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Everything posted by Skitzo

  1. that darn victor radio on the 38... the only funnier thing was if the IP told him that he'll have plenty of time to work on his g-x in the u-28/nsa
  2. Follow that up with a bitch slap to the evaluator, I'm sorry Mr. Evaluator I was having too much fun.
  3. My wife makes baked goods. The one time she didn't I hooked my low level check for the localizer approach. Easy superstition as it requires no effort on my part.
  4. I've never seen the old school weapons school grad patches before now. I just have to say thanks to the USAF historian for preventing the exclusion of others because the space weapons school patch wasn't as cool as the others. BRAVO!!!
  5. I'm in the camp of avoiding any contact with anyone superior or junior that even hints at any inpropriety. It's a slippery slope, one minute your just hanging out with your friend the next minute you are invariably talking about something work related. Maybe a couple of strings are pulled in someone's favor and most likely that was not even the goal, the goal was to hang out. The superior hears something he/she likes and puts it on the fast track. The subordinate didn't ask for anything it was just given, and the superior didn't purposely set out to help a friend out by using his rank/authority. There was no malicious intent it wasn't a you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours type of arrangement. It was just the by-product of an overly familiar relationship. I'm sure there are people out there that can tow that line, but to me it's a dangerous line to tow, and I'm not too confident in my ability to do it that's why I avoid it. Personal judgment and common sense are the key and fraternization is one of those issues where there is very little black and white and many shades of gray. Just hop on over to the Airman assaults an officer thread...
  6. Allright the missile part, I can see that. But what happens when AFCENT wants to task B-52s/B-2s in a non nuclear role? Do they rob them from PACAF or GSC? Either way, I like the idea of a seperate nuclear command but with mixed assets like BUFFs, you better bring more than one squadron online.
  7. It's unfortunate some organization say like the Company Grade Officer's Council couldn't author a combined memo stating these things more eloquently than we have. If every CGOC from every base did this... Then again the CGOC would have to be more feedback vice community service oriented.
  8. I guess it really begs the question then how to keep the E-8/9 crowd from unfairly influencing Colonels over hard charging Captains/Majors? I'm assuming the ones causing the most problems are the guys who don't have a sane person watching over them. Who can blame them for bitching when the guy is just in earshot of the Colonel and don't know a damn thing about proper decorum? I'm sure there are those that just blatently disregard the chain of command as well. Could we start a seeing common sense dog program? Maybe train the dog to bark once if the shoe's idea is bad and two if it's good? It would be really easy for the dog because we'd only have to train him to bark once. Let's face it...even man's best friend could tell some of these things going on are smellier than his a-hole from a mile away. I really wish it was as easy for us to victimize them... well maybe it is. From now on any E-8/E-9 wishing to speak to an officer about a uniform issue should have to come to the position of attention, address you by your rank and ask permission to make a statement. Then you can say no and be on your way. If someone in leadership could make it as painful as possible for them to inconveience us they won't want to do it.
  9. Yeah that might work, but here's the thing. When you do something like that it always bites you in the arse. Say for example you are rolling around the Deid in your stylish PT jumpsuit and you have your hands in your pockets because it's actually cold in the desert and you get stopped by a MSgt and told to remove your hands from your pockets because its a tripping hazard. You then proceed to tell the NCO that that is the most retarded thing you ever heard and that you are cold and walk away. Let that marinate a few days and come to find out that the NCO is some first sergeant and now your commander is chewing your ass out. In a normal 1v1 a Maj beats MSgt Schmuckatelly but when you have a well connected MSgt versus Maj I'm an ADO Busting my ass its like a Raptor plinking Tweets out of the sky, they never had a chance. Besides, fixing problems requires real leadership and I think education and rehabilitation is in order for offenders. They are the victims of false warriorization.
  10. Stooopid. If they would have stood up to them they would have been the ones in trouble too. I think the REMFs are actually driving the mission. At some point this stuff needs to stop. I really think it speaks to a lack of confidence in leadership. I don't know how the above situation didn't generate O-5s exchanging kicks to the groin. IMHO the right way to deal with this would have been to have an actual understanding between support and OPS. That is the only way anything is going to get fixed. Maybe you can take up with what some other people have suggested and that would be fostering that understanding by inviting people down to your squadron OPS. I don't think that people are harassing crew dogs for any other reason than they are ignorant. I don't think they are ignorant on purpose but in this day and age when everyone is a warrior down to the base finance people they think that they are just as important as everyone else and it's simply not true. Barring that, a cancelled or delayed sortie should royally piss off the commanders and not pissed off with the crew for not playing along but pissed off at the other party for screwing up the schedule.
