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Everything posted by sky_king

  1. I would have used the sidewalk as a shortcut around the other cars.
  2. However, the real question at hand is "Is it a spelling error if your drunk." I'm sorry, I've lost focus of the big picture. More breasteseses please.
  3. I guess it's time to ban elevators.
  4. As I was driving on base last night, I saw on SF dude checking IDs while a 3 striper was yelling at a 2 striper standing at attention. Thought to myself, "hmmm, punishing in public. These guys are even dicks to themselves."
  5. If I'm in front of a cop on base, I make it a point now to stop for at least 10 seconds at a stop sign before moving on. And then I drive 10 mph below the speed limit. I actually cannot wait until I get pulled over for going too slow.
  6. I borrowed my set for the Laughlin graduation (minus the shirt I bought). Saved me a couple hundred bucks but I did look like Chris Farley doing fat man in a little coat.
  7. Godwin's law timer.... aaaaaaaaand hack.
  8. The answer is definitely yes, wait, no... uhh.... maybe?
  9. I don't care if you could rape Chuck Norris while shooting jalepeno juice in your eyes, cabaret dancing is still gay.
  10. She looks like a garbage bag full of coat hangers.
  11. Here's a short video of his routine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1nzEFMjkI4&feature=fvw
  12. Pic pretty much sums it up.
  13. What's he so freaked out about? Kanye is a jackass. That's the most spot on thing I've heard him say.
  14. He was just on Leno and I think Kanye had a few seconds of self-realization that he is in fact a gay fish.
  15. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call her a woman.
  16. Because OPRs/EPRs sound better with buzzwords. Edited so I could spread my synergysm a little more.
  17. They only talked to my dad because he was my first employer.
  18. I saw tops in blue last night. I recorded it for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Si8beWhBkg
  19. Well done. Your iStalker skills are impressive.
  20. I'll give a virtual $5 to the first person to find a picture of the chick (Celeste Clarice Partee). Before passing judgment, I need a picture to see if she was worth jumping off a boat into the Gulf of Mexico.
  21. Oh come on HD... Don't be such a meany head =D <*}}}>< (.)(.)
  22. Pinnacle Hunt steals thousands of dollars every month from people on base.
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