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Everything posted by disgruntledemployee

  1. But a cat, that you can leave for days at time. Out
  2. It doesn't matter how many hours in the specific plane. Approach airspeed must still be flown to keep the plane in the sky. Unless he was flying an F-777, I'm confident there was another pilot in the seat that should have intervened. Just another reminder that this is a very serious job and if you're not on top of your game, bad shit can happen. Out
  3. And I've seen the opposite when the EP was shown as being a gigantic douche. See, we both win. Woooohooo! JFC, Out PS: as for callsigns, I've heard a few from the ladies that made me blush and they seemed damned proud of them too (I asked).
  4. Do want advice or do you all have a plan all figured out? On a side note, when CCs see bullshit Q2s or Q3s, they often don't point blank make the evaluator change the score. However, threatening to take away the Q code of said evaluator for dumbass grades usually fixes the problem. Or it could be that the flight sucked. Out
  5. We escalate quickly. Watch out, the trident comes next! Say, doesn't football season start soon? Time to move on to talking about Favre making it to the Hall o Fame on the first vote. Out Edit: language lessons
  6. This crash reminds me of the '99 C-130 Al Jaber crash which was all pilot/crew error. I am amazed that there were only 2 deaths. The plane held up well upon impact. A heart felt thank you to the flight attendants/CFR for getting everyone off in a timely manner. Edit: Oh, and to cankled-lady, when you try to egress a plane in flops, don't be surprised if your feet give out. Out
  7. ^^^ A. No need, see below. B. Nothing. Big Blue believes in only the bonus, as we have all heard in this forum. And stop loss, they believe in that too. So they don't need to manage it better, just slam the exit door whenever needed. Out
  8. Hey, I love this game. You know, the one where the in depth expert pulls back the curtain to the sausage factory. Or does he? So, JCS is number one (already knew that). And if a dude is in that job, they are considered cream o' the crop. Best of the best. Top shelf. Solid gold. The go to guy. He is automatically better than anyone else, be it making coffee or making slides. He must be promoted. So, how did he get there? Some sort of central selection board that looks at everyones record like a promotion board? The good ol boys inside track BNR? AMS Robot looking for exec job volunteers? Or the DT Vector team? Who really picks the people to go to those top joint jobs and thus seal their track to command/sr leadership? We've seen it. New dude coming to the unit. Oh, he just did joint staff, he's shit hot. Need to make sure he gets the top shit. All before the dude ever walks in the door. Some are good dudes, and some are gigantic douches. Zoooooooom shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh BANG! Out
  9. Thats it! No more! I want Congress to introduce legislation to ban all pistol gripped water nozzles, those are clearly very dangerous. Also, those car wash nozzles with the hose sticking out of the back, ban those. They can look like flame throwers. Out
  10. Russian River Brewing Company: Pliny the Elder (IPA) Rate: 10/10 From the bottle: "Pliny the Elder, born in 23AD, was a Roman naturalist, scholar, historian, traveler, officer, and writer. Pliny and his contemporaries created the original botanical name for hops, "Lupus Salictarius" meaning "wolf among scrubs." Hop vines at that time grew wild among willows, likened to wolves roaming wild in the forest. Pliny the Elder died in 79AD while saving people during the eruption of Mt Vesuvius. He was immortalized by his nephew, Pliny the Younger, who continued his uncle's legacy by documenting much if what his uncle experienced during the eruption of Mt Vesuvius. This beer is an homage to the man who discovered hops and perished while being a humanitarian." To Pliny, cheers! Out
  11. Sometimes the AF promotes and awards those that have gone full retard. Out
  12. The interesting thing is that once he spewed the crap, people started calling him out on it. I spotted it in the Constitution thread and even thought that he had two accounts and made posts that feed off each other. I don't care to look though. Thanks M2, some threads were completely derailed and I stopped reading them. Happy Fathers Day Out
  13. Whatever dude. I wasn't there on the ground and most likely neither were you. I was just paraphrasing a short lil story from a buddy, the jist of which is that the MARINES don't want to be associated with the Army and really hate it when they're called soldiers. A distinct uniform helps. Back to bitching about our sucky ABUs. Out
  14. My Marine buddy shared that they wanted their own distinctive uniform to make sure nobody confuses them with the Army. He said the Marines put that to good use when the Fallujah went to hell while the Army was there and the Marines rotated in and made sure the locals knew heads were gonna roll with the new sherriff in town with their EGA badge. There is benefit to uniform identity. Unfortunately, we got stuck with the second worst. Navy, you rule with the blue camo. Out
