### Subject: Do the right thing All, I don't send these often, so please read and apply. There was some direct feedback from Wing Leadership today. Broken down…here's the bottom line. If someone corrects anyone for a uniform, haircut, mustache problem……there is only 1 response I want you to give. Simply respond by saying they are correct, thank them, fix the problem in the manner in which they ask, and go on with your business. If there is a question…in other words, you don't think you were wrong…that is not the time to discuss it. Bring that data to me and/or the 1st Sgt, and we'll get you the answer. If you do get corrected…you will tell the 1st Sgt or me about it. Some of the most common problems: 1. Socks (must be white socks w/ the PT uniform…must come above the top of the shoe line…1st Sgt can give you the specific reference). 2. PT shirt not tucked in 3. ID card not displayed properly when in PT uniform What's the common thread…obviously PT uniform. I'm attaching the wing guidance so you can read as well. It can be found, along with other wing guidance, on the ### home page. Bottom line…we have much more important things to worry about than uniform issues…so just help me out and do it right. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for the help. ### //SIGNED// ### -END EMAIL-
  5. Not Sucking Score. Used exclusively by the Navy...
  6. If you don't happen to have a DSN line in your room, make sure you get signed up for the "Hearts Apart" morale calls. Then when you want to talk to the wife, spend that fifty cents, send her a text, then she can call your home-station base operator with her nationwide cell phone plan and have it patched straight to your room. Edited for double-posting due to shitty wireless at some other place than the 'deid.
  7. And if you're looking to use any piece of software other than Office or IE, you're going to need a laptop.
  8. Probably because the gaining units were getting sick of paying the per diem. It's not small.
  9. Xeriscaping A & M Extension Call Taylor Co Extension
  10. HoHum


    I just got my house insured by a company that specializes in rural property. It's half what I was paying with USAA. Same exact coverages. Sounds like they're trying to recoup at my expense after losing their asses twice in five years to Florida hurricanes. They should know better than to have a large portion of their insured homes within reach of one natural disaster.
  11. Another one for you T-44C types - Does it still have that damn god-box?
  12. Here comes the monthly exercise. I'm guessing ORIs are next, as the Deid's quickly establishing itself as the next permanent base, as evidenced by the new dorms/exchange/gym/etc. Edit: You may be able to sleep through it, depending on where you live. I did.
  13. #1 sign that you're a REMF: Desert Defender Photos The Desert Defenders Association (DDA) is sponsoring "Defender's Pictures" near the ### ### on XX January from XX00-XX00. This is a chance for members of the community to come out and get their "This is what I did on my deployment" photo. You will get a chance to wear a flak vest and helmet while you pose with various military weapons and a HMMWV. Digital photos will be taken by DDA members and provided to you. There is no charge, but the DDA will gladly accept any monetary donation you would like to make to help support future DDA activities. Please come out and ENJOY the opportunity!!! "So you actually shot a gun in the war?" "Ummmmmm....no."
  14. HoHum

    Gun Talk

    Has anybody actually seen/shot a Kimber KPD yet? I was going to delay my purchase so I could include it in the running, but it seems to be MIA.
  15. HoHum

