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Posts posted by VMFA187

  1. 50 minutes ago, Negatory said:


    I didn’t really recall outrage about Trump travel bans from a racism perspective. Turns out, that’s because it’s more of a republican talking point than reality.

    Show me some examples if I’m wrong.

    You are an idiot. Like, legitimately fucking stupid.

    As, I'm assuming, an officer, how can you be so blind?

    • Haha 2
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  2. 22 hours ago, Alpharatz said:

    Actually..I do feel pretty bad ..In any case If I had been there and watched him shoot a man with his rifle ..I think that it's probably 75-25 that I would have shot the kid if he didn't instantly comply..esp. if he turned towards me..No video..no hours of analysis....no goofy judges and lawyers...nothing but a kid?..with a rifle..that he just used to drop someone..with me possibly next...well that kid was found not guilty of anything...makes me feel kind of dumb..eh?   I apologize for the digression..

    Fear has embraced you. 

    Let us hope that most are not like you. 

    • Like 4
  3. 41 minutes ago, Prozac said:

    Except vaccines work best when the majority of the population is vaccinated. Even with the less than perfect effectiveness of the current vaccines, a highly vaccinated population will give COVID far less opportunity to spread and perhaps more importantly, to mutate. Also, even young, healthy adults are highly likely to catch this bug at some point. The vaccine may well mean the difference between a case of the sniffles or an extended stay in the hospital with potential “long covid” complications down the road. Seems like a win-win to me. But what seems to be the unequivocal opinion of the nay sayers is: it’s all about me. I don’t feel vulnerable & fuck those who are (or may be going home to family members who are). I guess that’s where we’re at as a country these days. Not willing to make even small changes in our behavior for the greater good. It’s a bit depressing. 

    Fuck those expecting healthy people to take a vaccine that works marginally at best and which we have absolutely no knowledge of the potential long term, adverse effects. Its been out for what, not even a year? Most vaccines don't come to market for 8-10 years ... This has made it to market in months.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Prozac said:

    For you and the rest of the crowd who keep harping on the point that COVID disproportionately affects people with comorbidities, please help me understand the point you are trying to make:

    Is it that there really is no crisis since only fat and elderly people are at risk?

    Is it that healthy people should skip vaccination and/or other mitigation strategies?

    Is it that there is some sort of media conspiracy intent on hiding the truth from us?

    I guess my questions boil down to: Should we, as a nation/society, adopt a different strategy based on the fact that comorbidities are at a higher risk level? 

    It is not my responsibility to subsidize other people's poor decisions or years lived. If they want to get the vaccine to protect them, amazing! Go for it, I don't care. But why are you forcing others to get it who don't need it? The vaccine "works" you say, right? Then why are others being forced to take it or risk losing the ability to care for their family, attend school, etc...? Shouldn't they be protected according to your viewpoint?

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  5. 2 hours ago, Pooter said:

    That's why you should choose to not even partake in their dumb game. Eventually  people will come to see your side as the one with standards and credibility. Eternally engaging in shit slinging with people who are always willing to stoop lower than you is a losing battle. 

    I think you're giving the average American a lot more credit than you probably should. 

    • Sad 1
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  6. 5 minutes ago, Pooter said:

    Yes. Which doesn't make it okay. Calling yourself "project veritas" and then exhibiting the exact same behavior as the dumpster fire MSM is exactly the problem. 

    If you want to hold a moral high ground over the MSM and the left in general, you actually have to conduct yourself to a higher standard than they do. 

    It's hard to win when your opponent plays by an entirely difference set of rules.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Pooter said:

    Not to speak for @Prozac but I do want to clarify something. 

    You can be pro-vaccine and debate people's reasons for refusing the vax without being pro-mandate. I'm extremely anti-mandate (for the civilian population) but still think the reasons I've seen in the thread for vaccine refusal are horribly misinformed. 

    Honestly, refusing the vaccine simply as a middle finger to the mandates is a far better reason than the parade of semantics and copypasta I've seen here.

    Why are you pro-mandate for the military? It is one of the least at-risk populations in the world. 

    • Upvote 2
  8. That is the problem. There is no allowable gray area - Strictly black and white. This is almost solely because of the White House and how they've handled this. 