  15. Liquid, My #1 issue with our system is that it emphasizes the wrong things. I and many others that have AADs can testify that most of the work doesn't truely make us better leaders. Sure there are small areas where it makes us better, like maybe a better writer. Maybe you received your masters in a classroom. Most kids today get theirs from a diploma mill. There are a few that decide they will invest their time and get a masters that means something, say engineering because TPS is something they might like doing. When flyers are doing AADs alongside UPT/UNT/Grad Flying Training because the AF telegraphes its promotion criteria in the stats it puts out post board, I lower my head in shame. If the AF would say instead, if you get DG in Undergrad or Grad flying training, that counts twice as much as SOS in Res, people will put more energy there. All I'm trying to say is that people will put their energy into what the AF thinks is important and what the individual thinks is important. If the AF wants AADs that will benefit, delete the AAD requirement for selection to Maj. Send Majs to ACSC and other PME that have AAD options and send enough for to cover the LTC personnel numbers for each board. Send the technical types to Wright-Patt. Now you have your Maj with an AAD in something that is more applicable to the AF and PME complete. And then you're back to job performance to rack and stack for LTC promotion. Simplistic description, but you get the idea. As for the system selecting squadron commanders, that is for another thread another day. I really needed to highlight this item. Maybe the retarded will see it. Good chat Out
  16. You could, ya know, call the 714 TRS. Oh, look, here is a document in Baseops.net: http://www.baseops.net/c130gouge4/TIPS-Guide-20Apr09.pdf I'll bet there are phone numbers in there. I recommend Miss Marti. Out
  17. Picts of Fogel with his wife???!!! You are ....
  18. Once upon a time when my movers were packing up the moving semi trailer, the driver saw my cars and offered to load one up for a small fee, just between us. It was a chance thing, but you may be able to set something like that up on your own with your contract moving carrier once you know who it is. I declined since we needed both vehicles for the move.
  19. Me too. I was guessing that Liquid is a recent retiree along with a few other recent posters that came out of the wookwork. Perhaps upper management was directive in getting a few to join the conversation rather than just listen. Perhaps they think the forum has sway and influence. Yes, good dudes self eliminate and schmucks make the cut, but that is not my emphasis in this thread. If I hit the wayback machine and allow myself to quote thyself, I've posted that the promotion game sucks. However, I will conceed the following. 1. This last Maj board was somewhat different in that checkboxes were not as heavily weighed in the past, but they were still weighed. 2. I'm glad to hear that more emphasis is being put on job performance. 3. Grading people is not easy. But: 1. At levels below the DP giver, raters use spreadsheets and on those spreadsheets are boxes and those boxes are given values. When a perfect PT test heavily outweighs DG in a formal program, priorities are fucked up. People looking for promotion will put emphasis on those areas that gain them the most. Do you have a fix for that one? 2. DP givers still hold the weight on the promotion system with the DP. If they think that the masters and PME are more important, that is where they go. I've seen it over and over and even on this last Maj board. You call it self eliminate. I and others call it mismatched priorities. When will the AF mask AAD for Maj and below? Lastly, shoving things up my ass is no go. The mil may say its OK, but not me. I'm fed up with the current scheme and when I hear it here of all places, emotions fly. Life in the trenches Out
  20. Tell ya what. List some background on yourself such as the current staff job you're doing and the exec jobs you fanagelled. Our peers would do a much better job at picking the best leaders for promotion than our DP givers. Thats because we know the assholes playing the games, kissing ass, and maneuvering for promotion. You know what, I really don't care what you think. And I don't see anyone else here sharing your views. Just try not to infect those around you too much. Out.
  21. Ha! The top 20% are often the best box checkers and ass kissers around. The fix: assign a few grey beard LTCs/Majs to each unit. When it comes time to give out PRFs, the Beard Council meets. With a beer in one hand and a poker hand in the other, the council racks and stacks the future leaders of the Air Force. Do this at every base and then we'll see some interesting things change. Assholes and ass kissers will get left in the dust. Words like "knows his shit" "takes care of the crew" "hacks the mish" "runs a solid ____ shop" "always mission ready" "mentors the new kids" will replace words like "AAD complete as 2Lt" "did PME 1st day available" "1st vol to run the CFC" and so on. Real quantifiers. Sadly, our system is like a dog chasing its tail. Our Sq/CCs and up got promoted on this system and that is what they push because its what their bosses use when they sit on a board. If a CC goes rogue and off-script, the DP givers (mosly) and boards discount the strays. The only way out is to replace the system with people that don't care about box checking AADs, etc because we know that doesn't really make anyone a better leader. The Beard Council may sound like a joke, but think about it for a minute. Out
  22. Ugh. Just Fucking Ugh. The dude was chiefing. I called it out. As I said in another post, police your own. Chiefing, definition: How can you do X if you can't wear your reflective belt? Out
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