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Everything posted by M2

  1. Why invest? You're young, you've got your whole life in front of you. Go out and buy yourself a new car, a motorcycle, and spend the rest on beer and babes. When you wake up one morning hung over and married, then you should start to worry about investing for the future. But until then, go out and have fun. You will be old before you know it... Enjoy, you can thank me later! Cheers! M2
  2. WTFO? Why is Gary "Whatchu Talking About, Willis?" Coleman wearing a bag? What's he think he is, a AFROTC cadet?!? :rolleyes: More ness from Doc and company... Cheers! M2
  3. The same reason Mick Jagger doesn't have any wrinkles in his videos, but if you see him in real, argh! Cheers! M2
  4. Was it the happy-lookin' fella on the right? You can see the resemblance with Montgomery Burns from The Simpsons... And the similarities don't end there... Cheers! M2
  5. Yeah, that's when Doc talked about "strapping on rockets" ...the bike was a Harley 888 Sportster, which kicks out a rocketing 42 HP! Really impressive stuff! Good one, johannagain! Cheers! M2
  6. What is this, deja vu all over again? We flogged this to schnitzel status in this thread (including a pic). Cheers! M2 [ 11. July 2005, 18:44: Message edited by: MajorMadMax ]
  7. Bergman Anyone who quotes Blazing Saddles rates high in my book! BTW, "that's Hedley!" I could post them, like I did with Dr Strangemlove, but I think it'll be better if I just post the web site for more Blazing Saddles quotes here. Cheers! M2
  8. Rainman Good one, I laughed my ass off! Cheers! M2
  9. The correspondent received a response from Col. Robin Rand, commander of Luke AFB's 56th Fighter Wing, in the pages of that same newspaper the following day: Luke Air Force Base was asked to respond to a letter writer's question about a "morning air show" he observed recently ("A wake-up call from Luke's jets," Letters, Thursday): The "wake-up call" witnessed the morning of June 15 was a formation of F-16 jets from Luke Air Force Base lining up for a memorial service in Sun City at the gravesite for Air Force Capt. Jeremy Fresques, an officer assigned to Air Force Special Operations. Fresques gave his life in defense of our country while serving in Iraq. It is unfortunate that at a time when our nation is at war someone would believe we have less than honorable and professional reasons for such a mission. The commander of the fighter squadron was given the difficult duty of informing the family of Capt. Fresques on Memorial Day that the officer, a husband, son and Arizonan, had died in Iraq. On behalf of the men and women at Luke Air Force Base, we continue to keep Jeremy and his family in our thoughts and prayers. Col. Robin Rand Luke Air Force Base Snopes had it posted here. Cheers! M2
  10. Fred He gets what he earns...I think the only thing he has unified within USAFE has been the common dislike for the man. If you have ever suffered under his "combat programs" or AFN commercials, you too would most likely despise the guy. But it goes back to long before he became the head (no STS) of USAFE... Cheers! M2
  11. I'm sorry, but this particular case reeks of asskissing... :rolleyes: Cheers! M2 USAFE News Service 23 June 2005 UNS05197: http://www.usafe.af.mil/news/news05/uns05197.htm Enlisted corps to honor COMUSAFE with Order of the Sword induction Master Sgt. Mona Ferrell USAFE News Service RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany (USAFENS) -- The U.S. Air Forces in Europe enlisted corps will bestow their highest honor on the USAFE commander Aug. 26 when they induct him into the command’s Order of the Sword. Gen. Robert H. “Doc” Foglesong accepted the invitation in the presence of USAFE’s command chief master sergeants and first sergeants from the First Sergeants Academy during a formal presentation June 22 at the 11th Worldwide Command Chiefs Conference held at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. "This is such serious business,” said General Foglesong, overwhelmed by the invitation. “I’m very honored and touched.” Chief Master Sgt. Gary G. Coleman, USAFE command chief master sergeant, who formally presented General Foglesong with the invitation on behalf of the enlisted corps, said the decision to honor the general was unanimous across the command. “It’s our way -- the best way -- of honoring General Foglesong for his total dedication, and passionate concern for USAFE enlisted men and women and their families,” said Chief Coleman. “Since taking the USAFE flag, General Foglesong has worked tirelessly supporting the enlisted force under his command,” the chief said. “We can take any one of the 15 Combat and Special Interest Programs he’s instituted within this command and see that they embody the development of the enlisted force. Strengthening the work and personal environments of members throughout USAFE, the general has not only made USAFE the best place to live and work, but he’s created an environment for our Airmen to grow – spiritually, mentally and physically.” A 33-year Air Force veteran who has commanded USAFE since August 2003, General Foglesong will become only the 16th recipient honored with the USAFE Order of the Sword when the enlisted corps formally induct him in August. "This is not an award we present lightly; every Airman in this command can take pride in this induction,” Chief Coleman said. “We are honoring a great leader whose vision and focus has ensured we are ready to fight and postured to respond anywhere in the world, while providing superior services to you – the world-class men and women of USAFE.” It’s also not an award the general is taking lightly. “My dad was an NCO in the U.S. Navy and I fully realize what this induction means,” said the general, who plans to send the induction announcement to his mother. “I couldn’t be more humbled, and I know my mother will be proud.” The Order of the Sword is the highest honor the Air Force enlisted corps can bestow on an officer. The tradition dates back to medieval times, when noncommissioned officers presented their leaders with a sword as a symbolic gesture of loyalty. It is patterned after two orders of chivalry founded in Europe during the Middle Ages -- the Royal Order of the Sword and the Swedish Military Order of the Sword. Both orders still exist today. For more information about the August ceremony, contact your wing command chief or first sergeant.
  12. Talk to your training folks, they should be able to hook you up with M-9 training. I thought everybody had to be qual'd anyway, is that just overseas? The fun thing here is that we can get training through my boss' personal security detail, so it's more than just M-9s... Cheers! M2
  13. M2

