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Everything posted by Vertigo

  1. You are correct, however, when the rational citizens of their country see the U.S. offering up the peace pipe and their government stomping it into the ground that COULD spur a new revolution. If we look like the bad guys then no change can come about. If we come off as the good guys and their government come off as the bad guys then there is a greater chance for change in that country. Change to something we could work with. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. We haven't lost anything. But if it does then great. That's my only point really.
  2. Vertigo

    Cross Fit

    I haven't seen a CrossFit class but my wife teaches a Les Mills Bodypump class... it's a choreographed to music weight lifting routine that is pretty intense. If you're looking for something like crossfit and can't find it in your area try checking out the local gyms to see if they offer any Bodypump classes. Bodypump *edit to add link
  3. There are already folks doing 1 year remotes in the AOR. They're not on contingency orders, they're on PCS orders.
  4. "...and it formulates and deploys an effectively vague response." LOL classic. I wonder if Obama is looking at this technology... he can have the TOTUS (Teleprompter Of The United States) speak directly for him.
  5. This is probably related to your other post regarding the USNS Impeccable incident.
  6. Ahmadinejad isn't the leader of Iran, don't forget about Ayatollah Ali Khamenei- Iran's supreme leader. He'll let Mahmoud rattle the saber and then reel him in when needed. Who cares what Mahmoud has to say- Khameni is the real power in Iran. If we went with your logic I guess we could save a few bucks on the budget by eliminating the diplomatic corps altogether. No need to talk when we can just bomb.
  7. I don't know what the answer is but I'm willing to at least TRY to have a sit down with them to see where it leads. I could care less if Obama comes off as a "weakling". The purpose isn't to puff up his image as a bully, it's to open up a dialogue in an attempt to prevent something drastic from happening. Last I checked I didn't get Ramadan off; can't say I'm very well versed in their history- wasn't taught at my public school; and when I called up my credit card company I got the option of 1 for English and 2 for Spanish- must've missed the 3 for Farsi. edit fur spelin errers
  8. So what's your solution to the problem then? You say your against isolating them with sanctions, but you also say that opening a dialogue won't work either. So in your mind the only solution would be __________ ?
  9. So instead we'll continue to isolate Iran until they get their nuclear weapon and use it and then we will go in and take action... OOPS to late!
  10. Seriously? I'm at a lack of words. If there's even a remote chance of getting one of our brothers or sisters who have been downed out alive then by all means we should be doing everything possible to get them home. F#ck the cost. Bringing some child's father or mother home is worth it; no matter the cost. I can't fathom how anyone could argue that it's not worth it.
  11. Is that the space between having SA and not having any SA?
  12. Agreed. I think his daily intel briefs cover your last sentence though. Who knows, maybe he is being idealistic, or maybe he knows something we don't. If these talks can bring about a greater chance for change so that Iran reverts back to pre-revolution ways then by all means go for it. If we continue on the road we're on I don't see any hope of Iran going back to its moderate ways which only means more headaches from this country in the future.
  13. I was gonna say--- I remember some J's coming through ORAT when I was there in '06.
  14. The First Sergeant is responsible for the morale, welfare, and conduct of all the enlisted members in a squadron and is the chief adviser to the squadron commander concerning the enlisted force.
  15. Sounds like the making of a good drinking game...
  16. Vertigo

    Gun Talk

    $499 is good... I paid $569 for my 4". You may want to handle the 5" (sts) before buying as it may be a bit nose heavy. Haven't heard about the XDm in 45, but springfield website is touting the new XDm 9mm as a 19+1 capacity.
  17. Makes you wonder how we ever won that war; how we didn't lose most of our troops due to lack of reflectivity.
  18. Let me stir the pot a bit if I may- It's OK to not follow guidance while deployed to the Deid by wearing white socks, not tucking in your PT shirt, not wearing a disco belt, etc (as a 50+ page thread complaining about people enforcing these items suggests) but by God you better be wearing blues on Monday. We don't get to pick and choose what lawful orders we follow. FYI I never said it wasn't a lawful order; just pointed out to nsplayer that it wasn't in an AFI- just a policy. Me personally- I do what I'm told. I wear what I'm told to wear. I bitch and moan internally or amongst my peers. But in the end I abide by the rules because, like most of you, I don't want to listen to a bunch of shoeclerks harrassing me about not following directives. This wasn't directed at you, Slacker. You just happened to be the last post in the thread.
  19. Strategic Air Command is the movie; stars Jimmy Stewart- same movie fourtenwedge was talking about.
  20. CSAF personal policy does not = AF reg
  21. Vertigo

    Gun Talk

    Was divided about where to post this- decided to post here due to lack of TnA in pic. This is for M2-
  22. Vertigo

    Gun Talk

    Where can I pick up a fine china holder like yours? That is sweet! Nice china too!
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