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Everything posted by 338skybolt

  1. Here or WTF thread, flip a coin. Global warming (the libs still use this phrase?) at fault for Hurricane Sandy, according to Huffington: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/george-lakoff/sandy-climate-change_b_2042871.html?utm_hp_ref=politics&ir=Politics As is usually the case, the comments at the end are more entertaining than the article.
  2. LG has some elevator fun with it's new monitors:
  3. Threadbump - Maybe the tinfoil hat crowd were on to something all along <sarcasm>: http://www.foxnews.com/science/2012/10/18/govt-declassifies-report-secret-flying-saucer/
  4. Because he wasn't really jumping from way up high. It was all done in a Hollywood studio so we could beat the Russians....just like the Apollo space program. Notice how there are also no background stars and the wind isn't ruffling his spacesuit. :-) <sarcasm>
  5. Thread bump: Yeager "re-enacts" sound barrier flight http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/10/14/8-year-old-chuck-yeager-flies-again-re-enacts-sound-barrier-flight-on-its-65th/
  6. 6 dudes in the 50's stand under 2 kiloton atomic blast fired from F-89, live to tell tale: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/07/27/how-does-it-feel-to-stand-under-nuclear-bomb/?intcmp=obinsite Blast may have been 10,000ft. above their heads, but still ballsy.
  7. Roseanne Barr running for president this year (who knew?) and has Cindy Sheehan of Code Pink infame as running mate: http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-roseanne-barr-peace-and-freedom-party-candidate-20120802,0,3965135.story You can't make this sh!t up.
  8. The left-wing media oh so wanted the shooter to be tied to the tea-party and end up eating crow: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/20/brian-ross-tea-party-colorado-shooting_n_1689471.html
  9. CNN is reporting it too (albeit in a positive light - go figure): http://www.cnn.com/2009/OPINION/11/18/kenniff.forthood/index.html
  10. W....T....F....! Military dudes big fans of "My Little Pony" wear stupid patch on uniform: http://www.foxnews.c...-pony-fan-club/
  11. I suppose you're right. One reader's review of the book from "goodreads.com" went like this: "My relationship with this book got off to a bad start. I've never known much about or cared much for the Cold War, and while I read of the Russian Politburo plotting a way to seize oil from the Persian Gulf without incurring NATO opposition, I was wiki-ing terms like "KGB" and "Kremlin". Things didn't improve when the Russians failed to break up NATO, World War III started, and I was searching my dictionary for things like "fighter" and "carrier". Are you fvcking kidding me? (apologies for the thread derail)
  12. My vote would be for Clancy's "Red Storm Rising", although it would probably take 2 sequels to cover the 800+ pages.
  13. That's opinion, not fact: http://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/DOC/statement03.html
  14. Nice try Vertigo, but no way she's hippie. I submit: 1) Her hair looks washed sometime in the past calendar year 2) She wears makeup 3) No way that shirt is made from hemp and might actually be <gasp> a synthetic fiber 4) She's hittable
  15. What "chemtrails" really look like: Story: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunearth/missions/atrex.html
  16. I'm sure there's plenty Afghan people pissed about it (especially the family involved), however it is only news-worthy when the U.S. or our allies do something upsetting. 13 people died in one car? That's some ghetto-cruiser!
  17. And a forgetful Brad Johnson x2. QB has been a revolving door for us for a LONG time.
  18. Along with 24/7/365 Looking Glass flights. I was an RJ guy ('86-'94) but shared the same flightline (along with NEACP). Pretty interesting times indeed.
  19. Interesting F-35B video: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=Ki86x1WKPmE
  20. Good to see you don't have a double-standard in regards to touchdown and sack celebrations, and I sincerely mean it. Not a reverend and plenty calm, thanks. I was merely asking for some qualifying info on similar situations. I personally don't care if Tebow prays on the field or not, is a Christian or not - just sick of the double-standard with people accepting "bad" behavior (or whatever you want to call it) and getting pissed or "rubbed the wrong way" when someone prays openly on a football field. Agreed about Bud Grant - legendary.
  21. Why? If someone does a dance in the endzone after scoring a touchdown or dances over the qb after sacking him, would that also cause you to ask a question? I'm curious why a person's expression of religious faith on the football field would wield scrutiny while other demonstrations of joy/celebration do not.
  22. So are doing touchdown or sack dances an action you find genuine and not showoff type?
  23. So not only is 12/21/12 the end of the world, 11/11/11 mumbo jumbo is tied to it as well: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/11/11/111111-is-date-tied-to-mayan-apocalypse/?test=faces On Dec. 22nd next year when we're all still drinking beer, can we be done with this end of the world crap, or are they just going to pick another date, and on and on and on.....WTF?
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