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Everything posted by SurelySerious

  1. Yep, it took them two years to get the A-12 flying Mach 3+ at 69,000 ft, but in 26 years they haven't been able to get the environmental system in the F-22 to work.
  2. Whether it's pilots in the airplane or not, you still have the airplane, maintenance, and fuel roughly the same... which are orders of magnitude bigger cost than the pilots. What you will probably add in, and which maybe you haven't considered, is some amount of satellite bandwith, which isn't cheap.
  3. Hah, speaking of apologies... labeled "Obama's Afghan mission statement"
  4. Not if terrorists were using them to pass information. In that case, feel free to dispose of them as needed.
  5. They must have missed the 100% shred policy CBT.
  6. For those of you with ambitions beyond the squadron: "'Million Mustache March' Planned for April to encourage growth of facial hair (and the economy)" April 1, Washington, D.C.
  7. Waiting for Airbus' rebuttal flight: Maybe they should just do "POS."
  8. Male Astronauts Return With Eye Problems Not really Glaucoma related, but an interesting issue.
  9. At Nellis the other night: some retard on the well-lit single-purpose running track wearing a reflective belt. I'm sorry, were you confusing CAOC-N with the CAOC? Ugh.
  10. 2012 ACSCL. Anyone with insight on why Proclear is no longer an approved lens? It disappeared form the 2011 list without explanation in the memo. 2012_ACSCLP_Approved_list.pdf 2012_ACSCLP_signed_memo.pdf
  11. What's wrong with that? You simply stated a goal. If they infer something such as, "I hate everyone here, and this mission sucks so I want out," I doubt any sugar coating is going to help.
  12. She doesn't seem to be shy about it, and sounds like she has a market cornered if she needs career options.
  13. If it's the active, or even better powered passive (emits when interrogated) kind, then you're right, EMCON would be easy
  14. That sucks, they can get it to read a passing vehicle on a highway, but not an airplane sitting feet away for a couple minutes. Wonder if they tried a Bluetooth based device; should still be small, light, and cheap.
  15. Should be pretty easy to do some radar intercepts with that big radar up front.
  16. Russia "slams" U.S. over human rights... Act surprised, deny, deny, deny, counter accuse.
  17. No, back to the vault; always something to learn.
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