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dream big

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Posts posted by dream big

  1. 28 minutes ago, glockenspiel said:

    The force will be immensely stronger without all the selfish antivaxxers in it. They claim to have “served honorably” but they were just in hiding for their decades of service, and their true colors are being shown now. Boot em all. Self righteous bastards.

    Jesus, I don’t agree with those refusing the vaccine but good lord, I hope you aren’t in a position of command or power in the Air Force.  

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  2. 13 hours ago, StoleIt said:

    Not saying the other 5 commanders weren't turds...but at any point is someone (leadership) going to look at the bigger picture here and ask WHY this happening so frequently?

    So to be fair, only 2 of those 5 actually got fired, I know still terrible but the Air Force times conveniently left that part out.  That being said, not many senior leaders have a vested interest in rooting out toxic leadership, all they need to do is look in the mirror.

  3. On 12/1/2021 at 11:58 PM, Prozac said:

    This sure sounds like a headline meant to keep the conservative outrage machine going. A quick browse of the BLM website doesn’t net any evidence of a boycott of white companies. There is a “Black Xmas” section that encourages disrupting “white supremacist capitalism” by shopping in black owned businesses. A bit hyperbolic? Maybe. A “boycott” of white people? Meh. Fox trying to keep you tuned in? Definitely. Gonna bankrupt the Gap? Pfffffttttt. 

    Clickbait? Perhaps, but the looniness of certain BLM types leaves me not surprised.  

  4. 15 hours ago, Blue said:

    Undersecretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones.  Had to look that up.

    Grooming aside, she's a first-generation American of Filipino descent, and also happens to be a lesbian.  As well as a veteran (albeit serving for only three years).

    All that makes her a veritable rock star to a Democratic Party obsessed with identity politics.

    She may very well be the most qualified under Secretary the Air Force has ever had, we don’t know, but thanks to the wokeites we unfortunately question her credential and wonder whether she was put into said position due to other than merit.  SJWism is a disservice to her, minorities and everyone in general when we can’t trust the system. Those of you well established in the military know very well what I’m talking about. 

  5. 20 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

    For a while he refused to pick someone to be a Squadron CC unless they were BPZ to LtCol, that was his pass fail test of leadership and fed his plan of trying to build as many AFSOC GOs as possible.  That TTP went up in smoke when AFSOC started getting hammered on promotion boards and he ran out of BPZ folks. 

    The incoming CAT 5 is just as bad in other regards.  He HATED the Weapons School (although he surrounded himself with patches anytime he deployed), he actually stood up and clapped when another O-6 WIC hater suggested we close the AFSOC WIC at a senior officer meeting.  As a Wing/CC he tried to shame his SQ/CC patches into not wearing their grad patches..."I should know you are a graduate by your performance."  One of those CC's caved (Pavelow Dude imagine that), he ended up on the fast track and is now a sitting Wing/CC.  That current sitting WIng/CC has pulled all references to WIC from his official bio and exhibits many of the same narcissistic traits as his handler. 

    YGFSM! These stories make the MAF sound not that bad! Based on my deployed experience with AFSOC 0-6s these don’t surprise me.  

  6. 22 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

    The situation at AFSOC is horrible but NO ONE CARES.  The system encourages what has happened and the internal AFSOC politics made it even worse.   There was a big purge of AFSOC O-6s a few years ago but nothing really came of it other than some very talented people ran for the door.  You would think Big Blue leadership would pay attention when the sitting Group Commanders of your two premier AFSOC Wings bail at the same time.  Both were on the Wing/CC list and they said nope...adios.  Wait until the CAT 5 hits AFSOC....the current guy is horrible, so convinced he is right he do anything to preserve his legacy including getting rid of all the AC-130's...sadly this is not a joke.  The incoming dude is pure hate, a vindictive cult of personality who will salt the earth behind him.  Both have lined up their DOJ's (inside joke), and puppets who will continue to do their bidding to perpetuate the evil.  I still talk to many folks on the inside and there is one overriding theme from all of them...dark dread.  It will take AFSOC a generation to overcome, if it ever does.

