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Posts posted by Vetter

  1. See, that's the thing. I was never told that I was a shitty officer. Not once was I told how I could improve my performance as a pilot and officer. Even when I asked. I was always told I was doing what I needed to do, I was upgraded on time, and I showed job progression. Then I volunteered for VSP, was denied, and was passes over 9 months later. Yep, you're correct. Douche.

  2. .45 for EDC (Kimber Ultra Tactical II). 9mm for zombie apocolyse (Sig P226 with 20 round mag and Liberty Infinity supressor).

    I don't participate in the .45 vs 9mm debate. I use both.

    Caveat - the above hardware does not actually exist.

  3. Well, I'm giving it till the end of 2015 to get picked up by a major. Even if the flood gates never open and they aren't interesting in my 2200 PIC hours, anything is better than the absolute bullshit I have experienced on Active Duty the last 3 years. And it's sad that everything else can truly suck the fun and excitement out of flying a Hog at 100'.

    Caveat - I do have a shitty attitude and I realize it's my fault for allowing the Air Force to ruin such a good thing...

  4. If the cops illegally kick in a door in the middle of the night and startle a law-abiding, armed citizen, then the resulting firefight is 100% the police's fault.

    This! And that cop and anyone who's involved in the decision should be charged with manslaughter. I, for the most part, appreciate the work that police do for us, but the militarization of police agencies in this country has got to stop.

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