    Gunner Palace

    Just to revive this old thread...I got this in the email today... Cheers! M2 Gunner Palace on DVD June 28th Palm Pictures is releasing the Gunner Palace DVD on June 28, 2005. The disc can be pre-ordered on Amazon.com. If you screened the film, you can post your reviews there. As part of the DVD release, Palm Pictures will donate a portion of every DVD sale to Fisher House. On May 10th, Palm Pictures and GP Director Michael Tucker presented a check for $10,000 to Fisher House - the first installment of what we hope will be a significant contribution. Fisher House is a "home away from home" for families of patients receiving medical care at major military and VA medical centers. The families of many soldiers from 2/3 FA, the unit featured in GP, benefited from Fisher House. With the conflict continuing, more families are going to need help. To learn more go to: www.fisherhouse.org
  14. Jetjock 1. Either or, just as long as you have access and it is an accredited institution. 2. The AF pays 100% tuition assistance with an annual cap, books are on your dime. 3. The AF will pay for a doctorate after a grad degree, but you will owe them time for both. I would suspect most doctorates are done on a fulltime basis, I have a bud at RPI in NY getting his doctorate at the moment. 4. Mission dependent, but most organizations will allow you to take time off from work for classes. But remember your education is secondary to the mission! Bottom line: You can get advanced degrees and get the AF to pay for them. It is all a matter of how much you are willing to work! Cheers! M2
  15. Well, thanks to whoever posted the link...we saw the message but I didn't see these pics... Honestly, they are looking more and more like the Army ACUs that I say we should just wait a couple of years and then start wearing them (teh ACUs) like we did with the BDUs. Seriously, they are a better design and it will make them a lot easier to get as someone will already have paid the design and developmental costs. If we want to be "distintive," then we need to come up with a way to do so with the basic uniform. Why don't we use velcro nametags on the new Army ACUs (they already have velcro on the shoulders) and be smart and wear the shiny pin-on officer rank in garrison (you can remove it if you go out in the field)? That would be a the cheaper solution, and then we could use all the extra money to fix the C-130 wing problems! Shit, too bad I'm not the CSAF! Cheers! M2
  16. PP21 If you wife is disabled/handicapped, then she should be enrolled in EFMP. As such, that will dictate where you can and cannot go for your next assignment. I know, I have a son who is autistic and is EFMP enrolled. It was one of the reasons I wanted to go to San Antonio for my final assignment before I retire, so he could get the help he needed. Here is all the info you need on EFMP. Note enrollement is mandatory and required immediately upon identification of a special need for all active duty service members with family members with special medical and/or educational needs. Also note it considers those needs during the personnel assignment process, pecially when approving family members for accompanied travel to overseas locations. In the Air Force, the Special Needs staff are located in the Military Treatment Facility (MTF) only. The EFMP Re-Assignments Branch is a personnel function. Family Support Center staff provides Family Life Education, Information and Referral and Personal Finance Management services but do not have a designated Coordinator. The Air Force Special Needs Identification and Assignment Coordination (SNIAC) process identifies eligible U.S. Air Force families with special medical and/or education requirements and helps those families obtain required services. This SNIAC process ensures those families have access to necessary services upon reassignment, whether CONUS or OCONUS. The SNIAC process identifies sponsors whose family members have special needs for reassignment purposes. The SNIAC process assists the Military Personnel Flight (MPF) in updating the Assignment Limitation Code Q that is assigned to the sponsor for the purpose of ensuring availability of medical and/or educational services upon PCS. Therefore, SNIAC enrollment is mandatory for active duty sponsors whose family members meet enrollment criteria established by DoD and U.S. Air Force policy. The SNIAC helps families connect with medical and educational programs with the goals of increasing family self-sufficiency and improving family self-advocacy skills. The Air Force Special Needs Coordinator (SNC) and Family Member Relocation Clearance Coordinator (FMRCC) are typically located in the Life Skills Support Center and/or Family Advocacy office at the Medical Treatment Facility (MTF). More info on their web site. Cheers! M2
  17. M2

