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Everything posted by Vertigo

  1. I think I'm going to get into the robbery business- action has been a bit slow lately. Hair Stylist Keeps Armed Robber as Sex Slave
  2. Ba-Dum-Ching! Shit I really need to re-look at myself If I'm being lumped in with Caveman. I know we've disagreed on a couple things but c'mon... that's a bit low. ;)
  3. "Hi this is Onstar... how may I be of assistance today?" "Uh ya... This is Capt Joe, I'm at Al Udeid and our C-5 is stuck in a forward kneel... "
  4. Umm... chick's who don't shave ANYTHING do not make my cute list, despite their body/face.
  5. I wentTDY to Shemya for a couple weeks... scariest landing I've ever been through. Once on ground though we had a pretty good time. Nothing to do after hours but booze it up, so we did. I think I'm still hungover from that trip... and that was 13 years ago.
  6. I'm not- I'm just trying to stir the pot (as usual). Someone has to be the voice of opposition.
  7. And when it doesn't we're Fvcked.
  8. Correct- POTUS gave the on site commander the OK to take them out if he (the CC) felt the Cpts life was in "imminent danger".
  9. I heard he gave the OK, let the commander in the area make the final decision on his judgement, let the SEALS do their job, and still got roasted for it. I guess he should have micromanaged it and botched it ala Jimmy Carter. That would of made everyone happy.
  10. They stock what sells. Some members of our AF community like having their shirt tucked in but still want the shirt to go down to their knees. You can see many examples of this at the BRA in the deid.
  11. The number of samples for your stratification is weak... how he ranks amongst other world dictators would make a stronger impact.
  12. Just the crew- Navy destroyer is still on her way. Apparently the Somali's still have the captain of the ship as a hostage. The crew captured a somali pirate and there was to be an exchange for the captain. Didn't work out, the Somalis got their guy back and kept the Captain.
  13. Vertigo

    Gun Talk

    Interesting read in the Arizona Republic about the Mexican gun control laws. Apparently Mexico thinks we, the U.S., are to blame for the drug war. Not because we buy the drugs but because we supply the guns. Umm hello... if you'd crack down on border security you wouldn't have to worry about guns coming in from our country and we wouldn't have to worry about drugs and illegals coming in from yours. Mexico blames U.S. I particularly like the quote from the NRA spokesman at the end of the article. On an unrelated note I see that M2 was in New York for fashion week.
  14. Vertigo


    A unicorn? They exist only in fairy tales.
  15. Not defending the shoes, but I think this was in place to help prevent skin cancer. When I was living in Australia they constantly had on commercials touting "Slip, Slop, Slap" - Slip on a long sleeve shirt, Slop on some suncreen, Slap on a hat. Of course I could be wrong... could be just because some idiot didn't like the look of rolled up sleeves.
  16. Vertigo


    This is somewhat common- one spouse gets custody of the children, the other gets visitation. One weekend the ex doesn't bring the children back home. 82% of the child abductions nationwide were committed by family members. (Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children, October 2002) We're talking about roughly 150,000 children a year. At some point you do still have to live your life, go to work, pay your bills and taxes. No reason you should be punished further by not getting a tax break because someone stole your child.
  17. The point is they SHOULD NOT have to remove their tats if there is a way to cover them with an approved (meaning AFI) uniform option. The CC taking away those options is complete and utter BS.
  18. Cheers- thanks for clearing up the confusion.
  19. That is absolutely ridiculous. Is this the Wing CCs policy about the tattoo removal or did this shirt take the initiative and put out this nonsense himself? If the AFI gives you the option to cover your tats with an authorized uniform then by God you should be able to utilize that option. Taking away that option and then forcing them to remove the tat makes me ask why then do we even have a reg? Since when did the Wing CC get to pick and choose which guidance can be followed? Seriously crap like this makes me want to puke. What have we become?
  20. Ah- what the Guinness will do to ye
  21. Vertigo

    Gun Talk

    Looks like the assault weapons ban is more than likely dead... for this year at least: AG Eric Holder backs off his gun ban stance
  22. We're not at war with Qatar or UAE yet that is considered the AOR and people are doing 365s there.
  23. Failing to follow TOs in regards to the install, etc. Many possible scenarios. Most likely it was found that the maintainers weren't following directives and that management had failed to correct this prior to an incident. Just speculating.
  24. Are the folks doing 1 years at the deid on CED? If so I stand corrected.
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