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Everything posted by YoungnDumb

  1. 30% of the instruction is ELP's? Damn, my average was way lower then, didn't know I needed to spend 30 minutes per flt teaching ELP's, all that waster time teaching instruments or formation, should have been teaching ELP's... For the record I think the max ELP's I ever did on a sortie with a student was 5-6. And seeing as how each only takes 3 or so minutes it's not a very big time waster. But hey let's not teach appreciation for emergency handling early on, I'm sure they'll pay attention on a Friday afternoon before a long weekend to some sim instructor tell stories from the Tweet about proper EP handling, yup that'll be a worthwhile replacement.
  2. Columbus Commanders (yup throwing them under the bus) argued that we were wasting too much time on ELP's and that the T-6 was reliable enough not to warrant it, and since we weren't teaching ELP's, the students would learn regular patterns faster, therefore fewer sorties, faster production, and OPR strats out the a$$. They also argued that not enough aircraft were single engine for the cost/benefit for each student to learn (I disagree since if you don't teach respect and proper handling of EP's early on you set the student up with with the wrong mindset from the get go). Supposedly the Viper community was okay with this as I was told by my leadership that "it's not how you fly it in the Viper." Which is BS, it's the same damn thing but now you base your altitudes off of fuel/stores weight. TL:DR-AF wanted to trim sorties and determined they'd rather lose a few aircraft than teach people to be safe.
  3. They could also offer it to the FAIP's, know quite a few dudes who want to fly the attack mission and have ~1000 turboprop hours already
  4. Proposal I've seen is to add a T-6 Phase 3 for those headed to turbo props (U-28, C-130, AT-X, etc). With the emphasis being on navigation, formation, and night flying.
  5. You forgot the critical step! At least 2 Exec gigs
  6. Does B-Course in AETC count? You're not wrong.
  7. Gotta love the military industrial complex
  8. So for those who want PIT done in house and to convert KRND to a UPT base, where are we going to generate the extra lines/sims from? When I left Vance we were turning ~160 T-6 lines and ~65 T-6 sims per day and that was pretty much the max performance we could do. So if we turn everything to in house, where are we going to get the extra lines/sims for the UP's? Because I doubt the AF would open KRND to UPT to alleviate the burden on the other bases. If anything they would just see another place to cram as many students as possible in to help alleviate the pilot shortfall.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong but I heard a rumor that as soon as MIF was attained the UP was advanced through the rest of the phase. Something something Air Education and TIMELINE Command.
  10. They''ve been pushing for PIT to be done in house for a long time, they might have actually won. The idea being pushed around 6-9 months ago was to close PIT, do it all in house, and use Randolph as a UPT location. Purely rumor so don't take it as truth, but damn that would be a great place to do UPT.
  11. With those "top 3 DoD contractor" and "top 2 major cargo airline" bullets, I'm thinking they'll make great execs! Joking aside, best of luck.
  12. It'll pan out just long enough to get someone a promotion and a congressman to claim it brought jobs to their district.
  13. As we once joked, the T-38 is held together with duct tape and hope.
  14. Would the idea be for ya'll to receive C models as the T-X comes online (if ever)? Or would you just upgrade to the T-X? Similarly does anyone have any insight as to the future ADAIR in regards to the A model future? Just curious.
  15. Anyone have the complete FAIP drop for this year?
  16. Guessing the AF will say something like "20 isn't worth the investment, and besides the F-35 will be able to do it cheaper and more effectively...or so the brochure says."
  17. Seriously, why all the FAIPing to different bases?
  18. They might have, but keep in mind if the AF tells you something, just remember someone needed to get promoted and while we may not flat out lie on OPR's, we aren't exactly telling the truth either. The IP's may have swung by once or been in a meeting there, therefore the AF can claim they were involved.
  19. Valid on all fronts, I've once again earned my username.
  20. I get what you're saying, I''m just pointing out that giving him white jet credit is a bit far reaching.
  21. One year as a Deputy OG does not qualify as "white jet" time. 1/3 of that was probably in PIT, and I'll guess he was attached to the IFF squadron, not any of the UPT ones.
  22. That one will be slower to change but I bet it will. All the partner nations have to agree on a syllabus before it can change is what i've gathered over the years.
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