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Posts posted by 17D_guy

  1. 2 hours ago, ItnStln said:

    One fraudulent vote is a problem.

    Well, better trample liberties and call into question the whole system for electorally insignificant fraudulent votes.  Then, since the states get to decide - push the narrative of moving the election.
    Doesn't sound fascist at all.

    Where I was at in TX, they did electronic voting without paper.  That, to me, is highly more susceptible to centralized fraud than mail-in ballots.  New place does mail only, I'm cool with it.  First thing I did after signing the closing docs was register to vote.

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  2. 51 minutes ago, nsplayr said:

    How did you go from DP on your 1-below to just a regular P on IPZ? 🤷‍♂️

    May the odds ever be in your favor I guess!

    Gotta give that DP to the next 1-below. Don't worry, he's got it. AF never gets it wrong.

    PS - Retirement fucking rules.

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  3. On 7/6/2020 at 12:00 PM, GrndPndr said:

    I smelled some sarcasm in 17D's post.

    Nope, I'm just new to the sport and thought I heard that in one of the F1 videos.

    Fun race this weekend.  Lando doing good shit, Ferrari killing themselves, and Racing Point having some very interesting success that Red Bull's now protesting.

    How are you guys watching them?  I don't have cable, just the internets.

  4. 2 hours ago, brickhistory said:

     Doesn't look like a silver arrow at all.

     I thought they were called the "black arrows."  Happy for Norris, gutted for Albon.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Ryder1587 said:

    My problem started with the CMSAF’s post.  His statements don’t support the data.  He said his greatest fear is that a black airman will be killed by a white police officer. Someone posted an article earlier that showed a study from 2015 that shows a white police officer has the same chance of shooting a black man as a Hispanic or black officer. So why make this about race ?

    Somehow, I don't think saying..."He's wrong, the data shows they're likely to shoot other minorities as well" is that comforting.


    Can we improve poverty for the black community ?   Absolutely.  Are they in poverty because of racism ?  A thought that your race is superior to another’s.  I don’t think so.  Jordan Peterson has a good talk about this and it being majority privilege.  

    I love me some JP, but to act like there weren't systemic steps to keep Black American Communities in poverty, or destroy thriving ones, is wrong.  He's also Canadian, perhaps he should start questioning the RMCP on all those First Nations girls that seem to keep disappearing they can't find the time to look for.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Guardian said:

    Why do people have to be their past? Why can’t they just move past it. The people who are hung up on it haven’t ever been through or are able to identify with slaves from Africa.

    Holy shit @Guardian, take some Adderall and calm the fuck down. 5 posts in 10 minutes...got some history you're worried about or something?

    Why do people have to be their past? 

    Because they get called a coon in the work-center they thought they were joining to get away from their past.  Seen it, dealt with it. 

    They get slow-rolled on training because, "That dumb N***r doesn't want to learn."  Seen it, dealt with it.

    Commander has a meeting with flight leadership on how to deal with "them" coming to the unit.  Heard about it, was begged not to report it so they wouldn't be singled out.

    You're sweating a false accusation of racism?

    • Like 1
  7. Currently sitting with VA @ 3.25%, owe $176K, and have a 860 credit score.  Make sense to re-fi?  My original broker said it needs to get into the 2.75 range, but that was as of Saturday.

  8. 25 minutes ago, dream big said:

    So I guess we are allowed to openly bash the commander in chief now on Facebook as active duty officers? Or a sitting squadron commander? Asking for a friend..

    Why anyone would say anything military/work/political related on FB at this point....especially as an officer.  Delete that shit.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Just now, Sua Sponte said:

    Electoral votes, yes. Popular vote, no.

    Yea fair...don't know why I didn't write that, I knew it, stupid me. 


    Still...don't think you can call it the "silent majority."  Hillary was the worst...everything ever.  So, I do not expect the same thing unless Biden has a fucking stroke on stage and they forgot to tie his hand to a line so some staffer off stage can wave it up and down.

    • Haha 1
  10. On 5/26/2020 at 12:00 AM, dream big said:

    Can you please elaborate once again? I know you “told the story on this site.”  It seems Fingers is well respected across the Enterprise but it’s obvious you have some insider information.  Honestly curious to hear the other side. 

