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Posts posted by BashiChuni

  1. Miranda Viscoli, co-president of New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, applauded the governor’s order as a courageous and necessary step to curbing gun violence, even if the measure’s legal fate is uncertain.

    If it saves one life, then it’s worth doing,” Viscoli said.



    gee where have we heard that trope before?!

    • Upvote 2
  2. "you guys wanna know the difference between a light bulb and a AFSOC CGO? there is none. we're gonna screw you in tight, you're gonna burn bright, then burn out...we're gonna screw you out and plug in another light bulb in your place"

    - unknown HRT COL

    slife is not well liked or well thought of. the only "compliment" i can give him is that he is "smart". how he treated people under his command was piss poor. the stories are almost endless.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, frog said:

    Putin points at military encroachment by NATO, but the reality is that the NATO force posture is a skeleton of what it was in 1991 and poses absolutely no physical threat to Russia.

    sure that's how YOU see it. i assure you putin disagrees. how hard of a fucking concept is that for you PME educated people to grasp? it's not about your viewpoint or your truth.

    jfc people.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Lawman said:

    This whole “view it from their perspective,” is fine. But let’s not pretend they base that perspective on reality.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    that's fine, just dont tell me it's possible for ukraine to defeat russia in a long, protracted conflict. THAT is fantasy land and ignores the long russian tradition of starting slow, then rumbling to a brutal victory.

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  5. 19 hours ago, raimius said:


    Ukraine is fighting an existential war vs. Russia pursuing an entirely optional one. 

    so i agree with you from a western perspective.

    but i'd imagine russia doesn't hold the same perspective. try to see the game thru your opponents eyes and not western ones.

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  6. 16 hours ago, hindsight2020 said:

    holy jesús carpintero on a mule cart, now the Ukrainian flag is a proxy for covid lockdown sycophant ? the anti-vaxxxers have officially jumped the shark. 

    The point my friend is to illustrate how easily people are manipulated to jump 100% on whatever cause the media declares. It’s not necessarily a proxy, but there is definitely a common thread between Ukraine die hards and COVID die hards 

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  7. On 8/31/2023 at 7:50 PM, bfargin said:

    Well as I also mentioned I've been reading more recently and since I have a research background I can buzz through articles fairly quickly to see patterns and at least decently sort out some chaff. But I admit I'm not an expert or that knowledgable about all of the history behind the USSR and her satellite controlled countries/regions.

    I'm just seeing more and more data that supports the idea that the end is not looking good for Ukraine in spite of what the West keeps saying. A sampling of world news is writing that it's a lot more dire for everyone than we like to think.

    Maybe its worth it to us to destroy Ukraine while making Russia spend money like we did in Afghanistan and elsewhere. But we're broke and printing money like toilet paper too.

    ukraine is losing. there is no way they are able to defeat the russian bear.

    which might set us up for a hot war with russia....something the elites want...and something that a few of you on here jerk off to

    • Thanks 1
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  8. 4 minutes ago, dream big said:

    After the Billions of Dollars we invested in their counter offensive !? You are damn right we get a vote on the means to the outcome be it negotiations or other tools of foreign policy. 

    god damn right. support comes with a price. we don't let ukraine dictate the national security policy of the united states.

    a country which before the invasion was touted as the most corrupt in europe. but i bet they're squeaky clean now! and absolutely NO connection to the biden crime family!

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  9. 18 hours ago, pawnman said:

    I've been ordered to do a lot of things that don't work. The question isn't whether they work, or even whether the decisions were smart. The question is whether a bunch of military officers are willing to follow legal orders or not. 

    stop backpedaling

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  10. On 8/29/2023 at 11:29 AM, pawnman said:

    No...I said I'd be pretty pissed when  I found out people were lying about being vaccinated just so they could disregard SECDEF's guidance on masks. Including UCMJ action for people who choose to lie, to my face, about their vaccination status in order to not wear a mask. 

    Integrity first, unless it's something I don't want to do...

    I was always clear that I believed Biden and the DoD had the legal authority to order military members to get vaccinated. That's very different than believing that the federal government should force every citizen to get vaccinated. 

    Like...I literally can't say this any more simply. Y'all have built a strawman, and you're clutching it with both hands so you can keep beating on it.

    Both of which, masks and the vax, didn’t work. OOPS!

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