    If you've had covid and have the anti-bodies, per the Israeli study of over 2 million people who were either vaccinated or caught covid, those with natural anti-bodies were between 6 and 13 times less likely to get covid a second time than the vaccinated were likely to catch it. Why should they be forced to get the vaccine?

    Additionally, medical exemptions are being treated as anything such with the only available exemption, at least in California, being that you have had a documented adverse reaction to an ingredient in the vaccine. The California Medical Board sent out letters to all California certified physicians stating such and informing the physicians that any who disobeyed would face possible loss of licensure. 

    I presented my employer, a major defense contractor, a German study that showed a 4% increase in occurrence and/or severity for seizures for those diagnosed with epilepsy and was told that doesn't qualify for an exemption and I just recovered from covid last week and have demonstrated anti-bodies. 

  9. 12 hours ago, MCO said:

    I think most people accept that fact. Obvious extremists on both sides. It’s just the callousness of not caring enough about those at risk in the population to not get the shot and help limit it’s spread. I’m not for mandating it. I do think using what used to be the arguments crazy anti vaxxers used but that are now mainstream to not get a shot is caring more about yourself than others, but that’s your choice. If I’m lucky enough to live to be 70+ I hope the generations behind us care more about us than we do of our elders.

    The vast majority of those with comorbidities are self-induced. If they don't care enough about themselves to resolve their own situation, why should I be compelled to help them potentially putting myself at risk receiving a "vaccine" that doesn't prevent you from getting the virus, doesn't prevent you from spreading the virus, and has no long term history of known side effects because it still has over a year to complete testing?

    • Upvote 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, ecugringo said:

    Just read Colin Powel passed from Covid and was fully vaxed.  I read last week some guy who won an emmy who was like 53 passed as well from COVID and vaxed.  Then I also saw a college kid at UGA died as well and was vaxed.  

    I live in CO, 24% of all 900 hospitilizations are fully vaxed.  If the other 76% were, would they be in the hospital or is it just bad luck?  CO is one of the most vaxed states yet we are in our 2nd biggest wave.  We also have a city cop suing the city over forced to be vaxed who is not paralyzed.  I know there is a 33 yr old woman in Pittsburgh who also was paralyzed from the vaccine.  I personally know a college girl who was on scholarship and now has the heart inflamation from the vax.  At this point with all the breakthrough/need for boosters cases you can legitimately question the effectivness of shot.

    The shot also doesnt end this.  It might help the burden on hospitals but thats really it.

    He too was suffering from cancer but none of the headlines and only few of the articles mention that. 

    • Like 1
  11. So I saw a video where the president said, "You know who has vaccine mandates? Fox News." Then he proceeded to smirk as if it were a joke. 

    Making light of the fact that he is forcing individuals to either maintain their body autonomy for a vaccine, that isn't actually functioning as a vaccine and won't finish clinical trials for another year, or being able to provide for their family is probably one of the shadiest things I've seen of any of our leaders in recent times. 


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  12. 1 hour ago, KWings06j said:

    Looking for advice on short term investments. I've got a sizeable chunk of change from selling my house that I need to figure out what to do with. I'm going to be renting for the next couple years and then looking to buy again when the market has hopefully returned to sanity. Main concern is just not losing buying power to inflation but also want to make sure I'm not going to lose half of it in the next correction. Any advice?

    Crypto. Seriously. 

  13. 47 minutes ago, dogfish78 said:

    No disrespect, but is this new news to you about YouTube (owned by Google, owned by Alphabet Inc., funded by the C.I.A.) censoring videos? The reason I ask is because I’ve known about it for years now, but it’s interesting when others say they’re just now noticing it. I don’t take it against the individual, but it’s appalling the level of information control they have over the individual especially as algorithms are doing most of the work censoring.


    1 hour ago, arg said:

    I'm with Dogfish - This has been blatantly obvious all over every aspect of social media. 

    • Upvote 1
  14. 8 minutes ago, DosXX said:

    Tbh I'm privy to this argument as a compromise. I'd be in favor of eliminating all public health mandates as long as all unvaccinated were denied medical services (absent any exceptions) relating to COVID. It's against the spirit of the health profession though so it would never happen.

    Let's deny all obese people medical care that is related to their choices too - I'm down!

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