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Everything posted by theat6bisasham

  1. Pentagon? Last time I checked that's staff, and we barely have staff billets for school selects much less anyone else... And on another note, 11M are filling up the AFGSC staff and STRATCOM which needs way more 11B rep, so it's killing our community when the wrong people are at the top inputing their 2 cents driving decisions that make no sense (watching it happen from the cubicle next-door). It's crazy that the 'bomber' staff is filled with tanker/herc/mobility dudes...i guess AMC staff must be filled with helos dudes and the ACC staff is filled with monkeys.
  2. Boldface applies - eject this is a retarded snake eating it's own tail...bail out nav, bail out already, the pilot has long since left you siting there without a ######ing stick...
  3. Stop talking to this guy...you are feeding his ego. You are making this nav on the staff feel inflated.
  4. Of course with 15 year retirement, the next thing i'm complaining about is that i'm on the bonus :) Lol, let the complaining never end!
  5. This dude is exactly the reason we are all ######ed. Keep checking the boxes and get the retirement is all I keep saying to myself every single day I get up. The ######ing AF forgot to tell me 15 years ago that they were going to flip a ######ing 180 and start throwing us all out at 15-18, or I would have starting working my way up the corporate ladder. Congress CLEARLY stated if you made it to major and got twice passed over you were supposed to be continued to 20, and then suddenly BAM some weenies decide to go against that. And i'm confused as ###### as to who the hell hasn't checked the easy blocks - what fricken major out there doesn't have their masters and PME? I can count 1/40 that doesn't do it. So this whole 10% crap doesn't make sense....senior leaders keep hiding behind that BS of check the blocks and you'll be fine - that's crap and you know it. EVERYONE checks the blocks just like all E's get 5's...the system is broken. Unless i had a patch...then things would be different wouldn't they :)
  6. He mimics a brain dead old head very well though...MSG/CC at the very least in my book.
  7. No, that's the problem..he IS serious. My favorite part that the old heads mimic now is the if-you-don't-like-it-then-leave attitude. Guess what general, no matter what you think, when most of us joined the air force this little gem of a joke called the 365-to-no-where-for-no-reason didn't exist, along with countless other BS maneuvers by big blue (RIF, VSP denials then RIF, non continuation of majors) to get us out the door without so much as a nickel to our name. The original game plan was 10 year contract with option to finish the 20 and get a retirement. The stupid military retirement system, with it's all-or-nothing benefit is what is causing all this pain. I'd gladly step aside if I could get a damn penny back on the 15 years i have invested, but I can't..so here I sit...biding my time...waiting...probably making O-5 because I smile and nod and agree with the boss in public the best I can stand to. Check check check the boxes, all at government expense, and for what? And before you even say it..Yea yea, yuck it up and tell me the same tired line "you signed up for it"....guess what, big blue changed their minds on alot of what was represented to us, and now WE are not supposed to be bitter.
  8. Like we really need to get into a freakin' quagmire all over again? Are you serious?
  9. If you COULD pick, why don't you pick one based on the flying. I hear Laughlin has 360+ days of flyable weather or some jack like that. Otherwise Vance and Columbus have horrible weather days/weeks in the winter where you can't fly worth a damn. Shepard ain't bad, but only pick it if you are dead set on heavies :) lol
  10. Retard, you can't be serious. You think cobbling together some code deserves a medal of that precedence? While we have 18 year old kids coming home without their arms and legs, burned skin melted off their bones...and these video game jockeys are being praised/rewarded above them? Are you f'ing serious dude? I can barely control my rage to throttle you through the monitor..
  11. The T-6 wouldn't last 6 months flying from rugged environment ...jesus they look 20 years old after sitting on the ramp at Vance for 5 years...ferrari's break hard..too brittle
  12. I get the feeling that the 150k+ a year harvard MBA guys all did something PRIOR to going to get their MBA, and are simply making a touch and go at the school and back to their same company or similar at least. More of a stepping stone than a 'hey I just done graduated now I get paid a gizillion bucks'...
  13. Erase the female standards from the military and make everyone meet the same ones - then I could give a crap who is there, I know they hacked the standard..whatever it may be. Until then, it's political nonsense and it's going to at best divide the troops and at worst kill people.
  14. Huh? I'm pretty sure I see blue flightsuiters at the sim building, I saw a 85 year old dude in a tan flightsuit taxi a F-4 down the taxiway last week, and at pensacola some old geezers were flying navigators around teaching them how to chew tobacco and trace charts at the same time. Never think they can't outsource your job to a higher paid civilian....
