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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2016 in Posts

  1. I'd like to present a motion to remove the JQPublic Forum from BODN. I think JQP started out with an excellent mission - an insider exposing the many faults of our great service. However, I think it's very quickly morphed into a for-profit enterprise, with a diluted mission, and a very low signal to noise ratio. And now a pop up to ask for money. Exhibit A: Nothing more than a PA press release Exhibit B: Shameless paid advertising Exhibit C: More shit not worth reading Can I get a second?
    2 points
  2. I honestly don't see the advantage of the "optionally" manned platform. Jack of both trades, master of neither. Design the RPAs to be RPAs, with zero life support/windows/etc. and therefore extremely long legs and add good sensors/datalinks/comms/weapons options. Let manned platforms be manned and take advantage of 1 or 2 pink brains that can use all those neurons to yank and bank and support the friendlies in very dynamic environments. Trying to merge the two, I don't think the juice is worth the squeeze, mostly because making a manned platform "unmanned" is wasting a lot of the advantages unmanned has by inherently maintaining a design that works for humans. If we stopped burning train cars worth of money during the acquisitions process we could afford to buy fleets of Scorpions/AT-6s/Super Ts/OV-10s/whatever and a next-gen MQ-XX.
    2 points
  3. Unrelated to above,I am doing sport bitching here, but this is what is wrong with the AF. I got non vol UPT direct to RPAs. So be it, needs of the AF, undermanned career field blah blah blah. Holloman was a shit show, but they are undermanned and over worked, so be it. I have now been at my operarional base for 4 months, with about 15 other pilots/sensors that have been here just as long, if not longer. We have done ONE sim in 4 months. ing ONE sim, no flights. How can you justify sending manned pilots you just spent $1.2 million a pop to train to drones, and having them sit on their ass. Rant off. Back to my whisky.
    2 points
  4. Shame on all of you for not asking for pictures first! Have you not learned anything since being here?
    1 point
  5. x2 I just commented on one of the most recent articles. The staff writer contributions are garbage and are written like an eighth-grader's book report.
    1 point
  6. Article published about seven years ago.......
    1 point
  7. The Scorpion is an answer for today's war, not the next. This is this reason it will not be funded.
    1 point
  8. Viper154, does your location rhyme with Schmannon?
    1 point
  9. POWs started getting burned alive in cages and we became the only country that follows the Geneva Conventions. Also a little harder to justify the risk when doing CAS ISO the Shiite militias.
    1 point
  10. So, I need to get on here and eat crow. I bitched at length, and repeatedly, about not having Cyber people leading Cyber in my beloved AF. Well, I've had the please of interacting with the new 24 AF CC. He's a zipper suited sun god Viper driver. He's fucking awesome, link to bio - http://www.24af.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/804882/major-general-christopher-weggeman He's applying his experience as an Viper driver to our cyber stuff and it's just...a breath of fresh air. It's fantastic in every way imaginable. No micro-managing, no "meet the deadline or else" BS, he cares what our cyber-operators are executing and will call BS, to 4-stars, if something/one attempts to impede that to turn a checkmark green. He also actually comes off as really liking this stuff beyond a "help make another star" attitude, or a time sink to retirement. The attitude on staff is... I don't even know how to describe it, beyond pretty darn good. I hope that AF doesn't screw this one up and move him out in a year or less. We really need some stability at the top, and I think he's the guy to right us. Shit, if he could run it until we move to Vigilance Command, it might work out very well. News flash: Space Operations ain't. Also someone makes jalapeno popcorn in the "heritage room"... how has this not moved out to the AF as a whole. That stuff is fantastic. P.S. - the vice is a good dude too - http://www.24af.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/809210/brigadier-general-mitchel-h-butikofer
    1 point
  11. So, I previously posted on my unexpected disappointment with NBKC. Now, I must admit that was perhaps a bit premature. The day after my less than pleasant interaction with Dan, I received a call from Kirby Hinton, Dan's manager, to smooth things over. Long story short, I think Dan was just having a bad day, something I can relate to considering I had a "bad decade" until my VSP package was approved in 2014 (this is where I would insert a gif or emoji if I had 3 hours to figure it how to do such a thing). Since then, Dan has been great and even emailed me while skiing in Aspen. He's awesome, I'm eating crow.
    1 point
  12. Its CNC plasma; I occasionally get some access to a laser as well. Definitely looking into more options to improve the products graphically. On a side note, you guys might like this:
    1 point
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