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BFM this

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Everything posted by BFM this

  1. Most safety investigations that I've seen have done a decent job of sorting out the CFs, Fs, and NFWODs. For the most part, this thread is drivel, imo. FWIW, I'm probably biased, having a degree in HF. Actually, I took a few classes with Doc Weigmann at Illinois; great prof, and I don't remember him coming off as peddling tripe to further a rabbit trail agenda. If anything these days, its this, to some degree:
  2. . Wonder if Scooter IPs felt that way.
  3. "The CDC's decision to play up flu deaths dates back a decade, when it realized the public wasn't following its advice on the flu vaccine. During the 2003 flu season "the manufacturers were telling us that they weren't receiving a lot of orders for vaccine,"Dr. Glen Nowak, associate director for communications at CDC's National Immunization Program, told National Public Radio. "It really did look like we needed to do something to encourage people to get a flu shot." Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  4. 1) Behave and/or make conciliatory gestures 2) Negotiate aid, which will go directly to the military 3) Nearing the end of the aid package, rattle sabre / lob rockets over Japan into the pacific / underground nuke test 4) Get additional aid with the condition that you'll stop acting like a meth addict 5) Lather, rinse, repeat Been repeating the same Nick At Nite episode since the Soviets left.
  5. I'll go out on a limb here and say that you'll have much bigger near rocks to contend with in that scenario, and the rest of your life to deal with the minutiae. Good luck to you guys pulling this mission. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  6. There doesn't have to be, and really there shouldn't be. There's no such timetable for ALO, white jets, staff, etc. ..for the most part anyway. If there aren't any TX seats, so be it. But the "one way door" party line was poison in the well. Remove that, and even TAMI is just another short notice turdball from AFPC and not much more (minus derailing careers and MWS experience and credibility issues, et al.). UPT Direct was just wrong from the word go, but they did really well nevertheless. I think that there should be a flow of manned MWS people through the RPA community, even when 18X'ers are fully manned.
  7. Ok, [says the guy that hasn't been there], and what would you propose is the Lesson Learned and Instructional Fix? Is this all on the whiny misfit toys? Or was something else that might have been executed with less Excellence and Integrity than called for? Sorry, man, the AF porked this one away wholesale. This is important: in 10 years from now, the RPA community will be ________. What's it going to look like? How professional, competent, able to integrate with other communities, provide meaningful support. These are vital questions if we want to avoid the diseases that plagued other communities that the AF decided to put into mushroom conditions. The current vector for the RPA community isn't awesome, imo. "Shut up and color" is a useful tool in certain circumstances. It was misapplied here, and the aftershocks will take a generation to settle out. I liked the job while I was there. I liked the job a lot more when guys around me started to get orders back to airplanes. The guy that get's services from his commissioning source can tell the AF "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish" after 4 years. Even the guys at UPT wouldn't have had much to complain about if the AF had said from the start that they had a follow on jet. But that's not what happened, is it?
  8. So, for the sake of the service, you're hoping AFPC is right. I'll take the counter position: the only way change is going to come about is if AFPC is glaringly wrong. Yeah, it will mean some short term pain, but our recent track record shows a gross lack of organizational agility. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  9. Mmmm, like anything AF, it depends. When it suits the AF just to have bodies around (Creech), the O5's stack up like cordwood. Not that it adds much to the discussion, just pointing out that there are exceptions to every rule. A line fighter squadron? CC and DO. That's it.
  10. Why not, exactly? Adolescent Top Gun inspired self image misconceptions aside, it looks like a Jiffy Lube outfit. It's a uniform. As long as I can get better functionality and don't end up wearing dungarees, meh... Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  11. Halleluja! ...so, think there's any chance of a HUP for Acrobat around the corner? Just swapped my stock 500G spinner for this. SSD speed (to a point), but at 1TB spin price. (Early 2011 15" MBP i7, 16Gb) This had me up and running with my CAC reader of choice. So easy, even I made it work. From there, yeah, basic accessibility isn't a problem through OSx. Once the emails go AF-secure, or I have to work with .xfdl, then it's over to the Bootcamp side , though I have a copy of Parallels 10 in the mail next week, so we'll see how that works.
  12. That was the best thing about IFF at Moody. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  13. If you don't suck at your job (enough to gain notoriety), and don't mind living in CA (or some random corner of the planet for 3-6 months out of the year), then post-AF you won't starve for the foreseeable future.
  14. Plausible. But not in this particular case. Regardless, why should we be planning to have an officer who is administering the oath to have to make that call on the fly? That should be sorted out ahead of time. This should get fixed, and imo it's an obvious fix.
  15. Somewhere on your outproccesing checklist is TMO. Go talk to them. From what you describe, mail is your best option otherwise. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  16. This discussion seems to repeat itself. And the punchline is usually the same: we won't know the final figures until late October-ish. At that time, AFCrimes will write a puff piece quoting someone at A1 proclaiming that the arrangement of the deck chairs has never been better.
  17. END T-38 Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  18. Starting at the top left: Is that some sort of Flock of Seaguls reboot?
  19. MCE at Patrick, and another at Hickam (Or Guam, even). Not that this has EVER been suggested before, mind you. Creech: it's vital like the F-35, but more painful. Fuck it: my fini is tomorrow...barely care.
  20. Agreed. My idea wasn't to debate the technological merits of any one path, just to highlight that the next paradigm shift will be something more creative than just shoving old-thinking square pegs into round new-technology holes. It isn't the science that's lagging this fight, it's the thinking, imo. If stakeholders don't want clowns determining the way ahead, then ignore the clowns, but don't remove yourselves from the discussion altogether.
  21. I think that even this guy is suffering from old-school thinking and a lack of imagination. One question that he never tackles (and should be tackled given current tech) is: why did I even end up in a BFM engagement? He doesn't even have to take the man out of the loop in order to leverage some of his ideas into a big step forward tactically. For instance: how about the ability to smuggle an AAM into the heart of the enemy CAP? Using the Bone as an AMRAAM truck had been talked about at one point; the major con there being that the Bone is vulnerable in an A2A grudgematch. RPA necessarily makes stealth an easier design task. So now, instead of F22s/F35s datalink-cuing a Bone-load of AMRAAMs from a standoff position, now they get to do the same with missiles pre-positioned in the middle of the enemy formation. If anything this is a more achievable capability with current technology, before his iteration of Skynet is available.
  22. CFI is a separate card from your pilot license, which will list those privileges. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  23. With the 10 year commitment, it doesn't take much prior time to miss the eligibility window. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
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