    Outside the AF

    Yep, you will need your squadron commander's permission, and for the most part it is frowned upon for officers, especially activities such as bartending. How would it look if some of he enlisted folks from yoru base showed up at the bar and you were serving them? If you have that much spare time on your hands, go do some charity work somewhere (church, scouts, etc), that way you are also positively representing the USAF in the community. Sorry for the upcoming war story, but I remember at one base I was at an airman wanted to get a job as a male dancer. Of course the squadron commander didn't automatically deny the guy's request, but made him report to his office so he (the squadron commander) could see what kind of clown would submit such a request in the first place. I remember the commander later saying the guy would starve as a male dancer... Cheers! M2
  18. Chuck Not only do I own the book, but I have the series on DVD as well (check Amazon). Although not 100% historically accurate, it's a great read and even better video. Just the sight and sounds of the Spitfires is worth the money. Great suggestion, it's one of my favorite books. The other is 1000 Destroyed - The Life and Times of the 4th Fighter Group (a.k.a. Death Squadron or Mr. Tettley's Tenants) by Grover C. Hall. I picked it up over 20 years ago at Moron AB in Spain and my copy is starting to fall apart from being read so many times. It's the story of one of the RAF Eagle squadrons that eventually became a US group flying Thunderbolts and then Mustangs. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in WWII flying. Cheers! M2
  19. BlackJetDriver Read that, great book! Cheers! M2
  20. The "don't look like an American" stuff is AFN brainwashing. I know, I have been subject to it for seven out of the past ten years. Most Americans stand out like sore thumbs in Europe, even when they try to blend it. Kinda hard to hide with USAREUR tags or even the ones we have in Belgium (which have blue lettering, and the locals have red). Plus, a Camero or F-150 pick-up isn't a common sight over here, and NASCAR fans are pretty much non-existent. There really isn't a threat over here, so it isn't as necessary as the propaganda would lead you to believe. At most it makes you more likely to be targeted by petty criminals. Believe it or not, for the most part I have found the French to more friendly to me once they find out I am an American, which is odd considering that most Americans wouldn't extend the same to someone they found out was French! I am not saying I like the French, many are idiots and they are conceited as hell, but I have yet to have one become belligerent with when they find out I am an American. Bottom line, don’t worry about it. Common sense will guide you through, just make sure you use it. Cheers! M2
  21. M2

    Buying a house

    Didn't we just recently discuss this? I'm too lazy to go looking for the thread... Just sold a condo I owned as a lieutenant, made $52K after about 12 years of ownership. Bought a house when we got to San Antonio in 1999. Sold it in 2002 and made $18K. However, you can lose money as easily as you make it. That's the rule with investments. BRAC can hose you big time. OK, got over my laziness. If you are interested in investing, read this thread or this one. Or just go happy witht he 'search' function. Cheers! M2
  22. Click on the link and look under FAQ. Honestly, I get the same effect from a Figlmüller's schnitzel! Just one note, Figlmüller's is a wine stübe, so they don't serve beer. However, there is no shortage of places to have a beer after you eat there... Cheers! M2 [ 06. May 2005, 10:44: Message edited by: MajorMadMax ]
  23. Back that URL up... http://tiltrotormech.com/ ...and they have a forum as well, plus pics, videos, etc. Cheers! M2
  24. Gearpig Well done! Did you make that list up yourself? Cheers! M2
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