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Everything posted by disgruntledemployee

  1. Its about time Jiffycom went away. Its like the "Tops in Blue" of the COCOMs...flashy jazz hands and no substance. Sure, all the politicians will throw a fit, but they don't understand what they do (hell, most of us don't even know) and just how wasteful they are. And don't even make this about Obama...its all about using a little common sense when looking at our business. Put it to you this way, would you rather lose jiffycom or "name your airplane" program? Now as for the people, the military will go elsewhere and do better, more important military things. The civilians, well thats a mixed bag of retire, go work for someone else, or relocate to another civ job. The contractors, well they're SOL, and there's more of them than the rest.
  2. I'm sorry you have to take tests on stuff you should know, but I'm the original "disgruntled." Out
  3. Kuma, I've found an interesting way to say . While I don't have a super-duper high post count, which is apparently the only qualification to speak my ing mind, this method has served me well. So either start adding "2" after each post you see, or create a nifty little JPG with a nice bomb. Out
  4. What the hell dude, you trying to write a paper or something? Your troll count just went up. Out
  5. Good discussion Men. Great stuff. Now its my turn. First, I was disgusted by that video of a joker cussing out an AF Col, whether he deserved it or not. So, shame on leadership for encouraging/recommending it. Did you all hear the cheering afterwards??? How the hell can anyone ever follow that man's orders from here on out. If a joker like that EVER did that shit in front of me and my men, I WOULD KICK HIS ASS ON THE SPOT!!! Next, this one is for REMF. Like the name, ballsy. Seems like you've become the surrogate between leadership and the masses. I, we, all appreciate the reasoning for the way things are at the Deid. It shouldn't be that way. You should not have to defend silly policies or explain the why of base policies. Thats the job of the Leadership. And finally, this whole RB thing has become the poster child for what is wrong in the AF. I was talking to my Marine buddy about this and he just shook his head and said, "You guys are all ed up. Just make sure we get the gear, OK." And that is what we do. But sadly, it has made many of us disgruntled; we all know it doesn't have to be this way. Out
  6. Well, just got my M1 and its in pretty good shape. I was able to sweet talk CMP to sell me one of their limited number boxes of loose HXP. Now that they're getting a new batch, I'm kind of kicking myself. Much of the ammo they sent looks a little green, especially around the primer. Plus, I only have 1 enbloc clip. After I get a good inspection by a smith, I'm out to the range for some WWII fun. Out
  7. Kayla, Tha Navy is so ate up about salutes and crap that they make (it's in the contract) the civilian gate guards salute officers/their vehicles.
  8. Back on topic everyone...I hate reflective belts.
  9. Long time ago in another thread, I relayed a similar discussion in that comm folks think that we would not be able to do our mission if all computers failed. A failed computer system does not change the MX status of an airplane, it will still fly, especially an E model Herc. A failed computer system does not change the readiness of aircrew. Without computers, we can still schedule planes and crews, still put gas on the planes, still load them with cargo, still fly to places around the world. Do computers make it all easier, sure. Does our reliance on computers make it harder for us to perform our job when they fail, sure. Do we need to train ourselves to operate with out radios and computer, absolutely. Because it will happen. The enemy knows that we need Blackberrys in order to function. Its our crutch!
  10. Several Bothan Spies died attempting to steal the plans to the Reflector Belt Factory. So, Capt4Fans, does this mean we should now call you Red 5? ...wait, I've got another one. ST: Where are your reflective belts? Don't you know that the Empire has a rule that everyone must wear a reflective belt while driving speeders with droids in the back? Obi: [waves hand] We don't need reflective belts, we're hacking the mission. ST: Sorry, that hand waving doesn't work on us. We've been indoctrinated to strictly enforce RB rules. Is that tunic tucked in young man? Obi: Well, in that case, I have something else that glows. Would you like to see it? Edit: to add a better SW reference. This stormtrooper thing could take on a life of its own.
