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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2012 in all areas

  1. Japan and Germany still do as well
    1 point
  2. I apologize, my sarcasometer seems to be malfunctioning today. Please tell me you're joking.
    1 point
  3. Fact. As an older guy who entered into the AF after working in economics in the private sector, I can tell you ANY degree has about a five year shelf life, period. No one cares what you did ten plus years ago as a Captain to earn an AAD. Times change, business moves forward. An MBA from Stern today is outdated tomorrow. For all the USAFA shiny pennies who went VFR direct to MIT, etc., guess what, when you get out, that technical degree isn't going to do much for you (assuming you're a pilot and not an engineer/acquisitions) in the way of getting you hired. What do you think your classmates have been doing while you were flying the Uncle's toys...? USING their education and gaining experience in their core competency. AADs are worthless unless you want to attend TPS, or the AF sends you in-res to better prepare you for upcoming assignments/duty, or you're pursuing one for the SOLE purpose of promotion. IMHO, worrying about AADs and what "doors" they'll open for you in the future is like competing for first place at the Special Olympics.
    1 point
  4. He just had his radios checked. Maybe YOUR radio is wrong....
    1 point
  5. So that makes her a blonde chick that would do anything for baht?
    1 point
  6. [begin debrief] You are a flaming homosexual faggot and I hope a terrorist rapes your face. [end debrief]
    1 point
  7. If they're going to do this, then it needs to be legit. Don't pussy-foot around, swing your dick and tell the real story. Charlie (D-CA): Fired from her civilian contractor job for having an inappropriate relationship in the workplace. Completely unqualified for government work...elected to congress. Hollywood: Minimal focus in combat, maximum focus on appearance...Chief of Naval Operations Wolfman: The nav who thinks he got a raw deal in ROTC. Finally, selected to attend Flight School. Washed out. Got his private's and now runs a mock dogfight business in the Mojave desert. Cougar: Flipping burgers since 1986 to pay off his tuition repayment. Recovering meth addict. Merlin: Progressed to the rank of LCDR and is still a nav in Hornets...one of two in a squadron of 150. Mostly prints/chums charts all day. Iceman: Never got over his combat freeze-up where the #2 guy had to save his ass. Recommended for separation after visiting Life Skills. Crawled inside a box of Twinkies and never came out. Slider: Dishonorably discharged after popping positive for the juice on a CO-directed drug test. Soon after, murdered by a Terminator while in bed with his girlfriend Ginger. Jester: Sim instructor... Vance AFB. Best hook rate 10 years running. Viper: Retired. Can be easily found jamming up traffic at the main gate while trying to find his ID since he (like all retirees) figures that 0730 is the most advantageous time to swarm the gate for his daily BX/Commissary/Class-6/MPF run. Goose: New SII: Crews will ensure they are not in a flat spin prior to ejecting. New NATOPS warning: WARNING: Ejecting during a flat spin may result in fatal injury. New boldface: EJECTION: 1) FLAT SPIN - NOT IN (BOTH) 2) EJECTION LOOP - PULL. His story beat to death during safety stand-downs. Maverick: Went VFR-direct to the Guard at the first opportunity.
    1 point
  8. I heard he gets RIF'd half way through the movie.
    1 point
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