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Everything posted by BADFNZ

  1. "Um, I must have, like, fallen on a bullet, and it like, drove itself into my gut."
  2. Looks better than Service Dress imo.
  3. I hear the controllers are happy to accept multiple approach requests.
  4. That's good to hear. What I'm curious about is the fact that DM only has 1 -J-model now, how will that affect how often the pilots actually get to fly. I'm sure they're going to wait until they get a few more tails before deploying, but when that happens will there still be one or two on the ramp to get some locals done? I just want to fly my ass off but I know that will be difficult when a squadron is going through a transition like this. That's why I was wondering how many J's they're slated to get and when they'll be showing up. If someone wants to take this to PMs or .mil's, let me know.
  5. How many J's is DM slated to get? How many P-models do they have? At what rate are the swapping them out?
  6. Thanks for the response. So how do dudes usually fair on promotion boards? In my case, my first Majors board would take place ~2 years after I got on-station. Assuming I had all the containers checked, would I be behind other dudes at LR? Does the unit have any specialty flying missions? They have H-3s, correct?
  7. How do the jobs work within the squadron? Do AD guys take the exec-type positions and Guard guys take the cushier ones? So you work for a Guard CC, but you're assigned to the OG at LR? So when it comes to promotion, assignments, school, etc, you're competing against a bunch of dudes you're never met and odds are your ultimate rater has never met you either?
  8. Yeah, I didn't literally think the mission was going to change to ISR or dropping bombs, I was referring to the quote below which I read in the CSO forum... I just want to know what kind of flying these guys do locally and what they do downrange. I think the CSAR mission is one of the best in the biz (which is why I put it #1 out of UPT), but how much of this are they doing these days? How is the J going to change the game? Also, the quote above says you can get away with 120 gone and 360 home, but earlier in this thread someone stated they were worse than 1:1. Any clarification? We can take it to PMs or .mil emails if need be.
  9. Bringing this one to the top as well. FAIP dreamsheets came out today and Herks to Cheyenne was on there. Any recent info on ops tempo, deployments, etc? Also, how does being AD at a Guard unit effect jobs, promotion, queep, etc? I would think there would be less queep since it's a Guard unit, but at the same time, the queep might flow downstream to the AD dudes since the Guard guys might try to chaff it to them. Any input?
  10. Standing by for FCIF stating visual approaches are no longer allowed...
  11. Bringing this back up. Our faip dreamsheets came out today and there is an hc-130j to DM on there. HC's were my #1 on my upt dreamsheet but I got faip'd instead. What's the latest on ops tempo, manning, deployments, etc in the hc-j? Has the mission changed at all since the j has came online? I've read on here that career progression isn't great due to being one of the red-headed step children of ACC. Any truth to this? I'm just looking for anything recent in the community. Thanks.
  12. Do the hands get in the way of the digits? I have an analog/digital watch now but the hands are really skinny so they're not a factor. Also, does the small LED still suck on these? Are the digits even possible to read at night?
  13. I'm digging this watch. I've never owned Suunto; always been a Casio man. For those that have owned both, how do they compare? I don't need a watch that can make me breakfast, just something that keeps a good hack (Atomic clock), has decent features that I might use in the jet or behind my desk, and doesn't look like I got it in a gumball machine. I was 69% decided on the Casio GW3500B, but now I'm not sure.
  14. So what's the latest on Invisaline and flight status? It seems my crowding is getting worse and I'm not getting any younger. Anyone dealt with this recently? Any random DNIFs or 6-9 extra on-base dentist visits?
  15. Valid reasoning, but when you take into account the fact that both degrees will cost you the same and have more or less the same workload, would you rather have that TUI degree on your resume or one from a "legit" school? The only reason anyone in their right mind would choose a school like TUI would be due to cost and workload, but it turns out those two advantages are becoming more neutral now. All I'm saying is that we don't need to sell ourselves short when deciding on an advanced degree. It doesn't matter if we're just trying to check the container or not. Don't be afraid to explore all of your options. Just like a lot of us thought we'd have trouble in college, UPT, etc, you'll soon realize it's never as bad as you thought it would be. And for the record, I think Masters should be completely masked on PRFs.
  16. If all this isn't a reason to get a masters from a "real" school, then I don't know what is. After reading this thread, I don't see how anyone could send another $0.01 to this place. I'm getting my masters from a school that actually has a campus, a football team (with a recent National Championship), and anything else a normal college should have. All because I'm getting a legit masters doesn't mean I spend every waking moment doing school work. Most of my classes are comprised of readings and two tests, with an occasional essay. I actually work a lot less than all my bros that are going through TUI. I can't count how many times those dudes have commented that they have 6-9 essays to do on any given weekend. No thanks. Don't be afraid to branch out and get a degree from a school you won't be embarrassed of.
  17. I heard he gets RIF'd half way through the movie.
  18. You do realize that people capable of having kids can adopt also, right?
  19. So what if you're 2 years away from your ADSC and you do the 7-day opt out? Will they generally still PCS you?
  20. As a young guy, I definitely didn't know about this. So if you 7-day opt out of an assignment that brings you past your UPT ADSC, do you just finish up your ADSC at your current base?
  21. [stupid question] The T-6 uses an OBOGS and hasn't had any issues with it as far as hypoxia, coughing, etc. Is the Raptor problem actually related to the system itself or is it the fact that they spend most of their time in the stratosphere that the system just can't handle it? In other words, hypothetically if they put the T-6 system on the Raptor, would they still have issues due to the altitude? [/stupid question]
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