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Posts posted by Vetter

  1. For what it's worth, I did my 737 Type/ATP with Higher Power as well. It was a tough program. I've done 3 121 Initial Training programs since and they were a walk in the park compared to Higher Power. Higher Power does more than just get you a type/ATP. It prepares you for the 121 world very well. That said, I'm sure many do well without Higher Power.

  2. Actually I tried to quit during the VSP fiasco of 2011, then got passed over.

    So here's how it actually went:

    Vetter: "uhhhh, fuck you AF, I quit!...and the AF is doomed and full of retards."

    AF: No, you can't quit. We need you.

    AF: Here's you a great assignment and we need you there, but we're not going to promote you!

    Vetter: Perfect! I get to fly Hogs in AZ for 2 more years then I can get out a year early!

    AF: Vetter, you're passed over twice now, but we need your skills. So you can stay until 20 years as a Captain.

    Vetter: Haha! Fuck you! Deuces!

    AF: Fine, but you're not getting invol sep pay. Fuck you!

    Vetter: Deuces!

    Break break!

    Vetter: No, Lt Col DudewhosignedmyPRF, I will not write you a letter of rec for my airline.

    Little different than your version.

    • Upvote 6
  3. Fuck...let's keep playing this game. The US Government goes bankrupt in 10 years. You pension vanishes. We can play what ifs all day. In spite of the Obama administration, we are much more energy independent than just a few years ago. I don't see oil going to $175 (knock on wood).

    All that said, for me, the airline life has been great so far. Not being attached in any way to the military makes the gamble worth it.

    • Upvote 3
  4. How this came up is a good question, but another question worth asking is why 5 dudes with career-enhancing DG accolades decide to get out of the AF? Of course this question is rhetorical since this thread explains a lot of it, but it is a question the AF should be asking but probably doesn't recognize the significance of it yet.

    It didn't come up. We were too drunk and happy to be there. I was being sarcastic. No one...let me repeat, NO ONE...gives a shit about DG.

    Now, FAIPgate...pics or it didn't happen.

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