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Everything posted by stract

  1. ok, so use MPS instead. Same slower service, but FREE... I mailed something to myself via MPS from Osan to Kadena and it beat me there (1 week). A friend mailed us stuff downrange via MPS and it took 2 weeks. Of course sometimes it can obviously be slower, but for an extra week, FREE beats priority mail.
  2. yes and yes. It's on the AFPC website somewhere.
  3. has W7 shown up on the HUP/EPP yet?
  4. good luck with your inprocessing PT test...
  5. dude, moving out of your room is just common courtesy for folks coming in. Sucks that it was more than a week overlap, but giving the incoming dudes they room they will be in for the duration of their deployment is how it should be done.
  6. latest fun at BAF: "Combat O (Combat Orientation - BAF's version of Right Start) is mandatory for all new arrivals, who will be remaining at Bagram. A Physical Fitness Assessment will be conducted at Combat O. Members must report in Physical Training Uniform (PTU) - no weapon, backpacks, IBA gear, or food allowed. This assessment is not an official physical fitness test, but will be recorded locally as part of the Commander's fitness program aimed at ensuring all Airmen are healthy and fit for the rigors of combat."
  7. back on topic...I was a 2LT at Mother Rucker going through SUPT-H...one morning, I was driving from the Ozark Gate to Lowe Army Heliport, which takes some fairly un-travelled roads on base. I was going 5 mph over the speed limit and got pulled over on a blind curve. Cop sat for 5 minutes before coming up to talk to me. Of course, my USAA insurance card was expired and I hadn't printed out the new one, so he said, "I don't feel like giving you two tickets; go slower and print out a new insurance card." I was speechless...and grateful! So far, that experience has offset the bad ones I've had with SF.
  8. tan two-piece flight suits are awesome! Yes, you are missing something. I think we discussed it in the Flight Suit thread...
  9. have you looked up the reg reference? I can't speak to ROTC, but those who went to the Zoo got Longevity upon graduation.
  10. moving the F-15s from Kadena has fueled the desire of the locals to close Futenma and not build a runway in Oura Wan Bay by Schwab...but instead move that USMC mission to Kadena. Will be an interesting development, for sure!
  11. there are 2 HH-60Ms in the 2010 Defense Budget for us. We'll see what that leads to...the report about the future of CSAR is due out this month, and then we'll go from there.
  12. luckily the Navy just rolled out theirs, and now we aren't the laughingstock anymore.
  13. does anyone know where someone can get their hands on a bunch of tan two-piece flight suits? They aren't manufactured anymore, as far as I know, and we're looking to get some, as they are now authorized for wear (HH-60 and HC-130 crews, thanks to then MGen Gorenc). Unfortunately we are not authorized to wear the new Army A2CU.
  14. govt will only reimburse the cost of kenneling for a quarantine, up to a certain amount. You're out $700, sorry.
  15. is the follow-on listed in the dream-sheet with the MC-12? Or is it a surprise on drop night?
  16. in all seriousness, the only "guaranteed" way to get the fighter of your choice is to get hired by a guard/reserve unit that flies them, and then convince them to send you to UPT. Good luck!
  17. the helo/tilt-rotor hot topics page on AFPC says they're only dropping 6 CV-22s a year to studs, which averages every other class at Rucker. They aren't going to take one of those 6 away from Rucker to give to someone else. The crossflow option after you fly in your MWS for a while may be your best bet.
  18. where did Brabus' thread at the top go?
  19. once a month our spouses get together to make a themed lunch in our bar. It goes over quite well, and they take donations (made over $300 at the last one - fajita bar)...we also do Hails and Farewells as appropriate in the bar (every 2 weeks in the summer, it seems, a little less frequent outside PCS season).
  20. So not a fan of the new OG? I don't think many can live up to Donk...
  21. they can ask the same questions, but they won't be answered the same way. AIB doesn't get a list of questions from the SIB, just the list of interviewees. "Tell me what happened." SIB = "I accidentally pulled both throttles back to idle, realized my mistake, pushed them immediately forward to MIL, and that caused both engines to compressor stall. I freaked out, forgot my boldface, and ejected." AIB = "Both engines compressor stalled so I ejected." AIB is a criminal investigation and there can be serious consequences for whomever is found at fault. SIB doesn't come with any consequences.
  22. one big diff is that any witness statements given for an SIB can be given privilege, whereas statements given for an AIB will never be privileged. The AIB can only get the factual TAB 1 data from the SIB; nothing from TAB 2...an SIB is all about preventing future mishaps, and an AIB is all about laying blame somewhere.
  23. I've never heard of that...in the Rescue community, there's an organization called That Others May Live Foundation that does very similar things as the River Rat and Warrior foundations...I'm pretty sure these organizations wouldn't exist if the USG was already paying for the education of kids whose parents gave the ultimate sacrifice.
  24. there are several rated folks I know who have/do work there.
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