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Posts posted by HossHarris

  1. 7 hours ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    Appreciate the words. I should've been a little more clear. The unit CC is urging me to apply sooner than later to the airlines and will shift FTU around accordingly. I think the most important question that I have is if I do not get an interview/offer between Jan '20 less terminal and Apr '20 is it frowned upon or even possible to shift my date of availability? I'd likely move it to the end of my seasoning then. I don't think it would be an issue but there's so many nuances to this process you never know.

    Thanks again.

    Moving your availability date prior to an actual interview is no big deal.  Airlines won’t care and likely won’t notice. 

    Folks were getting in trouble, or shown the door, for changes AFTER the interview. Basically they got hired and then said, “oh by the way, i really can’t start in February .... how’s August sound?”  If they think you’re being dishonest you’re sunk. 

    Prior to the interview, you can change dates and stuff on your app as you see fit 

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  2. 9 hours ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    I need some advice...
    If palace chase approved my sep date is mid-Jan ‘20. I’ve been offered a flying position with the reserves at my current location. This requires 8-10 months at the FTU, also here. My FTU start date is in Apr ‘20. I’ve got some things to tidy up over the next year but should have all major boxes checked for the airlines. When should I set my availability date for the airlines? Jan ‘20? Or after IQT and subsequent seasoning?

    Thanks for the help.

    Edit: Once an availability date is set can it easily be changed? Basically, if I try for the airlines for the few months leading up to the FTU and do not get hired can I adjust then?

    If you have to choose between the two because of start date conflicts...get your foot in the door with the airlines. The af is hurting for pilots and there will likely be plenty of opportunities to get back into the ftu at a later date. 

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  3. What mws?

    if you’re flying fighters, you’ve got 2 yrs and 6-9 months on station at best. 

    Buffs / jstars / etc with only 1 or 2 bases ... still highly unlikely. 

    Look to PCA to a tenet unit or other command on the same base. 

    For example, Tyndall has (had) ACC flying and AFMC flying (wsep). So you could theoretically bounce around the same base. Seymour is similar. Usually for shiny pennies tho. 

    If you want to homestead ... the guard / reserves is really your only plausible option. 

  4. 2 hours ago, viper154 said:

    I dropped my car insurance a few years ago, Geico gave me identical coverage for exactly half the cost, and both myself and my wife have clean driving records. I use them for checking, I’ll be dropping my renters insurance next month as I have bought a house, they wanted $3500 a year for home owners insurance on the Florida  gulf coast, I had a local company give me better coverage for $1500. 

    Having just lost nearly everything in hurricane Michael... here’s a few tips for Florida gulf coast homeowners insurance (sidebar):

    - You are likely underinsured. Rebuilding a house is $150/Sq ft at a minimum. 

    - You are definitely underinsured in additional structures. 

    - Opt in for 50% law and ordinance coverage. The standard is 25% if you do nothing. This extra pot of money will save your ass in several situations.  It’s cheap.

    - Get replacement cost coverage (not actual cash value) for your personal property.  It’s a bit more expensive than the L&O bump up to 50%, but worth it.

    - Read the text of your actual policy...and keep up with year to year changes to it. Pay particular attention to named storm exclusions.  You can get different underwriting, riders, separate policies, etc. to fill the holes you find.

    - When the disaster happens, and it will, step 1 is read your policy again in detail.

    Welcome to redneck paradise!  Stay off my fishing spots.


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  5. At delta, and I think other majors are very similar, you start losing money around year 2 and it’s real money in year 3. 

    That being said, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, it is a powerful tool for managing your airline schedule. 

    In the olden days, folks would stay in the reserves forever to have that scheduling power. With the seniority movement these days it may not make as much sense to lose that money. 

    And there are the intangibles. Continuing to serve means a lot to some. 

  6. I’ve been sitting reserve  oct 18 through present. I’ve worked zero actual hours. I’ve been paid about 360ish hours. So about $62k gross with zero actual work. Zero. 

    We’re currently overmanned on my plane in my seat. I’m on year 2.

    Its been wonderful. 

    My effective hourly rate for actual work performed in 2018 is up around widebody captain. 

    The grass is greener. 

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  7. 34 minutes ago, herkbum said:


    Were your $ struggles at the regionals while drawing retirement pay? I saw so.it.goes’ post about regional pay increase, but was curious if your experience included USAF/ANG retirement pay.

    I am getting ready to get current/qualified back in an a mil jet after toiling away in the RPA world for about 6 yrs. I am currently AD retirement eligible-hanging around mainly to get current/qualified again and I’m told I’m needed to help out a bit. Once c/q, I plan on applying to the airlines and not retiring until hired.

    Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app


    The other thing to plan for money wise is there will be a lot more fingers in your pie (sts). 

    You may be able to get your gross pay back to “normal” on year 2, but a lot more come out of it. 