    Sorry, who is CAT 5?

  7. 4 hours ago, pawnman said:

    The irony, right?  

    An VA has a massive turnout of white supremacists who elected a black, immigrant woman as Lt Gov...

    Former Marine as well! The left HATES her, Tulsi and Haley.  Shuts down their narrative. 

    Similarly, left isn’t as happy as I thought they would be that the killers in the Aurbery case have been found guilty (by a predominantly white jury). Makes you wonder sometimes. 

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Prozac said:

    If you think either party has the market cornered on hypocrisy or perversion, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. 

    You are absolutely correct, neither party has a monopoly on hypocrisy, corruption and generally screwing over the American people.  This is why most of us common sense conservatives fight so hard for small government, one which no matter which side is in power, the damage will be minimal.  The problem is this line of thinking is so rare, everyone looks to the government to solve their problems; it doesn’t help when mainstream parties perpetuate the cycle of dependence at the expense of the American worker. 

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  9. On 11/10/2021 at 1:11 PM, Blue said:

    My employer has stated: "...third shots or so-called booster shots are not considered part of the federal mandate, although that could change over time." (emphasis mine).

    I've heard a lot of arguments about "it's just a couple of shots," etc.  Which, at the moment, is all you need to comply.  But just as "two weeks to slow the spread" became "masks required until further notice," don't be surprised if the vax requirement continues to expand.

    What is most concerning about Biden’s (or rather whoever is pulling his puppet strings) vaccine mandate for civilians is the precedent it sets.  Vaccine mandate -> “health and safety”.  What happens when the climate nazis gain enough influence to lobby, say, forced sterilizations or abortions to “limit population overgrowth and enforce general health and safety.”? Are Orwellian and Dystopian policies really that far out of the realm of possibility with the current path we are on? This should concern you even if you vote Blue. 

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  10. On 11/6/2021 at 9:22 AM, pawnman said:

    They were linked to the Trump campaign in 2016 and taken to court for "political spying".

    A few of the videos have been shown to be edited in dishonest ways.

    That said...they've gotten some interesting soundbites out of liberals over the past few years, including Bernie's campaign manager claiming they'd set a major city on fire if he didn't win the nomination (I think it was Minneapolis, but I could be wrong.)

    Par for the course for the average Bernie supporter.  

  11. On 11/2/2021 at 11:39 PM, SpeedOfHeat said:

    Great post.  I think the part we can't reconcile is that I see the comparison to the George Floyd riots as a false equivalency.  It's just not the same.  **Which is NOT to say it didn't matter or it was not a big deal. 

    Criminal acts should be condemned.  But not all criminal acts are the same.  A murderer gets different treatment than a shoplifter.  The Jan 6th disgrace came from the top.  It was inspired by the POTUS.

    And it was such a bad lie, which is to say it was an obvious lie.  In the lead up to 2016, Trump thought he was going to lose.... so the election was 'rigged.'  Then he won and all the claims of fraud and rigging vanished.  Weird.  Then in the lead-up to 2020 he recycled the same nonsense.  Except this time he DID lose and he felt he had to double down on it.  Those idiots in the Capitol would absolutely not have been there if Trump had any dignity whatsoever and simply conceded.

    The looting and rioting in the name of George Floyd... and the Kavenaugh accusations..... no question... ridiculous.  An outrage.  But it didn't originate from the President of the United States.  (How could it, since Trump was President at the time.)  And those rioters didn't invade the Capitol, with Congress in session.  Again, this is probably where we agree to disagree.  That's fine.   

    Riots are terrible and inexcusable, but the original question was about how Biden voters feel about their decision.  "Still not Hillary" was a common response to point-out's of Trump's constant idiocy.  But people on the hard right can't now understand the same sentiment from Biden voters?

    People often finish criticizing Biden by ending with the snarky: "but at least there's no mean tweets" zinger. 

