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Everything posted by 10percenttruth

  1. The Columbus IMSO would be my first stop for those answers. He/she should have records of all that. Ask the base operator for the 14th Student Squadron & go from there. Good luck.
  2. Long Answer: Depends on how you rank compared to the rest of your class, how many folks above you want -38s, & how many -38s are available. Traditionally if you're not in the top 7-10 in your class you can forget about it, but in the dark ages of RPA drops, having someone ranked 15th or lower in a class of ~30 going -38s happened occasionally. Short answer: 6.9
  3. . If I had a dollar for every time I had to do an in-flight calculation down to the millisecond, then desperately needed a watch to do it... I'd have negative $69. Pilots are cool. Watches are cool. Pilots like watches. Done. Don't overthink it.
  4. Yeah, POTUS dropped an executive order for mobilization a few days ago. Stop loss cometh. http://m.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/10/16/executive-order-ordering-selected-reserve-and-certain-individual-ready-r
  5. Dual-qualing them as WSOs, but only in the left seat, then "upgrading" to nav after gaining experience. With the push to WSOs, there's even talk of making offenders & defenders interchangeable.
  6. Unfortunately false. It's about to get even worse.
  7. What the over/under on how many jars of his own piss are lining the walls of his blogging basement? Does this dude go full-bore batshit at work too, Or exclusively on the Internet? (Armored dorkmobile notwithstanding) I can't imagine a guy with his "passion" for being Constitutional Jesus hasn't induced some feverish eye-rolling around the water cooler at his squadron.
  8. I distinctly remember giving a shit about SOS DG (seeing what a huge leg up it could be) until day 1 of the course, when I saw we had a 300lb "Six Sigma Sensei" civilian in our flight. After that, I just drank heavily with the operators & maintainers & gave zero fucks about the whole dance.
  9. I do truly look forward to PYBs annual unmasking & eventual frothing-at-the-mouth shit hemmorhages. There isn't enough popcorn in the world. My wife just asked me what I was so intently reading & I didn't even know where to start. "Well honey, there's this guy who is in the Air Force by day, but at night he gets in his armored Mitsubishi Eclipse and combats imaginary Constitutional slights & talks to himself online a lot. He's basically a schizophrenic batman."
  10. His blog post last time we booted him was a thing of psychotic beauty. Had it stayed on the interwebz for more than 17 seconds, M2 & Toro could've secured a pretty sweet restraining order against old ryno. Keep your eyes peeled & your screenshot finger handy for this impending meltdown; they're always pretty spectacular. USAFPilot, pay attention too, you'll have a front row seat to a guy that's definitely not you having an aneurysm via keyboard.
  11. His reincarnations always end up posting links to PYBs blog also. You can be sure that someone that in love with themselves can't resist a little self-promotion mixed in with their paranoia & chest-thumping.
  12. I seem to remember that same story coming from an old sim instructor at CBM. The way that version went, he missed the first A2A kill of Desert Storm (his wingman didn't have his shit in the street & claimed that honor)
  13. It's not a matter of people not taking the Chiefs guidance seriously. It's a matter of people not trusting the system not to change in a very short amount of time and screw them in the long run by following old guidance.
  14. That's a far cry from "all the pilot does is fly, all the WSO does is shoot" which is a pretty ignorant statement.
  15. They are not. It's a separate qual.
  16. B-2 is a completely different animal.
  17. Shit, you can't even cross flow to a B-1 from another Bomber, much less a non-CAF asset. But hey, while we're spinning fairy tales, I just rode my unicorn over to AFPC to drop off my space shuttle door gunner application. I was actually greeted by a real live person, treated with respect, fairness, and decency!
  18. I know of at least 2 ejectees that went on to be squadron commanders. For better or worse.
  19. Good luck to the 20lb brains out there. PM me & I can put you in touch with a pilot physician type if you want pointers.
  20. No, you're right. The hands-down best way to man an absolutely vital community is to start everyone in it off by having a room full of people cringe at the "shitty assignment" they just got. I'm not saying everyone should get a trophy, far from it. It's pilot training, there can be only one number one. Got it. But hell, filling a MWS full of folks who don't want to be there & were just handed a public slice of failure pie seems like a bad way to motivate young dudes.
  21. I'll second that. I definitely don't feel like I "got away with anything". The training covered the checkride & the checkride was fair & legit.
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