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Everything posted by Duck

  1. When I checked earlier in April they hadn't listed the 150 reduction in June. Thanks for posting that. I guess the timeline has slowed drastically. Good thing since they haven't even posted an update for the '08 board timeline. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  2. We need to go back to the 90 day deployments. 6 months is still way too long. So it costs more money. What costs more replacing O-4s who are burnt out or breaking those BS deployments between 2 people? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  3. Well even Jalen Robinette is finding out that maybe the Air Force isn't all that it's cracked up to be. For those that don't follow NFL/NCAA football, the AF officially told the USAFA WR on Thursday (round 1 of the draft) that he is not going to be able to go to the Ready Reserve until after 2 years of AD service. Being projected as a mid round draft pick, this probably cost him somewhere around $2.5 million... Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  4. Yeah, be careful calling the AF's baby ugly (not finishing ACSC). I had a buddy who was indirectly told that if he didn't finish school he was on the next 6-month they could find. He was a bonus taker so he really had no choice. Your best bet is writing a letter stating you don't want to be promoted (come up with a better reason than F the AF, even if that is true). You won't get involuntary Sep pay (no one is, I promise) but it sets you free from indentured servitude. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  5. Haven't been passed over yet, I'm an '08 guy anxiously waiting for the board results. I wrote a letter to the board telling them I don't want to play anymore and I am taking my toys and going home. I promise, I'll tell the raw unfiltered part of the story once I am free. I am currently Fencing-In and waiting for the AF to somehow screw me. Bennynova, I'll send you a PM with more details. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  6. That's not happening obviously, seeing as the increment went from 180/mo to 261/mo. Lol Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  7. Has there ever been an interruption, or does it typically just keep flowing? I can't see them taking a month off promoting people with as fast as we are jettisoning Majors. IIRC there was no gap between the '06/'07 groups. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  8. It's actually 2/3 of your INITIAL commitment, so ROTC guys have to serve 2/3 of 4-years. That being said, asking anymore than 1 year will get you a definite NO, and even 6 months isn't a sure thing anymore. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  9. I would tend to think May-July 18. The '08 guys will start pinning on in Aug-Sept '17. With the last two year groups exhausting the list in 9 months, I'm thinking '08 will be done by April '18, and the '09 guys start in May '18. The flood gates are open, O-4 11Xs are bailing faster than anyone in the military as soon as their 12 year purgatory is up. Too far from retirement and too tired to put up with more BS. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  10. Wow... what a coincidence. When I put in my Palace Chase App, while it was going through the wickets, I got tasked with a 6 monther to Iraq. That made my decision sooo much easier. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  11. Which is exactly what's happening with the O-4s. By promoting 260+, the list will be exhausted by the end of July. Leaving the 08 guys pinning on in August before the next FY begins. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  12. Is this the last Line Lt Col board that met on 27 Feb 17? They haven't updated the Promotion Status on MyPers since 6 April, but as of 6 April that board had already made it all the way through the AF (CSAF, SAF, etc) and was presumably at the Office of Sec Def sometime later. According to MyPers it takes about 18 working days (3.5 weeks) to get through that wicket and then released. Although they projected a late May, early June release, it seems like it could be as early as the next couple weeks. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  13. Not sure on OTS. I was picked up through ROTC. If you can't find someone here to help, I can ask some of my former students who were OTS. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  14. How much later did you realize she was a dude? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  15. Drops right now at ENJJPT are about as good as you could ever get. To even have a shot at a heavy you need to be... "FIRST OR LAST BABY" -Ricky Bobby And being last may still non-vol you to a fighter. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  16. KP, you trying to fill General Changs shoes brother? Lol Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  17. No apologies necessary. There are major differences in the syllabuses between UPT and ENJJPT, but history shows that it doesn't necessarily create a superior product regardless of the ENJJPT talking points. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  18. Agreed. His first post got under my skin sts but after a while I appreciated his caricature of true-blue AF leadership. I am curious at what level he actually is... GO, WG/CC/CV or just a Major bored sitting on staff... Edit: auto-curreckt Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  19. Please tell me this is a serious question and you aren't just trying to be a douche. We already have our quota in the Air Force. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  20. It's only a matter of time before the service does something to "screw" someone over, even O-6s.. A wise Commander once told me, "you can only ask for people to chose either their family or the Air Force so many times before the Air Force loses" Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  21. Meh, I disagree nsplayer. I enjoyed the show while it lasted. More importantly, I will tell anyone who listens with what is wrong with the Air Force. Some I have solutions for and for others I am at a loss on how to fix. Actually Chang, the persona that you portrayed here, although completely overdone, are the sum total of the sentiments that are causing people to head for the door. What causes disappointment? Unrealized expectations. I think you have to start there. The last 10 or so years have been really tough on the CGOs. We came into the AF after 9-11 being told that the #1 priority of the AF is lethality, yet we are held to a completely different standard of measurement. I was an '08 commissionee from ROTC and worked my butt off to get to UPT, 38s and hopefully to a fighter, just to be told that there was no where for us to go except RPAs and AMC. Big disappointment, but whatever, I press on. Get to my AMC unit and less than a year later I am writing a RRF for my 1st of 2 RIF boards. Meanwhile my fighter brethren (the 30 or so they created in my whole year group) were now considered undermanned. On my 4th deployment, my CC calls me to tell me that he has to get me on the next VML otherwise an RPA may be non-vold must-fill from AFPC. I end up going to T-6 UPT, my dream job at the time. While I am in PIT I face the #2 RIF/VSP of my career, while my 11F brothers (whoever is left) are now critically manned. I get sat down by my T-6 SQ/CC and told that although my record is outstanding, my career field (11M) is 175% manned and I haven't even completed PIT yet, so prepare for the worst/hope for the best. Also, we are cutting for the next 5 years. I go out and get my dream job, and apply for Palace Chase only to be denied because now even though my career field is still overmanned, the AF as a whole is short on pilots. Me, I still keep kicking @ss, pulling down #1 Sq/OG strats and moving my way up in the Sq. Get tasked with a 6 month non-flying deployment to some $hithole to be underemployed and a job that would have actually been better to have been CONUS doing (timezone differences). Somewhere in there my family (wife+kids) made up their mind that we were done getting jerked around, so I have been making my way to the door ever since. After 10 years of stellar service, 5 deployments, missing years of my kids lives, I get called a quitter and told that I have no future in my Sq. I could write a lot more, but I just don't care to relive it anymore. I hate the fact that the AF made me fall out of love with something that I fought so hard to be apart of. I have seen this organization change in just the 10 years I've been in and it is unrecognizable. I sincerely want the AF to get better and be better, so let me know if you have any questions. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  22. That was like some epic level trolling. He carried it on for well over a year. Bravo Chang! Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  23. Thousands of hours... 20 hour work-week... hmmm... so they started his F up like 30 years ago? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  24. So 19 people at a time and 1095 day flying deployments to other CONUS bases. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  25. Exactly! Since we all know that the FAC was merely a force shaping tool to begin with and had absolutely nothing to do with making our Air Force "fit to fight" lol. It's time to force shape that shop and put those cats to work on filing my travel voucher and doing my adls training for me. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
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