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Everything posted by Homestar

  1. De-escalation training should be mandatory for all cities to obtain insurance. It protects all parties involved and when force is applied it can be reasonably assumed to have been the last resort. LEOs encounter way too much risk everyday to do otherwise.
  2. Some might “possibly” consider it racist. Man, bops.net really is just Twitter for AF officers
  3. Let me make this easy for all of you: 1) I don’t consider the brand label racist. 1) I don’t care if someone else does and the company decides to change it. It’s maple syrup. Jesus.
  4. Engineering Explained on YouTube addresses this question. BL: not as impossible to convert as you’d think over the next 20 years. https://youtu.be/7dfyG6FXsUU
  5. It’s a stupid question. Have I had Aunt Jamima? Probably. Have I bought it? Maybe? So what? Go with racist gotcha now.
  6. I couldn’t tell you the brand of syrup in my cupboard. What, you going to spring some gotcha “you’re racist” bs? If you care what some company out there calls it’s maple syrup I submit that you have too much to worry about.
  7. Man I’d love to see Kinzinger slap that....idiot.....right down.
  8. Josh and Chuck did a great Stuff you Should Know podcast episode on it as well.
  9. Maybe someone just wanted to remove an outdated (possibly racist) stereotype image. Same is happening across the Air Force right now. Why on earth would I care what they call my maple syrup?
  10. Do you honestly care what your freaking maple syrup is named?
  11. After watching some of the videos presented to the Senate this week I’m convinced that Pence was in much more danger than I previously thought. Pelosi too. In the end the government was able to resume work fairly quickly which is a testament to the strength of our institutions. I thought the first impeachment was a partisan waste of time. The second is perfectly justified but the GOP is so full of cowards that nothing will come of it.
  12. As mentioned above, you’re not taking into account TSP matching which the legacy program doesn’t provide.
  13. In fairness, these things describe a system that has fallen off the edge, not inched near it.
  14. My aunt retired from 40 years at the IRS and took two years of accrued terminal sick/vacation leave.
  15. 1) you just seem to know a lot about how the Af plans to divest the T-1 2) it wasn’t meant as an insult.
  16. Vance just refreshed with a Proline 21 cockpit. I doubt that Vance goes before anyone else. But I’ve seen the Af do stupider stuff.
  17. But that’s fundamentally NOT what/who we are. It’s like saying you want a purple orange to eat. Great. But you’re going to get an orange orange.
  18. It’s like people forget that we’re a Republic.
  19. No. The government is no more responsible with that info than the credit bureaus (see my anti-OPM comment).
  20. 1 out of every 5 Capitol storming insurrectionists had military ties. Why am I not surprised that a high number of their families are anti-vaxers?
  21. The article hits on the lack of transparency which is a problem. Not sure about racial bias but the credit bureaus formulas are a secret and that should probably be improved. Also, screw Equifax. And OPM.
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