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Posts posted by HossHarris

  1. 5 hours ago, pawnman said:

    Perhaps.  I see his point...pretty sneaky for the AF to use "we have a pilot shortage" for a guy they refuse to retrain into an aircraft and will certainly not fill a rated slot in any staff for the remainder of his commitment.

    If he turns a slide green...or less red....then it’s a win for management.


    stop trying to apply logic, common sense, or reasonability to things. It’ll only give you a headache 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, pawnman said:

    You can always fail 4 PT tests in 2 years.  And that is still an honorable discharge at the end.  You might not like the things that happen during those two years, though.

    If he was enlisted it would be an auto-discharge. 

    Officer....not so much. 

    A pilot in the midst of a shortage .... fuggedaboutit. 

  3. 1 hour ago, HuggyU2 said:

    Tactical Void,

    I submitted a letter to the company requesting approval to work theee additional jobs on the side. None involve me flying. It was approved. 

    If it doesn’t involve flying, why would:

    a)the company care? and

    b)you ask for permission?

  4. 51 minutes ago, pawnman said:

    Just passing on what I know.  And in my shop up at the wing staff, the only other FGO is my boss, currently in a holding pattern for SQ/CC this summer... So it isn't like he needs the awards.

    So call me selfish, but I absolutely submitted a 1206 every quarter for the past two years, which let me put a "X FGO Qtr awards" on the PRF and top OPR.

    I also submit someone from my shop in every category we can compete in every quarter.  Bitch all you want about the process, awards make a difference. At the very least, I'm getting my accomplishments on paper, in front of the boss, every quarter instead of waiting until OPR time.

    Go team you!

    • Haha 2
    • Upvote 2
  5. 7 hours ago, pelexecute said:

    3.)  Herk Driver has it correct.  Less than 50% rating you'll get it offset.  The advantage is that it's tax free; so in theory a portion of your retirement pay will now be tax-free.  Anything 50% or more will be added on your normal retirement, also tax-free.  Most of my stuff was joint, back and neck pain.  I was actually denied hearing loss despite 17 yrs in the cockpit.  I'm going to appeal that one.  


    • Upvote 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Duck said:

    Yeah I’m staying in the house till the final minute. I take the kids to school and workout/run errands, whatever until it’s time to pick them up. I will never be left alone with her. All guns relocated to my dads safe.

    Last night she went out till midnight, drove home, stumbled in drunk, woke up me and my oldest daughter, and crashed in my oldest daughters room (she moved in up there about 2 months ago, my daughter moved into our room and sleeps on the king bed with me). She woke up this morning throwing up around 0600 and begged me to make lunches, take them to school etc. Looks like she got up just in time to get out the door for her 1100 interview with a real estate broker. Fantastic.

    Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app

    Take detailed notes. 

    • Like 5
  7. 2 hours ago, Duck said:


    Gents, found out my wife had been having two affairs over the past 5 months. One while I was deployed. I got video/picture evidence of the affair through legal means. Tried to get her to work it out through marriage counseling but she just served me papers this week. We have 3 kids. I am currently an ANG dude part timer and start at a major airline here in April. Got any advice? Currently living in Florida. Mostly worried about her going after a huge chunk of my measly first year pay and my VA Disability. Fighting for 50/50 with the kids even though she is a terrible mother, but now the kids are just pawns. Thanks bros.


    She can’t touch your va disability I’m told. 

    In Florida, it’s not worth fighting over assets as they will just be split 50/50. 

    Tell your airline .... it may not ever be an issue.  But if you do have issues in training they can help. 

  8. 18 hours ago, MooseAg03 said:

    So I’ve noticed differences between AirlineApps and Pilot Credentials in logging hours. Airline Apps has a spot for PIC, SIC, etc but also has a spot for Total time. Pilot Credentials only has PIC, SIC, and Instructor. Do I log primary time that wasn’t PIC as SIC for Pilot Credentials? I have a lot more Primary than actual PIC by the airline definition.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Read the directions / help for each section for each airline. It varies. 

    Whatever you actually put in, be able to justify it / back it up with paperwork / explain to someone who has never seen an airplane (HR monkey) in terms a 4 year old would understand. 

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