    It's so stupid.  Try criticizing Biden and ending with: "but at least there's no gallows outside the Capitol and kevlar-wearing idiots on the senate floor rifling through senators desks while calling for the Vice President's execution."

    A little bit harder to make the sarcasm work in that example, isn't it?

    What I think we can agree on is that they're not mutually exclusive.  You don't HAVE to support the Floyd riots and condemn Jan 6th.  Or vis versa.  You can condemn both.

    And I can see Bode's post that just popped up as I'm writing this:  "What about.... what about..."  Yes, terrible. We agree, Bode.  Celebrities shouldn't call for the President's death and people shouldn't attack/ invade police precincts.

    We should be able to criticize Bush and Obama and Trump and Biden.  Across party lines.  For the things they've messed up that are objectively bad.  And we should be able to praise/appreciate their successes.  But, unfortunately, uncompromising tribalism rules the day.  And voters must cast their votes according to their conscience, interests, and priorities.

    The back and forth here highlights one of the top problems in this country : the two party system.  It’s always either-or, for or against, black and white (or in this case blue and red).  It’s 2021, yet we decide the most important office in the world in a dichotomy. I don’t agree with a lot of what you said (Trump had a big mouth but to blame him for the 06 Jan riots is simplistic at best.  There were thousands of peaceful protestors that day, a few idiots decided to take it too far…almost kind of like to Floyd protests, weird)..but I don’t blame you for feeling that way considering we are only given two choices. 

    While I voted for Trump twice no question, and think Biden is a bumbling embarrassment, I don’t blame Biden voters.  I blame this corrupt two party system that only serves itself.  To that end, that is why I think Trump was so important to the average American, and to the same token - why I’m a big Tulsi fan.  


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  12. 4 hours ago, Prozac said:

    It’s clear that there is a contingency who don’t want to be convinced and will never be convinced. They will continue to proclaim the mountains of evidence that these vaccines are safe and effective as “fake news” from suspect sources (even as they themselves embrace some of the most biased and self serving “sources” in existence). It’s time to call a spade a spade. There are people who will lose their livelihoods because they have chosen to dig in their heels and embrace some truly insane theories. I don’t feel bad for them. I do feel bad for their families and for what this shocking display of mass ignorance means for society as a whole. But if it makes you feel better, go ahead and blame the people who attempted to shine a light on crazy when you have to deal with the consequences of your own decisions. 

    Dude I’m a big fan of people being vaccinated, I convinced almost everyone in my entire deployed Sq to get the vaccine without an IG complaint before it was mandatory. I didn’t piss on the guys who declined.  I understood their skepticism and exhibited a degree of empathy.  Having some might make you more successful to your cause.  

    I don’t blame the skepticism, especially after all the shenanigans with Faucci, the politicization (on both sides) and not to mention until about a month ago Pfizer was NOT officially FDA approved.  

  13. On 11/1/2021 at 2:39 PM, tac airlifter said:

    If “semantics and legalese don’t mean shit” then why didn’t the FDA simply approve Pfizer?  Instead they approved Comirnaty, which the manufacturer tells us is chemically identical.  Ok.  But why not start making Comirnaty here?  

    It’s one of several bizarre decisions that don't make sense to a casual observer… so we’re discussing it.  On a discussion board.  Yet here you are pissed off about people having a discussion.  You are literally taking time to write on a discussion board that people should shut up and stop discussing😂 I don’t find your approach very convincing!


    Self righteous high horsers like Prozac are the reason skepticism for the vaccine is so high. Insulting people to convince them to do something has never worked.  

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  14. 5 hours ago, Clayton Bigsby said:

    Because it's part time?  I guess that opens the question of what happens when one goes on orders or a unit activation, I'm guessing that individual would be exempted.

    I personally think having military representation/experience in government is a good thing, beyond Veteran's Preference for federal jobs.  Lindsey Graham, Ted Lieu, others.  Why further widen the already huge gulf between the citizenry you serve, and the military membership?  Frankly I'm at the other end of things, and feel more politicians should have stake in America than just ambition, vanity and ego.  I'd support a service requirement just to qualify for office.

