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Everything posted by Av8

  1. I didn't know they had a UPT board this year. Did you just call someone from the squadron to find out about it?
  2. Just saw this post, glad to see some fellow Frogs are pursuing the same goal! Feel free to DM me your cover letter and I can take a look if you're still interested. I've gotten some fighter interviews so far so I may be able to help you out. The Air Force and TCU are small worlds, you never know who you'll meet, hope to see ya in future interview weekends!
  3. I know it's been about a week since this was asked, but has anyone heard back from Jax yet since the video submissions?
  4. First, you aren't far behind anyone. Any current USAF pilot you've ever met has had to get their degree first and you've got to focus on that right now. Secondly, if you are trying to go active duty, I would join AFROTC ASAP if that is your goal. Once you have passed your sophomore year it becomes much more difficult to commision soon after graduation. As long as you are medically qualified and a pretty good student that is easily the most surefire way (in the current climate) to go. Finally, like Bigred said in the first comment, there is an age limit for flying in the USAF that comes much sooner than your medical career age limit. If you want to find what you really are passionate about, the flying has to be the first thing you try.
  5. Just heard Boise board is still happening as planned
  6. I posted a similar question a few weeks ago. Seems like the consensus is that it was the end of the fiscal year and boards are just not advertising as much. However, I have had similar experiences to you. I’ve reached out to a few units I was interested in. The typical response follows the same lines of 1. We won’t have a board for awhile (without a specific timeline) 2. A lot of guys aren’t retiring so we don’t need to fill as many spots. Mind you this was in both the reserve and guard squadrons but the general theme is the same...a lot of uncertainty about the future boards
  7. The latest update ~a week ago said the issues are above the hiring board process so possibly still working through COVID issues. On another another note...for the JAX phone interviews, has anyone gotten a call about scheduling their phone interview yet? Just making sure i'm not missing anything
  8. I think it's a combination of factors going against us. More applicants with delayed boards being the biggest one. Here's probably the top three that i've seen: 1. Increase in applicants this year across the board 2. COVID played a huge factor in not being able to rush squadrons that might have allowed it 3. Many boards cancelled/delayed/not responding makes it seem like we aren't getting interviews I've applied to 8 fighter squadron boards this year: 2 Interviews 2 Denies 2 Past the first round, but still waiting to hear back 2 Still waiting to hear back (1 board cancelled that I was going to apply to) I have consistently heard in the interviews/feedback that basically everyone they are interviewing would get a slot somewhere in previous years. The applicant pool is just so good it is tough to choose. However, there's been dudes in previous years who have sent out 68 apps for years and just happened to get picked up on the 69th, so it definitely can be a long wait. I would reach out to the places you got denied and ask what you could do better, all the places i've reached out to have been willing to give feedback. Hope this helps!
  9. I reached out a couple weeks ago as well and haven’t heard anything since either. I also got the message that we should hear within a couple weeks either yes/no. All the boards I’m currently in the application process with are in a similar type situation (delayed) so I wouldn’t count yourself out just yet. With 3 units in Hawaii you would think they would interview quite a few people so it is interesting there hasn’t been any finality from anyone on here in regards to that board.
  10. Here's to hoping you're both correct. It just seems that with the postponements/cancelling of boards coinciding with airline furloughs we might be in for some slim pickings here soon. I'm thinking there have to be quite a few airline pilots who are looking for full time orders in these squadrons and with the requirement for seasoning new UPT grads to be on full time orders they would rather give those orders to the guys who have been there awhile. Regardless, it doesn't affect the motivation to apply, just helpful to reset expectations of what might be available.
  11. Completed the daily browse of Bogidope and if you look today, there is an eerily small list of UPT boards coming up. My question is: Because of the airline furloughs do you think UPT boards for the ANG/AFRES will not happen as frequently as pilots return to their squadrons looking for full time orders? I understand there will always be a need for younger Lts in the squadrons, but could we see that need be significantly reduced if the squadron manning as a whole increases?
