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Everything posted by bennynova

  1. Schooling is not masked, no matter what they tell you your ROP is there on an iPad and easily scrollable. If you have a training report from an in residence school, it can be seen. The first page, your OPB? Does just say school complete or not, however i think it does show the year completed too. masters degree and PHD are masked (if you took the initiation be to do it on your own) however, a master or PHD when you did it full time will again be easily seen by any board. So if you get an advanced degree, do it through the AFIT program to do it full time.
  2. when Does the work shift to someone else? I’ve always written my own PRFs and now looks like I probably have to write 2 of my own?! When I was a CGO, I always wrote my own OPRs now that i’m not, I still write my own OPRs, but I also wrote everyone else’s too.... i’m sure Many of you are the same
  3. Anyone have anything on writing a 2 line PRF? Similar to a command board submission? How many lines do 0-6s get for General? (I think 3)
  4. Great point, idalpha it’s a guaranteed ticket to Lt Col but is that worth living in Alabama for 1 year? and if you are good enormously hh to be selected to IDE, then you don’t need IDE to make Lt Col.... but perhaps it would help for O6
  5. I’m not sure there will be 220 DAs. Doesn’t thing wing have to be a certain size? certainly a wing with 2 eligibles can send one automatically?
  6. Define soon? And define commander? I.e., does any SRID make the call, or is it just a suggestion to MAJCOM or NAF level and they get to choose 1 from a pool?
  7. Similar to PRFs, the only things that matter/send a real message are stratifications, awards, and push lines. rank stratifications trump all others different pushes have different meanings.... i suggest making it up as you go.
  8. India (our allies in this case) has Migs and Pakistan Has F-16s?
  9. Yeah, it’s not far off from the norm where does this email come from?
  10. I guess it is pretty fishy, 😉 Considering only 5 were BPZ DPs and around 9 IPZ DPs
  11. Something doesn’t have to be fishy. The BPZ pools are much bigger than the IPZ for instance, my last org was 55 BPZ and 34 IPZ/APZ with only about 17 of those being IPZ depends on year groups I suppose
  12. To be clear, i’m Just brainstorming.... i’m Not against silver bullets; i’d Be happy to have one
  13. I’m just wondering it it’s fair for small SE pools to be giving out silver bullet DPs to unequally proportioned eligibles. 45% rate i.e, if a 5 separate SR eaters had 100, 20, 5, 3, and 1 eligibles and all of their carryovers got silver bullets then that means: SR 100 gave DPs to his top 46% SR 20 gave DPs to his top 50% SR 5 gave it to his top 60% SR 3 gave it to his top 66% SR 1 could give it to his 100%
  14. They should carryover (not aggregate) and again compete/get DPs... maybe the Center or Majcom could give that to the single runner up
  15. I think he mixed us up or misquoted, pawnman
  16. Thanks, guys. I’m under the impression that he doesn’t know quite what he’s talking about.... this is his first time as a SR and he only has 2 IPZ and 1 BPZ for this board. Thems the breaks moving from such a huge organization to such a small one. Many hear have alluded to it as well.
  17. Just got my PRF back. I was told it was middle of the road. Sounds like i’ll Have a tough time getting a DP next year IPZ in my current organization #1/6 CGOs, #2/15 CGOs, #1/9 CGOs, 3x CGOQ (20+ denom) 4 OPRs as Maj... all with strats #1/4 Majs (deployed), #5/24 Majs Gp CC, #22/140 Majs Wg CC, #8/150 Majs Wg CC, 2x FGOY, numerous FGOQs, no DGs i’ll only have one more OPR before IPZ board meets Middle of the road to me doesn’t bode well for promotion. am I really doomed? My SR has very few Majs now.
  18. Ok, I misread your statement I thought you were #4/42 eligibles on the bottom line. If your SR thought well enough of you to spend a #4/42 Maj strat on you, then he should have given you a DP to ensure your selection. Also, without seeing the rest of your record, it’s hard to say.
  19. I think you’ll be fine if you have those strats. Good luck!
  20. And yes the obvious answer is that your Senior Rater rates everyone on the base.... and if that’s the case, then OK. but If a senior rater rates everyone on a base, then that’s an incredibly small base, and there probably weren’t too many DPs to go around
  21. How can you possibly know that you are top 15% of all FGOs on a base? 1, sounds like speeding (by your rather).... all the Lt Cols can’t be that bad....and a good Major strat would be easier to read for the board 2. If you are too 15% of FGOs, then you should have a #X/XX Majs. 3. How many FGOs are on base?
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