    Yea, at least for former CMSAF E-9 Cody, there was a very telling difference between what he presented and what the ground truth was.  It took about 36-months for it to come out across the force. 

    Haven't gotten the same thing for Fingers at all.

  11. On 4/26/2020 at 6:38 AM, Chuck17 said:

    To be fair, this has been corrected in the AFI. 

    Good words

    YMMV, but there’s a method to the madness.


    Chuck covered what I've seen in my rapidly dwindling career. 

    I'm an "also ran" who isn't going to stick it out because the AF decides I can't do "X Job" until I've paid certain dues.  Being a DO fucking ruined this for me. 

    I've had to explain to my young CGO's repeatedly that I'm not a HPO/Unicorn/whatever even with really good strats and good jobs.  Doubly so since the outgoing Group/CC fucked me with no-strat last OPR, so glad that prick retired.  When a group/cc strats a Capt to keep a streak alive despite the Sq/CC saying he don't deserve it...you know it's time to hang it up.

    With 18-days left to terminal my family and I have decided not to play for a multitude of reasons.  But the number one I'm seeing now is being able to tell someone I'm not interested in a job/location and there's nothing they can do about it.  And if I ever run into someone unable to manage as that former group/cc I can ask for an insane amount of money, or walk.

    It just wasn't worth it to stick around 7-more years (min. 3 moves) before retiring in grade as a O5 "hopefully" to be closing out as a Sq/CC trying to find a job at almost 50.  Only thing keeping me was the basically-zero possibility of BPZ.

    • Like 6
  12. 20 hours ago, AirGuardianC141747 said:

    Well maybe your right. Using Taiwan, Singapore, Korea and Hong Kong as examples, they did extremely well comparatively to us and others. Hong Kong 7.5 million Population, under 1,000 cases, 4 deaths. Definitely having been thru SARS helped, borders are different, but I would give it to the local discipline/culture. We enjoy incredible freedoms beyond most which I cherish and I wouldn’t swap with China and have my doors welded shut that is for sure. This is an unfortunate learning experience. Definitely nothing compared to what the Greatest Generation endured, but baby steps hopefully not needed, ever. Just an opinion.

    Here in South TX because "dagnamit ain't no gubment gonna tell me" I now have to do the grocery shopping.  People will not maintain any distance or wear masks/facecovering.  In fact, they're even more prone to get close to you than before (if you're wearing a mask) to "prove how much they don't care."  Wife had to yell at some old dude crossing the floor lines to check out repeatedly and coughing.  All these fake ass cowboys, not one bandana to tie around their dumb ass grills.

    On the news was a dude who "wouldn't ever take orders from no store help, he's a man" and posted about it all over Instagram.  (HEB is fantastic though, I now get the "close the commissary" comments we had a few years ago.)

    City shut down the large gatherings...Governor opened back up the churches. 

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  13. 9 hours ago, Bigred said:

    First, nothing in the letter he sent was classified information. Having spent 18 years in the Navy, I’m pretty familiar with what reporting requirements are classified on ship readiness. The Captain was brilliant in the way he phrased his letter because none of it hit the classified mark.

    I've read the letter three times and this is what I've come out to now.  I do the classified reporting for my unit, and this didn't even touch on anything classified.  Everybody's fall back is that the letter "put operations at risk" but I haven't seen that at all.

  14. 23 minutes ago, 08Dawg said:

    Speak the Devil’s name...Ramstein is worried about the important things


    40 days to terminal...can't catch me!  Also, our Shirt said in today's Sq sync that he wanted to throat punch whoever put that out.  Shirt's going to fit in fine.

    • Like 1
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  15. 2 hours ago, MC5Wes said:

    This picture was taken at La Aurora airport  in Guatemala City. Around 87 or 88. 

    It was a great TDY till we had an NDI E-6 eject in the chocks after an incentive flight. 

    The canopy almost took me out as it flew off and landing off to the side. The seat went up and about 100 feet forward. Landing on top of the guy still strapped in. 

    He didn’t make it

    Damn. For us no fliers - NDI and eject the chocks?

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