  12. They actually changed this rule this year, you can turn down a rated position and re-apply. However, it was a rule in the past.
  13. There's a good thread on this forum that you can find which track guys are currently getting to get good data on how likely it is to get each airframe. Correct me if I am wrong, but UASs are not a possibility anymore if you go to UPT on the active duty side (they are separate tracks). Also, you can turn down any rated position you are not interested in on the AD side. The way I look at it, apply and worst case you don't get selected, best case you are able to fly in the Air Force...not behind a desk.
  14. Ft. Worth has done a meet and greet (virtually) and the next step will be the in-person interviews, but there hasn't been a date set on that as of yet.
  15. I understand the dilemma..active duty here too, but i've made the decision to go 100% for a fighter position instead of a PCS. I would say that you have a couple of options here: 1. PCA to give yourself some more time without incurring additional ADSC. If you want to fly I would apply to as many boards as possible and do whatever it takes to make it a reality, even the active duty board. 2. If you want to go to the UK do that and keep applying for boards/making yourself more competitive. However, on the GA side I don't know much about flying in the UK, but rumor is that it is considerably more expensive and there are less days of VFR weather so your flying experience might be hampered. Also a large downside is the fact that you won't be able to visit units as frequently. 3. There's always the Palace Chase option that might keep you from being "locked in" for 2 years and if you think of the hiring timeline...it will likely take about a year on average to get through, so I wouldn't stop applying/visiting units. Bottom line, think of where you want to see yourself in 5 years and set yourself up for that as best as possible. Hope this helps, I understand coming from AD can make it a bit tricky when the career progression values frequent PCSs on the officer side it makes it hard if you spend a year or two applying, especially coming up on your VML.
  16. I had the same question about a point credit summary. I am AD Air Force and have never heard of it before. I talked to someone in the guard and they said I don't have one, so I think it is for Guard/Reserve folks only
  17. Everything non mission essential Air Force wide is on hold right now (most people are teleworking), so I doubt we will hear much aside from all these boards/interviews being postponed for awhile. I do feel like not hearing any news is better than being told "no thanks". Some units are not allowing their people to leave the local area, so traveling to interviews/rushing squadrons is also a no-go for a lot of active duty until mid-May
  18. Was this during your FC 1 or during MFS? In any case, see if you can try and take the test again...if not, fight it until you can't anymore. Not sure if you are hired yet, but asking around within a squadron or knowing someone in the AF that can help you out would be huge.
  19. Tulsa will likely send out invites this week sometime. I doubt they wouldn't at least give some notification to everyone either way.
  20. I am looking for a comparison between the ANG hiring process vs the Air Force reserve UPT hiring process for active duty. Hopefully this will help others who are going to apply from active duty, as I know ADSC and PCS cycles can be really important in this process. Specifically: 1. Are you looking for me to immediately to leave active duty once you hire me, or would I stay on active duty until my UPT dates? 2. I understand the paperwork process is different in the ANG and AF reserves. Is it easier to transition from active duty to the reserves than to the guard, vice versa, or pretty much the same? 3. How much leeway is there in getting hired and officially separating from active duty? (i.e. if I get hired when I have 6 months left on my ADSC, and I get UPT dates for 9 months is it possible just to palace front at that 6 month time frame or would you want a transition as quick as possible?) This is of course assuming all the other boxes have been checked. Thanks for all the help! This forum has been clutch during this process.
  21. Patience is the key dude. From my limited experience (applied to 5 places so far) the average wait time from application turn in to notification of interview/no thanks is greater than a month. For the "no thanks" notifications it is usually a shorter timeline. If you haven't received any info yet that is possibly a good thing.
  22. What I've heard (beginning of February) is that they are going to let people know in about a month about the meet and greet and/or application. My thought is that they had a high number of applicants and wanted to narrow it down sooner rather than later and they are working the details of the meet and greet. I'd imagine we would probably hear something shortly after their March UTA either way.
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