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Everything posted by Fuzz

  1. When lodging is directed can a member still turn down on base lodging?
  2. Wear sage green boots till coyote tan boots are authorized to fly with? Did whoever wrote this not know we have desert tan boots?
  3. You honestly believe that it matters who sits in the official seats? News flash those are the people that can get through the Congressional hearings without expending a mountain of political capitol. The POTUS has had and will always have the unofficial advisors (Bannons, Jarrets etc) that will guide policy probably more so than anyone with a Cabinet Title. (See Presidential Kitchen Cabinets or FDRs Brain Trust).
  4. Last I heard, no one is allowed off base so Pops opened a store on base. Can't have any of their knock off stuff on base though.
  5. Just remember we are talking about the same Air Force that was still dropping C-130Hs to UPT studs months after the squadrons they were heading to were already announced to be shutting down within the next 1-2 years. Those guys went through C-130H PIQ arrived at their squadron and got assignments to other airframes within a couple months.
  6. 5 years later my pops jacket still looks almost brand new, I'd go straight to Pops, the jacket quality only seems to be going downhill.
  7. Do you see CENTCOM giving up their CHOP'd assets? Given the consternation I saw over reworking the deployed tanker iron, I'm skeptical how AFCENT would respond to removing more assets from under their control.
  8. The T-6s have ADS-B? Is that part of the B model?
  9. Forward deploy the AMD Chief, tactics, intel and security forces personnel to the CAOC and stand up a AMD Detatchment under one of the deputy chiefs at Scott for the rest of the personnel. AMD gets to tap into TACCs in place infrastructure and knowledge while allowing AFCENT/CC to retain OPCON of CHOP'd assets. The only people that need to be forward are the previously named people because they interface with all the other divisions on a daily basis especially when big mobility operations are going on which also includes briefing the DIRMOBFOR, CAOC director and CFACC. Sure it could be done via VTC/VOSIP but I found it easier to be able to talk in person.
  10. Having done a 180, I'll agree with you to an extent. Our unit didn't really hit its stride till about 60 days into the deployment. I would say 120-180 days is the ideal length, I noticed no appreciable difference between the 180 day people & the 365ers besides the later usually were more disgruntled. Two things that make shorter deploymenus work is good handoffs by the outgoing personnel and good leadership helping to bridge the gaps between rotations (I know preaching to the choir). The POC of one of our main customers rotated out about 2/3s of the way through the deployment but he gave his replacement a good handoff and we continued to work with only minor issues till he got his feet fully under him.
  11. Curious if anyone has thoughts on if the KC-46 will be CHOP'd to AFCENT with it being AMCs newest, bright and shiny acquisition?
  12. "the cost to construct a commercial building in the region runs between $220 and $260 per square foot. According to the website BuildingJournal.com, average commercial renovation costs in Colorado Springs run about $110 per square foot - about $150 per square foot less than what was spent on Johnson's foyer." They spent more than what it costs to build a new area from scratch, I agree it would run on the higher end due to the nature of the area but seems excessive, given the comparable costs of other areas on the campus.
  13. Here you go Congressman: https://www.stripes.com/news/us/air-force-academy-foyer-costs-reach-387-000-academy-says-it-can-t-release-explanation-1.449145
  14. Yeah you can see the exaughst from 1 & 2 if you look close enough.
  15. Not to mention the Department of Treasury tacks on a 25% fee to collect the debt which is outrageous in its own regard not mention when the debt is incorrect to begin with.
  16. This is why I was asking, as long as nothing in the pic falls under the former, I'm not sure what point "*" is trying to make.
  17. Well this bill doesn't technically take our benefits away but it increases our taxable income significantly and actually make our BAH worth less than the 95% congress already is scaling it back too. Where it's really going to hurt is the junior enlisted, a married E-3 makes $25,500 a year with approximately $20,000 in BAH. Right now in Washington state that family would qualify for WIC assistance. Under the idea of making BAH taxable income their taxable would be $45,500+, which makes them ineligible for WIC unless they have 3 kids. (http://www.doh.wa.gov/YouandYourFamily/WIC/Eligibility) I haven't looked at any other programs caps, just this one for now, but I imagine they are about the same.
  18. Yep no complaints from me, McChord is a great base with stellar leadership in literally every position from WG/CC to ever squadron commander in the OG. Which is really driving a focus on and valuing of training and mission hacking over queep
  19. I was gone for most if the year (deployed + schoolhouse) so all I know is from what in see from the LTs in my squadron after the fact. I don't know if any waivers were approved, but since alot of our flying included almost continuous POTUS/VPOTUS 1A1 stuff it wouldnt surprise me if the A3 did approve some.
  20. Should have say 600-700 hours in approximately their first six months. Yes we had people time out on their 30 or 90 day time or just be skirting the edge of timing out continuously for months.
  21. Hate to say it right now at McChord we are so busy that few first assignment guys are even able to be "protected". We just finished our busiest year in 7 years with one less squadron and the other squadrons that are 25-30% smaller than they've ever been. If you are an airland guy you are getting crushed with missions, we have brand new copilots that are getting 600-700 hours in thier first six months. Aidrop guys aren't flying missions as much but are doing homestation JA/ATTs, and spending 1-2 weeks a month at Pope, Basic Airborne or exercises. Also Airdrop guys are looking at more ground deployments (MPC or CAOC) since they all require airdrop quals.
  22. AMC is currently short 315 pilots after they cooked the books by already reducing the crew ratios and sent hundreds of pilots out of the communities to get us to "100% manned". At least General Everheart was honest about the prospects of retaining those eligible to separate.
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