    Union dues (2%), health insurance ($600/mo if you don’t have tricare), out of pocket health care costs (significant),  vision, dental, life insurance, retirement contributions (your choice, but should be significant). 

    No BAS, BAH. 

    I have tricare (retired) and still only pocket about 60% of my gross airline paycheck. 

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Duck said:

    Soooo....if someone was a new hire at SWA, and had a job offer at Delta, which one would the majority here pick and why?

    Bases not considered.

    Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app

    New guy flying will be similar at both .... narrowbody domestic multiple legs a day. 

    At southwest, that will never change. 

    If you’re fired up about widebody international, go interview with United. 

    FedEx is a different animal, but worth consideration .... especially if you’re not a fan of the general public. 

    Everyone is hiring .... it’s a good problem to have 

  9. 4 hours ago, FLEA said:

    What does vacation time off look like in the airlines? I realize the money is good but the military actually gives a very generous leave package. Travel is my passion and I'm worried about having the money but not the ability to go anywhere. Yes, I realize airline dudes work less days but my understanding is many days off are "reserve" and they are a bit tied down to go anywhere/plan anything. Am I wrong in that remark? 

    2 weeks off paid at delta the first few years. While on vacation, you can’t work...even if you wanted to  


    As previously mentioned, off days are off days. 


    The big big blue retirement check allows me to bid 3x 4-day trips a month when I choose to bid a line. That gives me weekends off all month, and a full 10 day stretch off somewhere in the month so I can actually get some shit done (or fish) 

    I chose reserve over over this winter based on the manning tea leaves. So I still get 14 or so hard days off every month. Days that I’m on I just have to be able to get to Atlanta in 12 hours .... so pretty flexible. But since 1 Oct I’ve only had to “work” 6 days. 2 days of CQ and 4 days of short call (be within about 2 hours of Atlanta). The short calls were unused .... so after a 7 hr sit in/around Atlanta I went Home. 

    So yes ... there’s absurd amounts of “time off” ... you’ll be able to have these cool things you’ve only heard about on AD called hobbies. They’re neat!

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  10. 1 hour ago, Hacker said:

    FWIW, FedEx has limitations on how much open time you can pick up every month that, by my understanding, other airlines do not have.

    Delta does as well....in some cases. There are ways around it. 

    If you want to maximize your pay, especially early on, you will be working* a lot. 


    *-on the road. None of it is really work. 

  11. 6 hours ago, JeremiahWeed said:

    I'm certainly not a "strike" expert, never mind "deep strike".  But, doesn't deep strike generally mean penetration into contested, probably highly defended airspace in a non-permissive environment?  Also, depending on how "deep" we're talking, the striker may not have other support assets like A/A, EA/EP, etc. 

    Talking about "lingering" in such an environment doesn't seem to mesh with the classic "deep strike" scenario, especially if the striker has brought along some support assets.  Isn't the idea to employ weapons and GTFO ASAP?

    If the bad guys don’t know you’re there .... or can’t do anything about it if they do know ... you can linger as long as you like, or as long as fuel allows for an air breathing asset. 

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  12. 13 hours ago, Homestar said:

    It may not be in the JTR but it's DoD policy you nitwit.  The OP seemed to be under the impression that if it wasn't in the JTR then he could do whatever.  I've seen this policy enforced to varying degrees in my career.  Some commanders care, others don't.

    Personally I don't see the big deal with not using your GTC and getting your Hilton points when you get Diamond with your AMEX platinum anyway.

    Amex platinum only gets you gold. 

  13. I always Used it for plane tickets via dts....because i couldn’t figure a good way around it. 

    Everything else was personal card. 

    Then moved the split disbursement on the voucher side to only pay Gtc balance and everything else went to my account. 

    20 yrs, 3 days, zero issues. 

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  14. 25 minutes ago, HarleyQuinn said:

    Who made you BODN/CC today?

    I guess you should let a fellow FGO fail when a group exec doesn't know what the hell they doing at all. Nobody should be putting together their ROP. Most people don't have a clue how to put one together. That's the job of an exec or director of staff. Not the job of an eligible. You should be focused on your PRF.

    He started running into Abobe errors. That can happen when creating a ROP if you don't know what you are doing. My CSS was having the same issue. I told them both to save the file as a different name after you extract the files from PRDA, then "Print to PDF."



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  15. 2 hours ago, M2 said:

    For the state you are stationed in, you will have to check on the reciprocity of it with the state your concealed handgun licensed was issued with.  Unlike your driver's license, it is not automatic.  There are many websites that keep current of such agreements, such as:


    As for carrying on base, it is dependent on the base commander's policy.  Federal law does not prohibit having a personally-owned firearm on military bases, only in Federal facilities (18 U.S. Code § 930), but some service policies (such as AR 190-14) restrict, regulate and/or limit it.  Know before you go.

    But as stated, purchasing firearms in your state is allowed with your PCS orders.

    Handgunlaw.us is useful as well

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