  15. There never seems to be a mass exodus....everyone talks big, but reality seems to set it when push comes to shove and only the most determined dudes end up punching as promised, while the rest of the dudes fade back into the background and sit back down at their desks. I can count 1 out of every 10 dudes that promises to leave that actually follows through.
  16. The UN article is a red herring folks....this is the real deal. Complete ban of assault rifles, high caps & pistol grips - brought to you by the originator of the '94 AWB. Enjoy! http://marketdailynews.com/2012/11/07/senator-dianne-feinstein-moves-to-ban-all-assault-rifles-high-capacity-magazines-and-pistol-grips/ By the way, I took all my guns to a bunch of private sellers i met on the forums and craigslist. I couldn't even tell you their names, but man did they buy everything I owned. All AR-15's, my shotguns, all my pistols, all my accessories and all my ammo. This was on Sat , nov 10, 2012 at my local walmart parking lot! Sure wish I could turn in my evil guns but I long-ago sold them now, come back later gestapo....
  17. You saw the national guard, but did you know they don't have bullets? Same at the airport since 9/11 - the mayor has forbidden them from having ammo. It's like a bad 80's movie where everyone dies because the people in charge are idiots. Oh and this just in - Bloomberg denies food donations to homeless shelters because they can't assess the nutritional content. http://now.msn.com/hard-to-swallow-bloomberg-bans-food-donations-to-homeless-shelters You can't make this sh*T up, it's insane...
  18. http://www.theblaze.com/blog/2012/11/02/anti-gun-bloomberg-turns-down-help-from-the-gun-toting-national-guard/ So apparently Bloomberg only likes the NYPD to have guns so they can shoot 9 innocent bystanders while they unload 18 rounds into a maniac in broad daylight?
  19. I don't care how PC it is, men and women don't mix in the fraternity that is the 'combat arms'. The problem is, that they let the women in, but only got rid of half the offensive stuff. Guess what morons, gotta erase the porno on the SIPR...jesus people are retarded. Oh, and yea, you gotta stop sweeping up the random chicks for namings...lol
  20. Best thing that ever happened to pilot promotion numbers was the lack of WSO bonuses :) Lol I kid I kid...well actually not!
  21. I think you better REALLY want to be a nav (no idea why) or already 0% qualified to be a pilot before you'd want that option. This is like getting married to your homely, first girlfriend because you are afraid you might never meet anyone else. Again, if you are dying to do those two things (again, no idea why) then do it.
  22. The ranting is aimed at big-boy-shoe-clerk-waiver-authority-my-butt.. So we have to ask ourselves a question which of these realities we are living in... #1 ) The AF is completely overmanned with brand new Lt's going to Capt, so that even though we just threw half a million bucks at them in training, we somehow need to boot them out (non-select competent dudes). If this is the case, then some wienies at AFPC need to get their asses thrown out of the USAF for being idiots. I'm sick of the government mentality that if you make a mistake like dealing with manning, that you can just shrug your shoulders and go on to your next assignment screwing things up. Why does this new Lt have to suffer, but the dudes who CAUSE the mistake get nothing, if not promoted and pushed on their career paths... OR (more likely) #2) The USAF is stupid, and put no damn weight as to what resources were poured into a Lt to get them to that board. I.e. they racked and stacked dudes who had 2 weeks of surf-board wax-training and stellar CGO involvement ahead of guys who just went through a year of casual (not their fault), a year of UNT/UPT and then 6 months FTU. They played the typical PC card and said they would rather have the 'better' (in their view) officer, no matter what the job. The seem to forget that if we have all surf-board waxers and nobody flying the jet, that we won't have any more ice cream cones to self-lick. Guess what big blue - I'd rather have any average or even MEDIOCRE flyer than some rando from FSS who can't bother to stay past 1500. Idiot's forgot what the mission IS here...and big clue bird dummy, it's not stapling the chiefs EPR's and sprucing up powerpoints until you 'just get it right' all day long. It's hauling iron, pushing lines, giving gas, putting weapons on targets, deterring the enemy, making them look over their shoulder - and none of that originates from the shoe clerk arena. Sure, you need it - but there's a reason it's called SUPPORT. Hell, how many additional jobs do we take on in the squadron as the years go on...finance, CSS, travel? So if somehow I can be told I have to do everyone else's job, how the hell is it suddenly their jobs are so important as to take a dude OUT OF MY SQUADRON!!!! Are you KIDDING ME!!!!???? **RANT***
  23. Common misconception that BF has to be verbatim from the book. It does NOT, that's just a UPT thing we haze people with. An EP can accept anything that conveys the meaning. And spaces sure as hell don't matter - where are we, at standup?
  24. Knowing the AF, yes they will want you to go to PIT again. lol I've been twice, it's fun :)
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