  11. Absolutely UNSAT, maybe if crew dogs felt like their supervisors/commander's had their back's they would confront SSgt Bagadonuts, instead guys are so afraid of pissing off everyone they comply with completely insane orders. How could the person in charge not understand the following: I understand you are having an exercise, I have a real-world mission, exercises are not supposed to impede real world missions. By making me play along you are impacting a real world mission. I am proceeding to take a shower, if you have any further problems please contact my supervisor/commander.
  12. I think it's more of an envy issue. People who don't wear flight suits are envious of those that do, especially when they get these little non-standard patches made up. Back when I was still at Dyess, we could wear Friday patches but we had to fence out as soon as we left the squadron, how gay is that? And they completely elminated the Friday squadron patch. I wish some Comm NAZI with sympathy and access could compile data at his/her base on how many emails are generated with the word morale patch in them. Then a manpower/personnel officer or someone with a statistical background could extrapolate this to estimate how many are generated Air Force wide, and then publish the results on the portal, maybe instead of one of those banners that says I can check the E-9 promotion board results it comes up in flashing font much like the warnings to accomplish Information Protection, we waste XXXXXXXXX days a year generating emails about morale patches, what have you done for the Air Force lately?
  13. I just don't get it. Why are morale patches such a point of controversy? Why are there meetings and emails sent out about it? Why is it even being discussed? I wish some CC somewhere could just end it all and say enough with all this mickey mouse bullcrap, if it doesn't impact the mission and it doesn't undermine bearing and good order don't email me or bring it up in a staff meeting unless I ask you. A bunch of pansy ass wannabes just inventing solutions to problems that don't really exist. How the hell does a GO equate no morale patches to being an excellent squadron. Who is at the wheel?
  14. WTF--- this is an example of leadership I would expect out of a clerk at the Deid. If you have such a problem with the decorum and you are an FING ADO, maybe you should man up and just do what it is you want to do, the repercussions would be a lot more effective than threats--that is if the SNAPS don't file an IG complaint against you for harassment. One scared crapless Lt and the rumors that would abound would be a much more effective than another useless email.
  15. I'm waiting for the five point reflective belt harness, linked together with the manpurse ID holder. That will be a sight to see.
  16. Wow... in a world and Air Force where there is more to gripe about than brag about big blue does something classy. Kudos to whomever spearheaded this idea... and to PA for finally getting a worthwhile story some press.
  17. How about free Guitar Hero for everyone? Now that is a stimulus package I can get behind... absolutely no STS required.
  18. Well, if you don't have an exercise how can we ensure people know how to wear a gas mask? They don't teach that kind of thing at basic training do they? Seriously, half the base should have an ATO exemption pass, seeing as how half the base at last count was supposedly accomplishing the mission.
  19. The real question is: are they still enforcing the no more than two cookies rule? They really didn't care how many people you were bringing food to, there were no more than two cookies allowed!!
  20. What? Doesn't everyone have their own private bathrooms nowadays? Oh wait, that's only the leadership.
  21. Aren't your friends across the street called EGGs??? FWIW-- the bats still have FNGs
  22. All the single guys seem to think that at Hurlburt you go left to live and right to die. Personally I think Navarre is pretty nice, I'm about 5 minutes from beach access and Cocodries is pretty nice, although not the Swamp but then again I'm married and not looking to hook up with some random enlisted chick. The drive can be aggravating but if you leave at the right time it's not that bad, esp if you know the school bus schedules. Navarre might not be the heart of the action but on the whole it's a lot better than life at an SUPT base. Holley by the Sea is also a really nice area, big yards, decent houses. I haven't been here all that long but there are A LOT of military folks buying in Navarre.
  23. The Deid, where logic and common sense goes to die. Why would making everyone wear reflective belts at all times cause uniform infractions to decrease? If anything, wouldn't that cause uniform infractions to rise, I mean a lot of people might forget them. Instead of harassing people over uniforms why don't they figure out how to build some new shitters slightly faster than at a snails pace.
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