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Everything posted by B*D*A

  1. Haven't read the email yet, but the name sounds like the title to a cheesy 80's movie.
  2. Sorry, I thought the mere mention of Scooters implied sarcasm At least the beer is nearly free on Wednesdays.
  3. I think that's the worse part. Take 5 mins, get everyone together and practice, wait for it.......LEADERSHIP! If discipline is lax in a military unit, it comes from the top, the bottom totem pole dudes just don't decide to act that way all at once and on a whim.
  4. Pretty sure he only used paint, but yeah...
  5. Awesome! I first heard it on one of Dick Jonas' CDs. A close second for me is Yay-Boo! I couldn't find a place to listen to it online but you can get "What the Capt Means" and "Yay-Boo" on 'The Rowdies' from Itunes or Amazon.
  6. On the Baldwin subject, about 3/4 the way through with Season 1 of 30 Rock on Netflix, I can't believe I have been missing this show! My favorite quote so far in at 1:00.
  7. B*D*A


    Ok guys, I'm going to argue and say I'm correct that if this joke was written down, you would say "mail" not "male." Here's an excerpt of the script that I found http://www.script-o-rama.com/movie_scripts...ript-chase.html which backs me up. edit: to fix quotes
  8. B*D*A


    -I think it's a mail plane. -How can you tell? -Well, can't you see the little balls?
  9. Grandfather: Navy-WWII destroyers Great-uncle: Marines- WWII second wave at Iwo, Bronze Star, still has blue phosphorus burns on his face, crazy. Uncle: Vietnam special forces, I don't know a whole lot about him. Cousin: Currently in Iraq with 10th Mountain. I'm the first officer and the first to join the Air Force, the flying dynasty has to start somewhere! (well maybe after I learn the DA-20 ) Seriously though, reading about the amazing military history is some of your families is truly humbling, much respect and thanks!
  10. Good God man! The gaul of those ruffians! [/british accent]
  11. Wait....so your saying USAF1125 is legit?
  12. Quick questions from a standard confused LT I'm getting to casual at VN next week and will be in ABUs for several months prior to UPT. I'm on a bit of a budget due to the 6 months "off" I received after commissioning and I only own standard black leathers issued to me as a cadet. Two questions: 1. Should I buy puke greens or deserts to wear with my ABUs for a few months? I was wondering if I should get deserts because 1. I might actually need them for deploying a few years down the road and 2. I can wear them with ABUs until 2011 (right?). I guess I see no reason in buying both long term. If pukes will be standard in the sand container however, then it's a moot point and I'll buy pukes. 2. If it turns out I need pukes anyway. How soon will they be issued to me? When I start flying, or can I get them within a couple days of arriving at VN and thus be set up to wear ABUs? Again, what's the sense in buying them now when I can just wear blues for a few days and then get them issued to me. Thanks guys.
  13. I didn't watch this series, but I remember them being interviewed on 20/20 or one of those news shows a while ago. They are utterly and totally brainwashed. You would think with the state of the world, they could put their energy toward fighting another cause like I don't know, Islamofacism maybe? Seriously, which is a greater affront to God, a dude getting blown, or innocent people getting blown up? That disconnet is just beyond me. My $00.02.
  14. I highly doubt they will fly anything but the Viper for the next 69 years or so. I know that even getting the Viper as their ship was a pain in the ass back in the day. They basically had to train their maintenance dudes to be able to make a show Viper combat ready in a matter of hours to make Big Blue happy. The only choices beside the Viper are the F-15C (why would you switch?), the T-38/F-5 (already been there), A-10 (ha, no offense Hawg dudes), F-35/22 (double ha).
  15. LMFAO, well worth the hour it took to read. BTW, notice the fighter pilot kid who posted #345? http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/Saint-Odin/ LOL
  16. -Lead, 2's blind......no seriously. to that guy what a show of airmanship. Didn't something similar to this happen to a Viper guy at the 120th Buckley ANG?
  17. B*D*A

    Gun Talk

    Damn dude, that did not look good. Maybe he should have been wearing eye protection and a button up shirt, right M2?
  18. I agree, shouldn't we be doing this basic education in grade school like a "citizenship" course or something? I remember saying the pledge every morning until third grade when we stopped becaue I shlt you not, my teacher "didn't believe in it," I still remember that.
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