    Fuel Burn

    Howsabout finding an efficient method for detaching/attaching the C-130 externals? Oldheads at LRF were espousing how the drag of the two externals burns one external's load of gas, therefore only giving you one external's worth of fuel range. It's worthless drag when you're only posting a 3.something training sortie that could be all be burnt out of the internals. I'm sure it's all about the "wing relieving" fuel, but you could sent a few back to the depot for that cost.
  16. Get it done during ASBC/Casual. You ain't gonna have time otherwise, because once you get started in the UPT/FTU pipeline, you don't know when you're going to be able to take leave. I'm trying to coordinate getting done with FTU, moving myself, buying a house, selling her house, getting married, and getting her moved. And there isn't any "good time" to get married when you're going to be doing 120/120 deployments. "2" on the elopement. There is no such thing as a simple wedding. True love is like crack to people such as parents and grandparents, and they wanna do their best to savor it.
  17. Roommate just used the Pilot USA PA-88 with his DC 10-76s, reports that it works the same as a civilian headset. Got mine for $65 at Spinners.
  18. Identical experience here with Verizon and Cingular. Cingular's just a little more hardass about it. Usually the words "military", "forced to move" and "no service" get things moving, but you can also say "Servicemembers' Civil Relief Act" which should really get their attention. I had an outstanding experience with T-Mobile. After they determined that I couldn't reach any T-Mobile towers from my house, they were nice enough to give me the unlock code to my phone so I could get Cingular GSM service without having to get a phone and a contract (therefore allowing me to jump back to T-Mobile after my TDY).
  19. Yeah, you gotta take that Q&A portion with a grain of salt, as it's copied directly from Sigtronics' FAQ. They wanna sell headsets. I just wanted to get the impedance part straight for everybody. You can't just buy the splitter that Sporty's sells for the U-174/U - it needs some impedance correction on both talk and listen. However, there are several other places out there that sell adapters for ~$75 with the impedance correction included in the splitter. I just ordered one. I'll post the results with the DC 10-76 after I check it out.
  20. I think I can lay the mil-headset-in-GA question to rest (with some help from Sigtronics' FAQ)... Q. I have a military headset. How can I use it in a general aviation aircraft? A. It is possible to use a military headset in general aviation aircraft but it is not practical. Military headsets are different than general aviation headsets in several ways. The first and most obvious is the plug. Most military headsets use a single four conductor plug (U-174/U type). General aviation uses two plugs. Sigtronics manufactures an adapter cable (p/n 900051) that converts between the two plug arrangements but that only solves the plug problem. Another difference is the microphones. Military uses a 5 ohm non-amplified microphone. General aviation mics are amplified and powered by the aircraft intercom or radio. The microphone level and impedance are vastly different in the two systems. Therefore to use the military mic in general aviation aircraft you would need to add a mic amplifier between the microphone and the aircraft. The last and final difference is the speakers in the ear cups. Military headsets use 8 ohm speakers while general aviation uses 600 ohms. This also can be converted with additional electronics. In fact over the many years Sigtronics has been in business we have seen many such converters/adapter cords that take care of all three problems. Our customers, however, tell us that none of them have worked very well. Another approach is to buy general aviation microphones and speakers and change out the military ones. This works but is expensive. The best approach is to buy a headset made for general aviation and save the military headset for the military aircraft.
  21. HoHum

    Jeep Wrangler

    So the First Amdendment can be nullified for civvies on-base? I thought that was for only people under the UCMJ... The really ironic part this UCMJ/non-UCMJ problem is that people in uniform voluntarily give up some of their Constitutional rights - in order to defend the Constitution - for people who would like nothing better than to destroy it. I actually think I have more distaste for people who slowly, unconsciously let freedoms slide away underneath them as they give them up for "security". Patriot Act, anyone? Uncle Ben said it best: "Those who would give up freedom for safety deserve neither."
  22. I really wouldn't attempt it. My near vision was totally gone, and my far vision depth perception was still screwy. I was still having problems trying to depth percept when I was shaving the next morning. Drag out the darkest sunglasses you have, too.
  23. This has been a hot topic as of lately. I sat on my ass in Corpus (cool) for five months (not cool) as an AD kid. The guard dudes already had their spots lined up and they were out of there within a couple of weeks. When I showed up not too long ago at PIQ, there were only 11 in my class, which could have had at least four more. All the admin people on the first day said this had been normal for some time. Evidently the AF liaison office just got the news a couple of weeks ago when some of the Rock higher-ups rolled into Corpus for a winging. Maybe they'll fix it. Or maybe they'll just leave it wide open for people like you to jump in. Get your unit to go direct to the 714TRS (schoolhouse) and see if there's some immediate openings (not sure if that's possible, but seems like the best way to filter the BS floating around).
  24. Well, if you would have searched for "Renegade Band of Degenerate Homosexuals" you might have avoided this post altogether. Apply Here No, in all seriousness, you could be stuck flying ROTC kids around for "orientation rides".
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