    I disagree with a lot of you, I feel the loss of Kinzinger is a bad thing.  Obviously I'm not a MAGA guy but I'm no lefty either.

    My distrust of Kinzinger has very little to do with his disdain for Trump but more so his willingness to sway with the winds of whatever popular opinion prevails. Like most politicians, red or blue, he is an opportunist.  I trust Tulsi more than I trust him and I consistently vote Red! 

  15. 9 hours ago, M2 said:

    It was simply about occupation.  As longer we sat there, the longer the Taliban insurgency was kept somewhat in check.  

    We were never going to change the inevitable, I am pretty sure everyone realized Afghanistan wasn't "a problem to be solved but a fact to be endured."

    It wasn't an unexpected ending.  Just ask the Soviet Union...but look what happened to them shortly after they left! 

    How we let administration after administration get after these same mistakes is beyond me.  I would really like to see a Tulsi/Crenshaw or Vice versa ticket or similar individuals who aren’t slave to the establishment come out on top in 2024 and put an end to this madness.  I don’t agree with a lot of Tulsi’s policies but at least she isn’t whipped by the establishment. 

    For the record, the withdrawal started with Trump and it was 100% time.  Can’t say whether it would’ve gone better or worse under a Trump administration as speculating is purely here say.  We can confidently say it couldn’t have gone much worse during the Biden / Austin / Miley oversight of the final stages of the withdrawal. 

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  16. 3 hours ago, glockenspiel said:

    Gross. Even grosser quote “my job as president is to protect the citizens”. No it’s f***ing not dumb s***t, it’s to protect our rights. Read the Dec. of Ind. for Christ’s sake. “…that to secure these rights….” Someone has their hand so far up Biden’s a** I’m surprised we don’t see their fingers when he opens his mouth. Honestly, Declaration of Independence 2.0 is in order.

    A 3rd grader could see he isn’t running the country, someone else is.  I don’t think it’s Kamala either which is even scarier. When he “resigns”, and he will sooner than most expect, she won’t either.  That’s why they hated Trump, no one could control him.  That’s what this country needs to not be on a warpath towards speaking Mandarin, maybe someone a little classier, eloquent and unifying. 

    Biden doesn’t believe half this crap, he’s just doing what he’s told by his handlers. 

  17. 13 hours ago, pawnman said:

    I wonder how all the folks cheering Abbott would feel if California banned companies from drug testing employees.  

    I have zero issues with private companies requiring the vaccine or mandating or forgoing* drug testing.  I have every issue with government overreach and mandates. 

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  18. 12 hours ago, Lord Ratner said:

    Which was my question 18 months ago when we decided to pause life for longer than the "two weeks to stop the spread." 


    So we're waiting for a vaccine? What if they never make one? And if they do, what if it doesn't work? And if it does, what if the virus mutates?


    Seemed like shakey ground to nuke the economy on. But here we are, about to run out of government schemes to hide the effects of the past 18 months...

    Covid hysteria is a useful tool for big government democrats (and republicans). It got Trump out of office, it increased dependency on government programs (why work when your Covid check is > your paycheck?), it continues to serve as a distraction from the mass importation of future voters from the Southern Border and mask the negligence behind the Afg pullout. If you were a big government corrupt politician I would never want the Covid hysteria to end!

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  19. On 9/30/2021 at 1:55 PM, arg said:

    No mention of the border from the current prez fans. Hard to say it's his fault when we're not sure he's running things.

    Have a friend I used to fly with who proudly voted for him, thinks he doing a fantastic job and is fiercely loyal to him. He thinks the only reason the BP brought out horses and whips(he did not know what reins were for) was because the Haitians were black. When reminded who the president is he claimed they were some racist hold overs from Trump.

    Is your “friend” a former C-17 pilot by any chance? 

    Yeah I have sitting Squadron Commanders, weapons officers and otherwise successful military officers that genuinely believe Biden and Kamala are doing an excellent job.  That’s what scares and concerns me.

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