  11. So, what you're really asking here is if there is a C-5 with a confirmed kill, other than itself?
  12. Two points. 1. If a Soldier or Marine needs the ammo and gear, lets get it to them. 2. When (not if) we tacon the C-27J to an Army unit, if that Army O-6 is being unrealistic, it is our job to show them what is possible/practical. In the end, those C-27Js will fly their asses off and those Army dudes will be thankful for it. I just wish we could expand the realm of this concept to Marine units as well. //sarcasm on// Oh wait, if a Marine wants supplies, he would have joined the Army //sarcasm off//. Out
  13. Yeah, I slept through economics in college. But it could be linked to the Blues on Monday conspiracy and the PT uniform conspiracy, both of which cause an increase in sales to AAFES. Now if they start mandating that we wear ribbons on our PT uniforms and this causes another run on clothing sales stores... Besides, the GARBs are probably made in china with banned chemicals and hazardous materials. Out
  14. His stated motives will change, from what he originally intended, to satisfy whatever political/social/religious ideas he is dreaming up at this moment. Thus, I don't care about his motive. I call it a terrorist act based what he is and what he did, not some motive. And before any liberals get their panties in a bunch and start siting other examples of workplace shootings, save it. Anyone that attacks our military, foreign or domestic, in such a way as Hasan, is a terrorist. The symbology of such an attack is overwhelmingly obvious. Steve, that is so key; Islam is incompatible with any secular/non-muslim form of government.
  15. Alright Vertigo, nsplayr, and any other that wishes to defend Islam. I don't care about the crusades, the history of violence in religion, blah, blah, blah. How many Christian (or non-muslim religions) out there are teaching holy war, hate, etc. in the classroom? Chirp chirp (crickets). Now who thinks that muslims preach hate and holy war on a daily basis, raise your hand. And thats the point in current times. Hell, here is a linky, because I know all you scholarly types out there love evidence. Obsession, the Movie Hasan a terrorist? Snapped? I'll agrue that islam conditioned him to "snap" in the manner he did. He was too chicken to give himself a 180 grain headache, so he chose to shoot lots of people knowing he would be gunned down. Now that the dick is still alive, every nutcase lawyer out there will now try to blame everyone/everything else for his actions. The prosecution won't blame islam, as its not PC. But I know that in the end, he will find out that there are no virgins when they execute him. Out
  16. Quick, we need someone to craft a very clever entry on Wikipedia (I'm not very clever). An entry that would cement the silliness of such things. Go, get to it. Time is critical. Out
  17. I am so glad I'm not there. I would make the biggest frackin' scene if some TCN refused to plot the crappy mashed potatoes on my tray due to a relective belt. So mush so that the entire chow hall would probably fall silent. My God, what the is going on there? The last time I heard of food service being refused due to clothing, a young SSgt e-mailed the AF Times and they published the story.
  18. For all you M1 Garand owners out there, does anyone use commercial 30.06 ammo? CMP is out and I'd like to find an alternative. I heard Federal is now making an M1 specific round. Thanks
  19. no! How about some mission oriented aircraft first. Jeeze. Out
  20. OK, Kaman, I'll allow that your intentions seems honorable, but like I said earlier, I didn't like the tone of your original post. I thought, why is a Navy dude posting that the AF doesn't have bases named after people. It didn't sit right. Next, please don't name drop in order to press your point. But if you want, next time I'm in Milwaukee, I ask Jane Sijan if she would like an AFB named after her son when I see her in church. BTW, which base would you like to rename? Out
  21. Hmmm. When I read your post, I had a few different thoughts. 1. I agree, naming our bases, streets, gates, FOBs, etc. is a great way to honor our men and women. 2. I disagree on RENAMING a base. 3. The tone of your message...well, I didn't like it. How many bases has the Navy renamed, or how many of them are named after a heroic/instrumental leader? Now compare that to the AF. Tell you what, lets start listing bases, and see if the Navy can make it to bases starting with letter C. Before you go slamming the AF on base names, perhaps you should do a little research as to why a base was named such. Perhaps you should petition the Navy to rename Pearl Harbor, Norfolk, Pt Mugu, or Key West after LT Mike Murphy. So no, I will not join you in petitioning the renaming of AF base names. If the AF decides to build a new base somewhere, I will make a suggestion. BTW LR is named as such because the people of the area purchased and donated the land for the base back in the 50s. Out
  22. I can't resist, its just too tempting! Sure there Cowboy. First, they tie you down and shave your head bald. Then they tatoo the All American DZ to the left side of your head. It makes for easy reference for the pilot. The back of your head is reserved for the nav...this could be interesting. And if you don't believe me, just ask your fellow squadron mates when you get there. Out
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