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Posts posted by Vetter

  1. Jesus fucking Christ. Where do these people come from?

    Where in the Constitution does it say you have the right to buy leaded gas? It doesn't. Therefore, regulate it all you want (10th amendment disagreement aside). Where does it say in the Constitution that my right to bear arms shall not be infringed? The Second Amendment. See the difference there numb nuts?

    • Upvote 3
  2. I was in the same boat a few years ago. I believe form should follow function and I ended up with a Sturdy Safe. The thing is built like a tank. It's not the prettiest safe on the market mind you, but they are a hell of a deal for what you get. I got a medium sized one with fire protection.


    Get the biggest one you can afford.

  3. All the plastic guns feel the same to me. I don't like how they shoot.

    For me, I've got a old Sig P228 and a new Sig P226. I love them. I'd recommend them to anyone.

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