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Buddy Spike

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Everything posted by Buddy Spike

  1. I don't think that's much different from what the "lower class" in places like Chicago are accustomed to.
  2. Quick, someone get her number for nsplyr.
  3. Winner. And this is why raising the minimum wage doesn't work.
  4. Lucky? So none of the people that are wealthy did so out of skill or ability? What about Steve Jobs and Bill Gates? Again, you said true statement yet you're pushing this notion that the wealthy get wealthy at the expense of everyone else. What about the increases in those on government assistance? Again, this assumes wealth is a zero sum game. If you took away all of the wealth and put everyone on an equal playing field, do you think there would be a wealth inequality after 10 years? 20? Again, it is not a distribution. Distribution implies a common source. Yes, there is a wealth disparity in this country, but a lot of it has to do with economic conditions, inflation, available jobs, etc. (most of which we've regulated ourselves out of thanks to your party's initiatives) The average IQ in this country is 98. Do you think the average American has the ability to create large amounts of wealth?
  5. The numbers are fine - the argument that wealth is finite and that the 1% taking the pie so that the bottom 40% starve is complete bullshit. Wealth is created. One person creating wealth does not take away from another.
  6. Gearpig, I think the fact that joe1234 is arguing so heavily in favor of that video (and trying to talk down to you while doing so) is proof enough that it's complete and utter bullshit.
  7. Because governments have never turned on their people.
  8. Until nsplyr and his fellow liberals pick up an economics textbook, they will never understand the flawed logic in raising the minimum wage for "inflation/cost of living"
  9. Yup, there's no topping that. HOSS might as well shut down that account and start a new one.
  10. Navy Reserve isn't much better. VFA-201 went on a deployment cruise during OIF. They came back and not long after they were shut down. Their first notice was when they looked at the budget for the next FY and the numbers were zero'd out. VAW-77 (E-2s) in New Orleans found out much the same way, although it started when a personnel chief noticed a lack of incoming full-timers... then they noticed their budget zeroed out. They're closing their doors next month. Of course, none of these hire dudes off the street, but the Navy isn't much better.
  11. You're just weird enough to be a Navy dude. Enjoy.
  12. What's not to love about spending 8 months at sea (plus months of workups on det prior) on a ship with 5000 people (mostly dudes or ugly chicks) while you pay $300/mo for shitty food?
  13. At least it's not Fabulous Glennis.. you know, because that's ok now.
  14. Why do you want to screw over the working man? Sure there's plenty of waste to go around, but there are much worse examples in contracting and the general budget (use or lose).
  15. Maybe it was 14 pt font and double spaced. That's how I got through college.
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