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Posts posted by Vetter

  1. Heard a rumor the other day in the Squadron of stop loss for 11Fs starting in 2013. Has anyone else heard such speculation? I know we are pretty undermanned, but I know a bunch of people who are going to be pissed...myself included.

    If no one else has heard it, I'm starting the rumor here and now. Discuss...

  2. Bottomline, though, whether Rudy received recognition or not, having known him from the zoo, he wouldn't care and cares more about earning the respect of his peers, which I know he has.

    Yep. The best Weapon's Officer I've ever seen. Humble, approachable, and credible. Not many out there like him.

  3. Yes, the Roth TSP will act like a Roth IRA. The advantage of the Roth IRA is it allows diversification into some assets not available in the TSP such as emerging market funds, real estate investment trusts, and inflation protected bonds. So, if you don't need those asset classes and the TSP funds meet your needs, I don't see a problem with contributing to the Roth TSP first. Fill your Roth tax advantaged space first, especially at our low tax rates.

    There really is no gouge on which TSP fund is better. They each do different things. There is associated risk vs return for each fund. Except for the G-Fund...it's a free lunch. There is no other asset out there these days that will give 3-4% return and protect your principle. I'd recommend reading into asset allocation plans. There are tons of ways to skin the cat.

    If you are even thinking about this stuff, you are ahead of 75% of the general population.

  4. It seems like there are quite a few differing perspectives on investing. Maybe we don't really make enough money to throw loads of cash into an investment portfolio, but there has to be something better than the TSP and a basic Roth IRA. Aside from the few day traders that seem to exist in each squadron, does anyone have any recommendations on a good portfolio manager or any techniques on wealth gaining ideas.

    "Better" is how you define it. If you want most of your money to go to the actual investments that performs with the market, passive investing on your own (without a financial advisor) and low fund fees (ERs of less the 0.2%) are the way to go. If you want the prospect of beating the market (called alpha), then by all means put your money into actively managed mutual funds. Just realize these funds tend to be more expensive, which comes out of your bottom line. Also realize that most mutual funds fail to beat the market. There is a huge debate on active vs passive.

    A great resource with tons of info is the Bogleheads Wiki page: http://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Main_Page

  5. I've become a believer in passive investing. My portfolio primarily consists of index funds that track market performance. I just throw money into the funds and forget about it. It's been life changing. Read here for more info.


    TSP rocks...lowest fees of ANY retirement programs. Max it out! Also, contrary to what most people think, the G-Fund is unmatched anywhere. It's gives you small returns with absolutely 0 risk. Use it!

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